-14% sale
North American Rescue Torniquete de aplicación de combate (CAT TQ) Gen. 7 $25.99 $29.99
Destacado como el mejor torniquete prehospitalario en el suplemento de febrero de 2008 de The Journal of Trauma. El torniquete de campo prehospitalario más rápido, seguro y eficaz ¡VENDEMOS SÓLO TORNIQUETES PARA GATOS ORIGINALES de North American Rescue que son NUEVOS! Tenga cuidado con las imitaciones, imitaciones o generaciones anteriores que se venden en E-bay o Amazon. El torniquete de aplicación de combate (CAT) Gen. 7 patentado es un verdadero torniquete de una mano que ha demostrado ser 100% efectivo según el Instituto de Investigación Quirúrgica del Ejército de EE. UU. Numerosas pruebas realizadas por distintos laboratorios durante varios años han demostrado que el CAT® puede obstruir completamente el flujo sanguíneo de una extremidad en caso de una herida traumática con una hemorragia importante. El torniquete de aplicación de combate (CAT) se opera girando un sistema de molinete duradero que contiene una banda interna patentada de libre movimiento. Se ha demostrado que esta combinación proporciona las características de fuerza física necesarias para ocluir el flujo sanguíneo. Esta fuerza también se conoce como presión circunferencial verdadera en la extremidad. Una vez que el torniquete esté adecuadamente apretado, el sangrado cesará y el molinete podrá fijarse en su lugar utilizando los clips de retención bilaterales. El torniquete también cuenta con una correa de retención del molinete que se asegura mediante un gancho y un bucle sobre los clips de retención. Esta correa también se puede utilizar para marcar el momento de aplicación del torniquete para un adecuado manejo médico en el centro de atención definitiva. El exclusivo sistema de seguridad dual del torniquete de aplicación de combate (CAT) es extremadamente fácil de usar en situaciones de estrés de supervivencia o cuando las habilidades motoras finas están comprometidas. MEJORAS DEL PRODUCTO: El Gen 7 cuenta con una hebilla de enrutamiento única para una aplicación más rápida, menor pérdida de sangre, eliminación efectiva de la holgura y menos vueltas del molinete. y capacitación simplificada con estándares de aplicación de protocolo único. La varilla del molinete ha sido reforzada, ahora con un diámetro mayor para mayor resistencia y nervaduras agresivas para un mejor agarre. El clip bilateral del molinete permite un bloqueo rápido del molinete y mayor resistencia. La correa mejorada del molinete cambiada de blanco a gris táctico y soldada sónicamente al clip para un contacto constante que proporciona seguridad segura al molinete y un lugar para documentar el tiempo de aplicación. La placa de estabilización ha sido reforzada con una barra de contacto biselada. La exclusiva punta elíptica roja (Red Tip Technology®) proporciona una guía visual durante la aplicación. El Gen 7 presenta la banda interna patentada de libre movimiento para una verdadera presión circunferencial distribuida uniformemente. DIMENSIONES: Empaquetado: L 6,5 pulg. x An 2,4 pulg. x Pr 1,5 pulg. Longitud abierta: 37,5 pulgadas. Peso: 2,7 onzas
North American Rescue NAR ARS para descompresión con aguja from $9.99
Nuestros kits de descompresión con aguja patentados por ARS® están diseñados para proporcionar la longitud adecuada de aguja/catéter para penetrar el espacio pleural en el 99% de los pacientes. Con sus características de seguridad integradas, el ARS® mejora la probabilidad de éxito en el tratamiento de víctimas que presentan signos y síntomas de neumotórax a tensión. Ahora también disponible con la misma calidad y confiabilidad que nuestra versión actual de calibre 14, el nuevo ARS® de calibre 10 ofrece la opción de una aguja/catéter que tiene aproximadamente un 60% más de diámetro para aquellos clientes que buscan una aguja/catéter de mayor calibre. catéter. La banda de esterilización codificada por colores marrones y el conector del catéter ayudan a distinguirlo de la versión original de calibre 14, que es naranja. ESPECIFICACIONES SEL#: 09MS-02-THOR Aguja/catéter fuerte y confiable: calibre 10 o 14 x 3,25 pulgadas. Tubo protector resistente para aguja/catéter Tapa giratoria texturizada Easy ID con práctico clip Contenedor de fácil apertura para un acceso rápido Cámara flash sin tapa para confirmación inmediata de la colocación de la aguja Tamaño práctico y compacto Patentes de EE. UU. D595,847 y 001002372-0001, Patentes pendientes Dimensiones: Empaquetado: largo 5,7 pulgadas x ancho 0,7 pulgadas x 0,8 pulgadas. Tamaño de la aguja: calibre 10 o 14 x 3,25 pulgadas. Peso: 0,6 onzas
-16% sale
Tasmanian Tiger Paquete de asalto médico del tigre de Tasmania - MK II (estándar) $159.00 $189.00
