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THE °M WARMER SYSTEM A portable blood and IV fluid warming system

EMS Solutions International |

°M Warmer System

posted by Dr. Ramon Reyes, MD 🧩

🩸Sistema de calentamiento °M: de frío a calor en 10 segundos🩸
Cuando los pacientes traumatizados necesitan transfusiones de sangre, cada minuto cuenta. Es por eso que los profesionales de la salud necesitan un calentador de sangre confiable y rápido que pueda suministrar sangre a la temperatura adecuada.

El °M Warmer System es la solución perfecta. Puede calentar la sangre del frío (5°C) a la temperatura corporal en solo 10 segundos. También es pequeño, portátil y fácil de configurar, por lo que puede usarlo en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento.

No permita que la hipotermia comprometa el resultado de su paciente. Elige el sistema °M Warmer y dales la mejor oportunidad de supervivencia.

🩸°M Warmer System – Cold to Warm in 10 Seconds🩸
When trauma patients need blood transfusions, every minute counts. That’s why health care professionals need a reliable and fast blood warmer that can deliver blood at the right temperature.

The °M Warmer System is the perfect solution. It can warm up blood from cold (5°C) to body temperature in just 10 seconds. It’s also small, portable and easy to set up, so you can use it anywhere, anytime.

Don’t let hypothermia compromise your patient’s outcome. Choose the °M Warmer System and give them the best chance of survival.
THE °M WARMER SYSTEM A portable blood and IV fluid warming system

 A Portable Blood and IV Fluid Warming System

°MEQU has developed an IV-blood warmer for emergency transfusions. It’s a portable fluid warmer which warms up blood from cold to body temperature within seconds.

Fast set-up time and intuitive use
The set-up time is less than 30 seconds, and the user-friendly design ensures that the °M Warmer System cannot be assembled incorrectly.

High flow rates and large warming capacity
Blood and other infusion fluids can be heated from 5°C to 37°C at flowrates up to 150 ml/min. One charged battery can heat up to 2 liters of cold fluids (5°C) or 4 liters of fluids at room temperature (21°C) to body temperature.

Low weight and compact design
The °M Warmer System has a compact design and weigh from 760 grams making it portable and ideal for prehospital use.

Adhesive for secure attachment close to the infusion site
The single-use warmer’s small size (10cm x 5cm x 2cm) allows it to be attached to the patient close to the infusion site, using its integrated adhesive pad. This secures infusion site and reduces heat loss in the tubing.

The °M Warmer System is approved for use in helicopters and airplanes.

The °M Warmer System was developed in collaboration with the military and special forces. The small volume, robust design and low weight make the °M Warmer ideal for use in extreme military situations

The °M Warmer System is approved for use in helicopters and airplanes. The lightweight and portable design make the °M Warmer ideal for emergency transfusions in the air

Paramedics must act fast and speed is crucial in trauma situations. The °M Warmer System’s fast and foolproof set-up allows for vital treatment to start before arrival at the hospital.

The °M Warmer System is designed to be ideal to use under stressful situations in hospitals. It is small and portable and therefore fast to use when the patient arrives at the hospital or continue the blood transfusion started during transit.

Being able to provide emergency transfusion in the air, is essential for more and more Helicopter Emergency Services.

The °M Warmer System provides a fast and foolproof setup and allows for vital treatments to start as soon as possible.

The light weight and small volume of the °M Warmer minimize the equipment brought into the air, while still having the capacity to warm 4 bags of cold blood (5°C) on a single charge of the battery.

Moreover, the small single use warmer can be attached to the patient with the adhesive next to the IV entrance, thereby reducing the risk of pulling out the catheter during transport in the air.


The °M Warmer System is approved for use in helicopters and airplanes fulfilling the requirements from IEC 60601-1-12:2015, DIN EN 13718-1 and RTCA DO-160 section 21.

The °M Warmer system is classified IP 54 which documents that it is resistant against water, drop, and rough treatment.

Learn how the Hungarian Air Ambulance started Blood on Scene
What are the steps leading up to introducing blood transfusions on scene in an air medical service? Robert Gebei, Medical Director at the Hungarian Air Ambulance gives here a brief introduction on how they began the process. 

How The Hungarian Air Ambulance Started Blood on Scene
Aug 23, 2022

What are the steps leading up to introducing blood transfusions on scene in an air medical service? Robert Gebei, Medical Director at the Hungarian Air Ambulance has shared with us, how they began the process.

The Hungarian Air Ambulance started blood transfusions on scene as a pilot project in one of their air bases in December 2019. After one year of successful work, they extended the capability to all their 7 bases. From the beginning the °MEQU blood and fluid warmer has been an integrated part of the blood transfusion procedure.

