Diagnose on Sight: Bilateral Leg Rash
Case: A pre-teen girl, living in central California, recently started on fluconazole, now presenting with a bilateral leg rash. What is your diagnosis? Click on the image for a larger view.
Jeff Riddell, MD |
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Case: A pre-teen girl, living in central California, recently started on fluconazole, now presenting with a bilateral leg rash. What is your diagnosis? Click on the image for a larger view.
Jeff Riddell, MD |
Está tratando a un paciente con celulitis en la parte inferior de la pierna izquierda. La enfermera establecerá un acceso intravenoso, extraerá análisis de sangre y administrará analgesia y antibióticos....
Jeff Siegler, MD |
Doc, ¿qué es este sarpullido que pica? Respuesta: Dermatitis de contacto por hiedra venenosa Vemos una variedad de erupciones en el Departamento de Emergencias. El primer paso es describir con...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Burn classification and management are key skills for ED providers to remember. Depending on the prevalence of burns in your ED, it may be hard for forget the details. So here is a PV reference card...
Michelle Lin, MD |
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