Each color-coded system provides the medical dosage information (except for infusion drugs) and size related equipment you need for a child's emergency resuscitation. A reference at each weight zone on the tape shows pre-calculated medication dosages. Designated resuscitation equipment is contained in corresponding, color coded equipment pouches (not included).
The 2019 version of the Broselow Reference Tape will be compliant with the most current PALS Standards and will include the following:
• Pre-calculated doses - without the need for dosage calculation you remove the risk of human error and save critical seconds.
• A habitus adjustment to account for obesity by way of the tape weight estimation.
• Without the use of the habitus adjustment the tape provides an accurate calculation of ideal body weight, over actual body weight, which is preferred for many emergency medications.
• Includes more crucial medications for EMS and the ER.
• Includes Quick Access Meds, for any medications needed immediately.
• Each
• Box of 5 (Save Even More)
*If the healthcare provider incorporates a visual estimate of body habitus into the prediction, the accuracy of the estimate of actual patient weight is improved as confirmed in multiple studies. Specifically, for drug dosing the patient's length-based dosing zone if the child appears overweight. Thus, incorporating a visual estimate of whether the child is over-weight provides a simple method to predict weight that appears to be clinically relevant given the rise of obesity in the United States.
Looking for a Board? Check out our Pediatric Immobilization Kit with full color coded straps included! Works great with the Broselow Pediatric Emergency Tape