REBEL Core Cast 56.0 – Wound Care III – Pitfalls
Take Home Points If youre concerned about a retained foreign body make sure to get imaging There is a higher risk of wound infection associated with age, diabetes, wound size,...
Marco Torres |
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Take Home Points If youre concerned about a retained foreign body make sure to get imaging There is a higher risk of wound infection associated with age, diabetes, wound size,...
Marco Torres |
Background: A patient presents to the emergency department (ED) for medical treatment. After comprehensive evaluation and management, the patient’s condition improves and you prepare to discharge the patient home. The...
Marco Torres |
Background Information: Over one year into the pandemic many therapies to treat COVID-19 have targeted innumerable aspects of the virus. Most recently, the use of corticosteroids to treat the virus’...
Marco Torres |
Background: Occlusion myocardial infarction (OMI) is defined as acute coronary occlusion or near occlusion with insufficient collateral circulation leading to downstream myocardial infarction. Currently, we use STEMI ECG criteria to...
Marco Torres |
Take-Home Points: The conditions needed to achieve flow are: Clear goals Immediate feedback Balance between challenge and skill We can use the flow state to supercharge our productivity. Establish clear...
Marco Torres |
Background: Hyponatremia is one of the most common electrolyte abnormalities seen in clinical practice. Under-correction could lead to cerebral edema, whereas overcorrection could result in osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS). The...
Marco Torres |
Take Home Points There is no strict golden hour for wound closure. Location, contamination and patient factors all should be taken into account Dog bites can be closed primarily. Bites...
Marco Torres |
Background: In 2019 the World Health Organization listed “Antimicrobial Resistance” as a top 10 threat to global health. This was echoed in a 2021 document. [WHO 2019, WHO 2021] The...
Marco Torres |
Background: Head up (HUP) CPR is an emerging concept. The theory behind HUP is it allows for venous blood to drain from the brain to the heart thereby decreasing intracranial pressure...
Marco Torres |
Background A previous ALiEM post from 2013 by an EM pharmacist colleague argued the case against one-time vancomycin doses in the ED prior to discharge. The take-home points from this...
Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, FASHP |
Background: Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) is defined as acute coronary injury resulting in ischemia and myocardial infarction. The diagnosis is made based on clinical presentation and non-specific electrocardiogram (ECG) changes...
Marco Torres |
Background: It has long been thought that intravenous contrast can lead to acute kidney injury. Recent data, however, has called this dogmatic teaching into question. Unfortunately, the data arguing against...
Marco Torres |
In emergency medicine, the standard of care is to place an advanced airway for ventilatory or oxygenation failure, impending airway compromise, or inability to protect the airway. A patient with...
Marco Torres |
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