Tactical Medicine Provider I Tactical Medic Advanced Course
Advanced PROVIDER Course

Tactical Medicine Provider
Advanced Course
The Tactical Medicine Provider - Advanced Course is the continuation of the Basic course, designed to teach basic and advanced tactical medicine to all medical personnel and public safety professionals, including EMTs / paramedics, firefighters, LEOs, medical professionals, and others who respond to high-risk medical emergencies facing our communities.
This course is perfect for those departments with established SWAT medic units, who want to expand the knowledge base of new personnel, or reinforce specific topics.

This 16+ hour, two-day course serves as the culmination of the recommended initial 4-day TACMED immersion experience, leaving the participant with the confidence and competence to perform as a viable member of a Tactical Medic Team.
- Torso Injuries
- Head, Neck, and Spine Injuries
- Conventional Threats & Weapons
- Extremity Injuries
- Medications in the Tactical Environment
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Weapons of Mass Destruction/CBNRE considerations
- HAZMAT and Clandestine Drug Lab considerations
- Challenges in Tactical Medicine
- Basic K-9 Care
- Prolonged Field Care (Modified)
- Tactical and Surgical Airway Management
- Patient Packing
- IV/IO access
- Tactical Patient Care Scenarios
These are just some of the topics we include in this dynamic, high speed, 2-day course. However, as with any course, they can be modified to suit departmental needs.
These courses are "MEDICAL" courses and are designed to ensure the student has a solid, didactic foundation to perform the medical mission. They are not heavily "TACTICAL" as this detracts from the intent of the course. Live fire and Tactics can be implemented by the home department once the student obtains the essential tactical medical knowledge to work as part of a team. Our purpose and goal are to pass on the skills and knowledge necessary to help each team member become skilled lifesavers.
Having said that, these courses are taught by experienced former members of Special Operations Units, Military Veterans, and Current Active Law Enforcement offices & Firefighters, most of whom are in SWAT units. As such, an additional "Range Day" can be scheduled to work on anything from basic firearm fundamentals to live fire rescues.
These courses are not open enrollment, nor are they regularly scheduled throughout the year.
They are designed for groups that will be working together and implementing the knowledge, skills, and tactics, as part of a cohesive unit.
If you are a unit training officer or designated tactical medicine provider, please contact us and let's discuss how we can bring this training to your unit or department.