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for all orders over $99.99 within the CONTINENTAL USA.

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On the checkout page, you may use the Shop app or enter your details manually. If the Shop app is not working, or perfer not to use it, simply skip it and scroll down the page to enter your details.

Please note:  Some brands such as North American Rescue, restrict their products for export.  We may be unable to fill international orders containing products from specific brands. 

 If you receive a checkout error for a restricted product, that is likely the case.   Should you have any questions regarding that, please let us know.


Shipping to Military or Diplomatic Addresses

Military mailing addresses in the US have a unique format that must be input in a specific way. If the address is entered incorrectly, then the order may not display the proper shipping option, leading to checkout failure.

There are 3 different types of US military address:

  • Army/Air Post Office (APO)
  • Fleet Post Office (FPO)
  • Diplomatic Post Office (DPO)

Using the following guidelines will ensure a smooth checkout:

  • The recipients name must be entered into the Name fields, but their rank is optional.
  • The PSC and BOX numbers for AP addresses, or the UNIT and BOX numbers for FPO and DPO addresses, must both be in the Address field.
  • The City field must contain only APO, FPO, or DPO. Don't enter the name of the city.
  • United States must be selected in the Country/Region field.
  • Armed Forces AmericasArmed Forces Europe, or Armed Forces Pacific must be selected in the State field. These location might be entered in abbreviated form by your customer as Armed Forces America (AA), Armed Forces Europe (AE), or Armed Forces Pacific (AP).

If you're unsure of some of the address information or are still having problems, then send us a message and we will be happy to troubleshoot it together.

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Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information