REBEL Core Cast – Basics of EM – Intoxication

Posted by Marco Torres on

Take Home Message

  • Do not ignore abnormal vital signs – they can be the harbinger of badness
  • Watch out for developing withdrawal, treat early and aggressively
  • These patients are a major fall risk – keep rails up, place on safety observation
  • Obtain a CT Head for anyone with external signs of trauma
  • EtOH level not predictive of sobriety – don’t routinely obtain EtOH levels, assess for clinical sobriety
  • Give thiamine to prevent Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

REBEL Core Cast – Basics of EM – Intoxication

Click here for Direct Download of the Podcast


John Said Kashani
Faculty Attending, Director of Medical Toxicology Services
St. Jospeh’s University Medical Center

Paterson, New Jersey

Post Peer Reviewed By: Anand Swaminathan, MD (Twitter: @EMSwami)

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