Leading up to starting blood transfusions on scene Medical Director, Robert Gebei, and his colleagues had collected insights from other HEMS operators, read research literature and examined their patients’ needs retrospectively.

When the preliminary work was done the medical team made an SOP, discussed possibilities with the national blood bank, assured quality management, bought the cooling systems for the blood products and finally trained every Medical Doctor and HEMSTC in blood transfusions, and in the use of the °MEQU blood warmer.

Since the start of the project, the Hungarian Air Ambulance has performed 65 transfusions. Robert Gebei expects 25-30 transfusions a year at their more active airbases and 12-16 transfusions a year at the other bases.

Why did you choose the °MEQU System?

“First, we tried other systems, but we changed to °MEQU because of the systems durability and super easy use. It works fine, easy to start, and connect. The battery lights make it easy to check battery, the red/blue luer locks makes it easy, and safe in a tough situation.

And we are not only warming blood with °MEQU Warmer, we use it for heating up crystalloids for patients who are hypothermic or severely burnt, and for critically ill children,” explains Robert Gebei, Medical Director, The Hungarian Air Ambulance. 

In trauma situations, paramedics must act fast as minutes are crucial. Patients with substantial bleeding are at risk of hypothermia and when the body core temperature drops, the acidity in the blood increases and the blood loses its ability to coagulate, making it more difficult to stop the bleeding and save the life of the patient1­.

As initiating blood transfusion in the prehospital setting has proven to reduce mortality2, the °M Warmer System can help prevent hypothermia and the related complications.

The °M Warmer System is small and has a fast and easy setup, making it intuitive and easy to use for paramedics when the need is there.

1 Martin, R Shayn et al. Injury-associated hypothermia: an analysis, Shock Vol 24(2), Aug 2005, pp 114
2 Hans Husum, Save Lives Save Limbs, Third World Network, 2000

⚕️As a military medic, you know how important it is to prevent hypothermia in a bleeding patient.

🩸That’s why you need the °M Warmer and Power Pack from °MEQU, the portable blood and IV fluid warming system that can make a difference to any bleeding patient.

️ The °M Warmer System was designed with input from military and special forces medics. It’s simple, fast, and foolproof, and can follow the patient from point of injury to point of treatment.

️ The °M Warmer is a warmer device that can warm up blood from 5°C to 37°C at flow rates up to 150 ml/min.

️ The Power Pack is a rechargeable battery that can warm up to 2 liters of cold fluids on a single charge.

️Don’t let your patients suffer from hypothermia and coagulopathy. With °M Warmer and Power Pack from °MEQU you are prepared to fight hypothermia

#preventhypothermia #militarymedicine #bloodwarmer #mequ #mwarmersystem

Why you want short and thick tubing on your blood warmer

When developing the °M Warmer, a lot of time was put into every detail to ensure the best possible design. This also goes for the tubing.

We wanted to avoid users spending time and resources on warming blood or fluids to body temperature, and then have it run to the patient through a long, thin tubing that would cool down the fluid.

That is why the °M Warmer is very small and lightweight, so it can be placed on the patient right next to the infusion site. And why, the tubing going from the °M Warmer to the infusion site is short and much thicker than normal infusion tubing. The short distance and well insulated tubing reduce heat loss to a minimum.

This means that users can be sure that the blood or fluid entering the patient is still 37°C – or very close to – even at low flow rates.

#mequ #danishdesign #mwarmersystem #innovation #bloodwarmer #fluidwarmer
¿Por qué quieres un tubo corto y grueso en tu calentador de sangre?

Al desarrollar el °M Warmer, se dedicó mucho tiempo a cada detalle para garantizar el mejor diseño posible. Esto también se aplica a la tubería.

Queríamos evitar que los usuarios gastaran tiempo y recursos en calentar la sangre o los fluidos a la temperatura corporal y luego hacerlo llegar al paciente a través de un tubo largo y delgado que enfriaría el fluido.

Es por eso que °M Warmer es muy pequeño y liviano, por lo que se puede colocar en el paciente justo al lado del sitio de infusión. Y por qué, el tubo que va desde el calentador °M hasta el sitio de infusión es corto y mucho más grueso que el tubo de infusión normal. La tubería de corta distancia y bien aislada reduce al mínimo la pérdida de calor.

Esto significa que los usuarios pueden estar seguros de que la sangre o el líquido que entra en el paciente todavía está a 37 °C, o muy cerca, incluso con caudales bajos.

#mequ #danishdesign #mwarmersystem #innovación #bloodwarmer #fluidwarmer

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