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Revisión rápida de bloqueos cardíacos. Heart Blocks Quick Review

EMS Solutions International |


Heart Blocks Quick Review:

1. 3rd Degree Block

Rate: Atrial rate > Ventricular rate
Rhythm: Atrial Regular, Ventricular regular. There is no relationship between the P-waves & QRS complexes
P waves: Normal in Size & Shape
PR interval: NA
QRS: Usually Wide (> 0.12 sec) if the block is below the His junction.

2. 1st Degree Block

Rate: Usually within normal range
Rhythm: Regular
P waves: Normal
PR interval: Prolonged (> 5 Small boxes; > 0.20 sec)
QRS: Usually Narrow (≤ 0.12 sec)

3. 2nd Degree Type 2

Rate: Atrial rate > Ventricular rate
Rhythm: Atrial Regular, Ventricular irregular
P waves: Normal in Size & Shape
PR interval: PR interval stays constant; occasional P waves without QRS
QRS: Usually ≥ 0.12 sec with drop QRS complexes

4. 2nd Degree Type 1

Rate: Atrial rate > Ventricular rate
Rhythm: Atrial Regular, Ventricular irregular
P waves: Normal in Size & Shape
PR interval: Progressive lengthening of the PR interval until a beat is dropped (p wave is not followed by a QRS)
QRS: Usually Narrow (≤ 0.12 sec) with drop QRS complexes

For a short video discussion on Heart Blocks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk232G5ilro

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