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    Ep 143 Priapism and Urinary Retention: Nuances in Management

    Anton Helman |

    This month's main episode podcast on Urologic Emergencies -  Priapism and Urinary Retention asks: for priapism how much time to do we have to fix it before there’s irreversible tissue damage? How is priapism managed differently depending on the cause? What is the value of a corporal blood gas for managing priapism? What are the indications for cavernosal phenylephrine injections? What are the common medications that cause urinary retention that we often miss leading to needless recurrent urinary retention? Why is a suprapubic catheter in many respects safer than a urethral catheter for managing urinary retention? Which patients are at high risk for complications of post-obstructive diuresis? and many more...

    The post Ep 143 Priapism and Urinary Retention: Nuances in Management appeared first on Emergency Medicine Cases.

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