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    IATA Medical Manual / Manual Medico de IATA "International Air Transport Association" Free PDF

    EMS Solutions International |

    IATA Medical Manual   / Manual Medico de IATA "International Air Transport Association"  Free PDF 

    Free PDF IATA Medical Manual 12th Edition 2020/ Manual Médico de IATA "International Air Transport Association"  

    Here are 8 changes to air travel during COVID-19 so that we can still #FlySafe. ️ #ReadytoFly
    Learn more about the layered approach to health & safety measures: https://bit.ly/2XWCGHE

    Les Esperamos en nuestro Grupo en TELEGRAM Soc. IberoAmericana de Emergencias

    Medical Manual FREE PDF  

    Download IATA Medical Manual (pdf)

    Para contribuir a un viaje más seguro, nuestros miembros proporcionan desinfectante de manos en los aeropuertos del centro y desinfectan sus aeronaves con mayor regularidad. Obtenga más información sobre las medidas de seguridad de SkyCare&Protect que todos nuestros miembros están siguiendo en

    To contribute to a safer journey, our members provide hand sanitizer throughout hub airports and disinfect their aircraft more regularly. Learn more about the SkyCare&Protect safety measures that all our members are following at bit.ly/OurSafetyPledge

    Restricciones de viaje y regulaciones locales.

    Piloto protector, pasajeros y salud crecida

    Detección, prueba y mitigación

    Consideraciones de seguridad en vuelo

    Nueva realidad de seguridad y riesgos

    Plan de contingencia en destino


    PPE, nuevos equipos médicos y de seguridad.

    Travel restrictions and local regulations 

    Protecting Pilot, Passengers en Grew Health 

    Screening, Testing and Mitigation 

    In-Flight Safety Considerations 
    New Security Reality and Risks
    Contingency Plan at destination
    PPE, new safety and medical equipment

    Airlines, medical faculties of universities, travel medicine training organizations, health organizations and government authorities worldwide share a common interest in airline medicine. IATA has brought together the experience and knowledge of 12 medical directors from airlines of all regions to produce the IATA Medical Manual.
    IATA's medical manual is available for free, in PDF format, replacing former printed editions. It is regularly updated by  IATA's Medical Advisory Group

    An essential reference on health questions for airlines

    This guide focuses on many facets of airline administration and operations from a medical point of view. It can help you:
    • Implement a medical service in your company (you can use the Medical Manual to build on solid foundations)
    • Learn how to answer questions from the media and authorities on medical issues such as passenger health, air crew health and cabin environment
    • Efficiently deal with sick passengers
    • Better handle crisis situations concerning health issues
    • Train your staff on altitude physiology

    Pasos que pueden tomar los pasajeros
    1. Use una máscara
    2. No viaje si no se siente bien
    3. imite el equipaje de mano.
    4. Manténgase alejado de los demás siempre que sea posible
    5. Informe al personal si alguien se encuentra claramente enfermo
    6. Si hay una boquilla de aire superior, ajústela para que apunte directamente a su cabeza y manténgala encendida
    7. Si es posible, permanezca sentado y siga las instrucciones de la tripulación.
    8. Lávese o desinfecte las manos con frecuencia y evite tocarse la cara

    October 1, 2020 Risk of COVID-19 During Air Travel Rui Pombal, MD1; Ian Hosegood, MBBS2; David Powell, MBChB3 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA. Published online October 1, 2020.

    The risk of contracting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during air travel is lower than from an office building, classroom, supermarket, or commuter train.

    How Is COVID-19 Transmitted?

    The virus that causes COVID-19 is emitted when someone talks, coughs, sneezes, or sings, mainly in droplets that can be propelled a short distance, and sometimes in smaller aerosol particles that can remain suspended and travel further. Another person can be infected if these particles reach their mouth or nose, directly or via hands. Transmission via surface contact is also important in some cases.

    How Clean Is the Air in Passenger Aircraft?

    Air enters the cabin from overhead inlets and flows downwards toward floor-level outlets. Air enters and leaves the cabin at the same seat row or nearby rows. There is relatively little airflow forward and backward between rows, making it less likely to spread respiratory particles between rows.

    The airflow in current jet airliners is much faster than normal indoor buildings. Half of it is fresh air from outside, the other half is recycled through HEPA filters of the same type used in operating rooms. Any remaining risk to be managed is from contact with other passengers who might be infectious. Seat backs provide a partial physical barrier, and most people remain relatively still, with little face-to-face contact.

    Despite substantial numbers of travelers, the number of suspected and confirmed cases of in-flight COVID-19 transmission between passengers around the world appears small (approximately 42 in total). In comparison, a study of COVID-19 transmission aboard high-speed trains in China among contacts of more than 2300 known cases showed an overall rate of 0.3% among all passengers. Onboard risk can be further reduced with face coverings, as in other settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained.

    Risk Reduction Steps by Airports and Airlines

    Steps being taken at airports and on board can include temperature testing and/or asking about symptoms (fever, loss of sense of smell, chills, cough, shortness of breath); enhanced cleaning and disinfection; contactless boarding/baggage processing; use of physical barriers and sanitization in airports; physical distancing in airports and during boarding; use of face coverings or masks; separation between passengers on board when feasible; adjustment of food and beverage service to reduce contact; control of access to aisles and bathrooms to minimize contact; limiting exposure of crew members to infection; and facilitation of contact tracing in the event that a passenger develops infection.

    Additional steps being studied are preflight testing for COVID-19 and adjustments to quarantine requirements.

    Steps Passengers Can Take

    Wear a mask, don’t travel if you feel unwell, and limit carry-on baggage. Keep distance from others wherever possible; report to staff if someone is clearly unwell. If there is an overhead air nozzle, adjust it to point straight at your head and keep it on full. Stay seated if possible, and follow crew instructions. Wash or sanitize hands frequently and avoid touching your face.


    Luces de aeronaves. Aviones 


    Medicina Aeronáutica: Conceptos Generales (Libro) PDF Gratis https://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2018/07/medicina-aeronautica-conceptos.html


    IATA Medical Manual / Manual Medico de IATA "International Air Transport Association" Free PDF https://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2011/05/iata-medical-manual-manual-medico-de.html

    Les esperamos en nuestro grupo en TELEGRAM

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    Todas nuestras publicaciones sobre Covid-19 en el enlace


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