Toxidrome Recognition and Response in Chemical-Weapons Attacks | NEJM

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Toxidrome Recognition and Response in Chemical-Weapons Attacks | NEJM

In this animated Double Take video from the New England Journal of Medicine,
viewers are guided through the recognition of and medical response to a
fictional terrorist attack involving chemical warfare agents. Based on a review
article published in NEJM ("Toxidrome Recognition in Chemical-Weapons
Attacks," by G.R. Ciottone, in the April 26, 2018, issue, available here: , the video discusses
several classes of agents, the clinical presentations of persons exposed to the
agents, and antidotes. It also demonstrates how first responders use knowledge
of toxidromes and mitigation techniques to deal with this fictional scenario.

The New England Journal of Medicine is the world’s leading general medical
journal. Continuously published for over 200 years, NEJM publishes
peer-reviewed research along with interactive clinical content for physicians,
educators, and the global medical community at

En este video animado Double Take del New England Journal of Medicine,
los espectadores son guiados a través del reconocimiento y la respuesta médica a un
Ataque terrorista ficticio con agentes de guerra química. Basado en una revisión
artículo publicado en NEJM ("Toxidrome Recognition in Chemical-Weapons
Attacks", de G.R. Ciottone, en la edición del 26 de abril de 2018, disponible aquí: el video analiza
varias clases de agentes, las presentaciones clínicas de las personas expuestas al
agentes y antídotos. También demuestra cómo los socorristas utilizan el conocimiento
de toxicromes y técnicas de mitigación para hacer frente a este escenario ficticio.

The New England Journal of Medicine es la publicación médica general líder en el mundo.
diario. Publicado continuamente durante más de 200 años, NEJM publica
investigación revisada por pares junto con contenido clínico interactivo para médicos,
educadores y la comunidad médica mundial en

Current risks factors and emerging biomarkers for bone stress injuries in military personnel. Monitoring physiology using wearables—ovulation, sleep and stress—offer potential to inform prevention strategies

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