Banishing Busy: Part 2
Medical professionals are busy people and exist in a constant state of “being busy.” How do we resolve chronic “busy-ness”? How do we manage our time effectively? In her recent...
Brian Barbas, MD |
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Medical professionals are busy people and exist in a constant state of “being busy.” How do we resolve chronic “busy-ness”? How do we manage our time effectively? In her recent...
Brian Barbas, MD |
Medical professionals are busy people and exist in a constant state of “being busy.” How do we resolve chronic “busy-ness”? How do we manage our time effectively? In her recent...
Brian Barbas, MD |
The year 2020 has been a year of upheaval. The COVID pandemic revealed disparities in healthcare and its effects on marginalized groups such as the Black community. The pervasive effects...
Al'ai Alvarez, MD |
Providing medical care for patients at the frontline can be physically demanding. Exercise is an important part of a routine that can help mitigate the physiologic stressors that come with...
Christian Rose, MD |
Times are hard, work is stressful. With 24/7 news and constant global pandemic updates, our once prized “work stays at work and home stays at home” mentality can be hard...
Sarah Mott, MD |
A 35-year-old female emergency medicine physician presents for evaluation for severe myalgias, headache, fatigue, mild nasal congestion, profound anosmia, cough, and subjective fevers and chills. She has no measured temperature...
Dina Wallin, MD |
Given overcrowded hospitals and limited availability of personal protective equipment (PPE), showing up for work can feel like entering a battleground without ammunition for many physicians during the COVID-19 outbreak...
Christian Rose, MD |
Many companies have stepped up, eager to encourage and support those of us on the “front lines.” Here are some discounts and freebies that might help mitigate internal and external...
Sarah Mott, MD |
A 32-year-old male presents for evaluation of fever and mild dry cough. His vital signs are stable and within normal limits, he is in no respiratory distress, and he looks...
Shuhan He, MD |
To address the growing issue of physician suicide, the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD), in collaboration with AAEM, ACEP, ACOEP, EMRA, RSA, RSO and SAEM, annually join forces...
Katie Rebillot, DO |
The 2014 year has been amazing. As 2015 approaches, the ALiEM team has gotten quite reflective and thankful for the past amazing 12 months. We can track many things through Google Analytics, but there's nothing...
Michelle Lin, MD |
We are undergoing some server upgrades before our two fellowships begin on July 1. Let's all cross our fingers and toes that we can move the 1,000+ posts and database safely...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Welcome superstar Dr. Matt Astin to the ALiEM blog family. Matt is the Clinical Assistant Professor of EM and IM at Medical Center of Central Georgia, Mercer University School of...
Michelle Lin, MD |
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