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APPLY NOW: 2018 Essentials of Emergency Medicine (EEM) Education Fellowship Program

Michelle Lin, MD |

essentials of emergency medicineThe Essentials of Emergency Medicine (EEM) conference is in May 2018, but opportunities start NOW. This conference is one of the largest live EM educational conferences in the world with over 2,000 attendees, and will once again be held at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas! Led by Dr. Paul Jhun, conference organizers are offering an amazing opportunity for EM residents anywhere in the world to serve as an EEM Fellow for the next EEM conference May 15-17, 2018.

EEM Education Fellowship

EEEM is offering ALiEM 2 mini-fellowship positions to eligible residents anywhere in the world. Those selected to participate will receive:

  • FREE conference registration
  • FREE 4-night hotel stay at the Cosmopolitan Hotel
  • A travel stipend of US $500

As part of the EEM staff, fellows will get a rare opportunity to experience the behind-the-scenes work associated with developing and producing one of the world’s largest and best EM educational conferences. Fellow responsibilities will include online chat moderation, social media management, CME preparation, research projects, and more. A common theme voiced by previous EEM fellows has been the opportunity to interact directly and develop meaningful relationships with the renowned, fun, and master clinician-educators in the EEM faculty.

Quotes from the 2017 EEM Fellows

“This has been one of the most fun and influential things I have done. It was great to see how this event comes together. It was cool to see people who I learn from constantly through their online FOAMed and other learning tools. As someone interested in FOAMed and online education, it was a real motivator to try and figure out my niche and my career goals.” -Moises Gallegos

“This has genuinely been a once in a lifetime opportunity. I forged numerous great friendships and was able to engage with a number of world renowned faculty. I really feel that being a Fellow has opened up so many doors for me. Check back with all of us in a couple of years and I’m sure that all of the Fellows will tell you that great accomplishments were able to be achieved solely because of this amazing opportunity.” –Sameer Sharif

Contest #1: Blog Post

Complete the application form below and submit a blog post on anything clinically or educationally relevant to EM providers. This may be a short clinical pearl, topic review, or a trick of the trade. The blog post should be 700 words or less. Be creative, showcase your educational prowess, and teach us something about a topic that you are passionate about!

Judging Criteria

Your blog post submission will be judged on:

  1. Relevance: How relevant is this submission to EM education and/or clinical practice?
  2. Innovation: How creative and innovative is this submission?
  3. Design: How well is the information presented?
  4. Content: How well did this candidate present the material with respect to clarity, conciseness, accuracy, and references?

Important Dates

  • Deadline for submission: January 15, 2018 at 11:59 pm PST
  • Fellowship winner announcement: January 31, 2018

Questions? Email us.

Ready to Submit Your Blog Post Application?


  1. Your post-graduate year of training
  2. Your EM residency program name, program director’s name, and his/her email
  3. Your email address
  4. Your blog post file (acceptable formats include Microsoft Word, PDF, Google doc, Pages)

Go to Application Submission Site

Contest #2: Visual Design Product

Complete the application form below and submit a visual design piece on anything clinically or educationally relevant to EM providers. This may be an infographic, an illustration, 3D printed piece, animation, creative video, etc. An important element of the design should be ease of sharing through social media to increase the reach and exposure of the educational content. The pieces should be creative, demonstrate visual impact in communication of your topic, showcase your educational prowess, and teach us something about a topic you are passionate about!

A panel of EM educators and designers will select a group of semi-finalist submissions. These will be announced on January 22, 2018 on ALiEM. Final selection of the EEM fellowship winner will be determined via social media voting and announced on ALiEM on January 31, 2018.

Judging Criteria

Your design submission will be judged on:

  1. Relevance: How relevant is this submission to EM education and/or clinical practice?
  2. Innovation: How creative and innovative is this submission?
  3. Design: How well is the information presented?
  4. Reach: How shareable is the design through social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook)?
  5. Content: How well did this candidate present the material with respect to clarity, conciseness, accuracy, references?

Important Dates

  • Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2018 at 11:59 pm PST
  • Design Fellowship semi-finalist group announced on ALiEM: January 22, 2018
  • Voting through social media closes: January 27, 2018
  • Fellowship winner announced on ALiEM: January 31, 2018

Questions? Email us.

Ready to Submit Your Visual Design Application?


  1. Your post-graduate year of training
  2. Your EM residency program name, program director’s name, and his/her email
  3. Your email address
  4. Your design file (some acceptable file formats include MP4, PDF, JPG, TIFF, GIF, DOC)

Go to Application Submission Site


Author information

Michelle Lin, MD

ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco

The post APPLY NOW: 2018 Essentials of Emergency Medicine (EEM) Education Fellowship Program appeared first on ALiEM.

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