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EM Match Advice 37: EM Program Directors Reflect on the 2022 Match

Michael Gisondi, MD |

EM Match Advice 10 year table residency match

In this 37th episode of EM Match Advice, we discuss the results of the 2021-22 EM Residency Match with lots of shocking numbers and surprises to review. The table above lists the trends and data since 2014, extracted from the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) site [1]. Could this have been foreseen? What does this mean for the 2022-23 EM Match season? In this podcast, Dr. Mike Gisondi and Dr. Michelle Lin host the following esteemed panel of 3 program directors to review this juicy table and discuss the future:

  • Dr. Abra Fant (Northwestern University)
  • Dr. Sara Krzyzaniak (Stanford University)
  • Dr. Bonnie Kaplan (Denver Health)

More Numbers from ERAS/AAMC by Program

emergency medicine EM Match Advice ERAS table

EM Match Advice Podcast


Read and Listen to the Other EM Match Advice Episodes

Blog posts: https://www.aliem.com/em-match-advice-series/


References and Additional Reading

  1. National Residency Match Program: Data and Reports
  2. Pelletier-Bui AE, Schnapp BH, Smith LG, et al. Making Our Preference Known: Preference Signaling in the Emergency Medicine Residency Application. West J Emerg Med. 2021;23(1):72-75. Published 2021 Dec 17. doi:10.5811/westjem.2021.10.53996. PMID 35060866
  3. Preference/Program Signaling (PS) in Emergency Medicine. CORD website, 2022.

Author information

Michael Gisondi, MD

Michael Gisondi, MD

Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Education

Department of Emergency Medicine

Stanford University
Editor, ALiEM EM Match Advice series

The post EM Match Advice 37: EM Program Directors Reflect on the 2022 Match appeared first on ALiEM.

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