REBEL Core Cast – Basics of EM – Head Injury

Posted by Marco Torres on

Take Home Points

  • Patients >65 or suspected of intoxication are at high risk for bleeds – scan them!!
  • Epidural has a lucent period – be wary of decompensation and perform frequent re-evals.
  • Anti-coagulated patients must be reversed. FFP takes hours to work, PCC takes minutes.
  • Nasal fractures – examine septum for hematoma – need to drain these to avoid saddle nose deformity.
  • Remember mechanism – what caused them to fall – consider syncope workup.
  • Make sure you check the ears for hemotympanum
  • Always walk your patients prior to discharge
  • Scalp lacerations can bleed, A LOT, make sure to identify small arterial bleeds and perform multi level closure if necessary

REBEL Core Cast – Basics of EM – Head Injury

Click here for Direct Download of the Podcast


Guyon J Hill, MD, FACEP, FAAP
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Dell Children’s Medical Center/University of Texas at Austin – Dell Medical School
Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center
Austin, Texas

Post Peer Reviewed By: Anand Swaminathan, MD (Twitter: @EMSwami)

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