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Madera Incrustada en tronco tras caer de parapente TRAUMA de Torax

EMS Solutions International |


Hay más de 650 músculos en tu cuerpo:
Los músculos se dividen en diferentes categorías, cada una con su función y contribución únicas.
1. Los músculos esqueléticos, unidos a los huesos, impulsan tus movimientos voluntarios como caminar y saltar.
2. Los músculos lisos, que se encuentran en los órganos internos, controlan procesos involuntarios como la digestión.
3. Los músculos cardíacos mantienen el corazón latiendo incansablemente, asegurando la circulación de sangre y oxígeno.
Crédito: SciePro
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 Crashed Microlight Pilot Gets Impaled Through Shoulder By Tree

Paddy Maddison in
For most, a nasty splinter can be, at worst, a mild inconvenience. However, one Belarusian pilot took things to another level entirely when his paratrike crashed into woodland and he found himself the proud owner of what is probably the biggest splinter the world has ever seen.

Ivan Krasouski had been out flying his paratrike (basically a type of microlight) over some countryside not far from Minsk when a strap snapped and he span out of control.

The 36-year-old crashed into woodland and a sharp branch impaled his shoulder as he made his landing.

Rescuers arrived, telling Krasouski that he would bleed to death if they removed the piece of wood. So instead, they cut him free from the wreckage and carted him off to hospital with the branch still in place.Credit: East2West News
Credit: East2West News

Initially, the pierced pilot didn't even realise what had happened.

"I'm thinking, 'I fell so softly, all is okay,'" he said in hospital. "'I'll stand up and go...' then... something holds me back.

"I looked and it was a giant log there. I tore my shirt and there was a branch in my arm, thick as a watermelon.

"Like in ancient times people were put on a stake... I was impaled."

Incredibly, Krasouski didn't even seem too fazed by the massive tree sticking out of his upper body and even managed to crack a shit joke.

"My classmate arrived. He works as a rescuer," he said. "He sawed off the log from one side, then from the other.

"Many people came. I told them - 'Take out this splinter,' and they say 'No, are you crazy? If we take it away, you'll bleed to death.

"I was like, 'I am Groot!' and I went to the ambulance with this log embedded in me."

He even felt fit enough to pose for pictures in the hospital and update his social media accounts.

Once he had finished making Guardians of the Galaxy references and taking videos of himself, surgeons were able to operate and successfully remove the giant splinter from his shoulder.

He is now at home making his recovery

Featured Image Credit: East2West News

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¿Qué es el parto velado "Parto Empelicado" o nacer con bolsa intacta? by NATALBEN.com

Balística de las heridas: introducción para los profesionales de la salud, del derecho, de las ciencias forenses, de las fuerzas armadas y de las fuerzas encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2017/04/balistica-de-las-heridas-introduccion.html
Guía para el manejo médico-quirúrgico de heridos en situación de conflicto armado by CICR http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2017/09/guia-para-el-manejo-medico-quirurgico.html

CIRUGÍA DE GUERRA TRABAJAR CON RECURSOS LIMITADOS EN CONFLICTOS ARMADOS Y OTRAS SITUACIONES DE VIOLENCIA VOLUMEN 1 C. Giannou M. Baldan CICR http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com.es/2013/01/cirugia-de-guerra-trabajar-con-recursos.html

Manual Suturas, Ligaduras, Nudos y Drenajes. Hospital Donostia, Pais Vasco. España http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2017/09/manual-suturas-ligaduras-nudos-y.html

Técnicas de Suturas para Enfermería ASEPEYO y 7 tipos de suturas que tienen que conocer estudiantes de medicina http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2015/01/tecnicas-de-suturas-para-enfermeria.html

Manual Práctico de Cirugía Menor. Grupo de Cirugia Menor y Dermatologia. Societat Valenciana de Medicina Familiar i Comunitaria http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2013/09/manual-practico-de-cirugia-menor.html

Protocolo de Atencion para Cirugia. Ministerio de Salud Publica Rep. Dominicana. Marzo 2016 http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2016/09/protocolo-de-atencion-para-cirugia.html
Manual de esterilización para centros de salud. Organización Panamericana de la Salud http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2016/07/manual-de-esterilizacion-para-centros.html


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