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EMS Solutions International |



Safe medical care - even under difficult conditions

One of the most important tasks of paramedics on the battlefield, is to recover wounded soldiers as quickly as possible, ensuring first aid treatment and the following corresponding medical care. Under enemy fire, they often risk their own lives. In its different ambulance versions, the DINGO 2  makes a vital contribution to the improvement of the protected transport of wounded persons.

The capability profile of the DINGO 2 Ambulance
  • At the same time up to three reclining or four seated injured persons can be transported and attended to medically.
  •  Modular application setup
  • High flexibility in the field: transport of up to three reclining or four seated injured persons
  • Simple and ergonomic accommodation of injured persons
  • Headroom: 1,35 m
  • Protected cell volume: 11m3
  • Potential for additional armament and protection: 2t
  • Gross vehicle weight: 12,5 t
  • Same high level of protection and mobility as with all DINGO 2 variants

DINGO 2 Emergency Vehicle
With the DINGO 2 Emergency Vehicle isolation, treatment and transportation of contaminated persons next to providing a highly protected medical transport capability is possible for the first time. A worldwide innovation.
Capabilities amongst others are:
  • Special equipment: personnel treatment module for transport and treatment of contaminated persons
  • State-of-the-art emergency equipment based on decades of experience with medical emergency air MEDEVAC
  • Transport of one contaminated or two reclining persons
  • Protected cell volume: 13m³

DINGO 2 HD Ambulance
The increased-power rated version of this vehicle is the next generation of highly protected, high-volume and highly mobile vehicles based on the already established Dingo 2-family.
  • Casualty management
  • Space for two reclining patients
  • Protected cell volume: 13m3
  • Headroom: 1,63 m
  • Potential for additional armament and protection t: 2,5 t
  • Gross vehicle weight: 14,5 t
  • Increased mobility through 6-cylinder engine with improved performance and an automatic transmission

 KMW: Integrated ambulance service from one source
Whether in heavy terrain or under difficult combat conditions: KMWs ambulance vehicles offer the same level of protection and mobility as comparable combat vehicles. And that's just one of many examples why users from numerous allied countries rely on the medical vehicle expertise from the three letters “KMW”.
Protection and mobility are not just words at KMW. They are core competencies that can be found in each vehicle detail, which demonstrate the tremendous technological standards that KMW has set for itself - and which you can expect of us in your demanding operations. The medical vehicles systems of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann can be equipped and manufactured in varying degrees of complexity: from the basic recovery of wounded to a complete mobile operating room.
The DINGO 2 – Best of its kind
The DINGO 2 is considered the safest and best protected wheeled vehicle in its class. Its innovative safety concept offers its passengers the highest possible protection against anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, IEDs, small arms and fragments from artillery and mortar ammunition. In addition, the DINGO 2 comes equipped with a protection kit against NBC agents.
One platform – multitudinous capabilities
The secrets to the success of the DINGO 2 are its first-class protection and mobility characteristics and its variable equipment concept, which allows specific equipping for current as well as future mission profiles. Just like the broad range of equipment options, the protection cell can also be adapted to suit the needs of the customer. The patrol vehicle cell is offered in various designs for up to 8 occupants, while the large volume cell features doors to the sides and rear and can accommodate a variety of equipment such as a command post, NBC reconnaissance or ambulance.
High performance. Low lifecycle costs. Low maintenance
As an ultra-modern wheeled vehicle, the DINGO 2 is not only well prepared for a variety of mission profiles and extreme terrain, but also for a cost-effective long service life. Its basis is a militarized UNIMOG chassis. This results in low cost for training and instruction of drivers and mechanics. Another economic benefit is also the low-maintenance, durable diesel engine. In addition, the KMW service department offers worldwide vehicle maintenance - directly in the operational area - and also supports the supply of spare parts. Thus, each time the full performance of the vehicles is ensured.
Deployed all over the world
With the DINGO 2, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann have developed a convincing response to the numerous global threat scenarios. More than 800 units of this powerful general protection transport vehicle are under contract for 6 Nations.

Link for more information 

Dr Ramon REYES, MD,
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