El paquete no incluye ningún producto médico; se muestran únicamente con fines de visualización. La mochila Tasmanian Tiger Flat Medic es una mochila médica diseñada específicamente y diseñada de forma inteligente con un interior claramente diseñado con paneles extraíbles con cuerdas elásticas ajustables. El sistema MOLLE en la parte frontal y laterales está cortado con láser. Las correas de los hombros se pueden quitar y guardar en una bolsa con cierre de velcro en la parte posterior. La mochila viene con correas para poder adaptarla a un sistema portaplacas o encima de un chaleco. La mochila MK II es de mayor tamaño que la versión PEQUEÑA, lo que permite aún más espacio para transportar productos médicos, sin ocupar demasiado espacio en la espalda. Es el paquete perfecto para un médico de entrada al equipo SWAT o un médico de operaciones especiales que requiere alta movilidad. Características : Correas de hombro desmontables Asa grande para transportar cuando está abierta Puntos de fijación variables internos para almacenar equipos médicos. Bolsa de tijeras Bolsillos interiores transparentes identificados por cierre de velcro de color. Peso de la mochila vacía = 960 g // Peso de la mochila incluidos todos los accesorios = 1,60 kg Marcadores visuales integrados. Placa interior desmontable con trabillas elásticas. Sistema MOLLE cortado con láser Viene con correas adaptadoras para fijación directa a chalecos protectores. Las correas de hombro plegables y de longitud ajustable permiten llevar un chaleco antibalas de gran tamaño. VOLUMEN 15 Litros | 915 pulgadas cúbicas PESO 56 oz | 1,6 kilos DIMENSIONES 18 x 11 x 3 pulgadas | 46x28x8,5 cm MATERIAL CORDURA® 700 den
-21% sale
Lightning X Mochila para traumatismos con oxígeno MED-TAC ALS con sistema de bolsa modular $159.95 $199.99
Dólar por dólar, característica por características, ¡esta es la mejor mochila EMS del mercado! El MB60 se construyó teniendo en cuenta el EMS. Nuestra mochila táctica fue diseñada para transportar cómodamente una carga pesada de suministros médicos y el diseño modular permite configuraciones con y sin cilindro de O2. La bolsa cuenta con correas contorneadas para los hombros y un cinturón integrado que ayuda a distribuir uniformemente el peso de la bolsa por todo el cuerpo del usuario. El paquete ALS está construido con 10 compartimentos con cremallera, 8 compartimentos elásticos, 6 bolsas extraíbles codificadas por colores y una multitud de bucles elásticos para herramientas, lo que garantiza que el MB60 tenga un amplio espacio de almacenamiento y facilite la organización de todos sus suministros. El compartimento principal tiene un sistema de gancho y bucle que permite al usuario colocar las bolsas codificadas por colores y la funda cilíndrica extraíble en cualquier parte del panel posterior de la bolsa. ¿No necesitas un cilindro? Simplemente retire la funda y las correas y ahora tendrá espacio para las 6 bolsas en el compartimento principal. ¿Quieres agregar un cilindro? Coloca 4 de las bolsas de colores alrededor del centro del compartimento y coloca las otras dos en los bolsillos laterales. Como alternativa, las bolsas y la funda del cilindro se pueden quitar por completo para dejar espacio para artículos más voluminosos. El bolsillo frontal superior del MB60 se abre hacia el compartimento principal para permitir el acceso al regulador de O2 sin tener que abrir la bodega principal para retirar el cilindro. Si todo eso no fuera suficiente, la parte delantera de la mochila cuenta con bucles MOLLE cortados con láser que son excelentes para guardar herramientas de acceso rápido o colocar bolsas o equipos adicionales compatibles con MOLLE. En definitiva, el MB60 está diseñado para adaptarse a una variedad de aplicaciones EMS y seguramente le brindará años de uso sin preocupaciones. Dimensiones: 21 × 19 × 9,5 pulgadas
Tactical Medical Solutions TacMed™ RISE™ - Sistema de inmovilización rígida para extremidades $26.95
El RISE™ (Sistema de inmovilización rígida para extremidades) está diseñado para ser la férula rígida, de perfil bajo y más resistente para fracturas de extremidades y fijación pélvica en el entorno prehospitalario. Nacido de lecciones en el campo de batalla, se puede aplicar intuitivamente bajo estrés para adaptarse a la lesión presente como una férula recta, una férula de 90 grados o una faja pélvica. Se puede fijar fácilmente al paciente con elementos como una envoltura elástica o una venda de presión . RISE Splint presenta un diseño innovador con bisagras dinámicas que permiten que la férula se colapse en el factor de forma más pequeño para máxima portabilidad y ahorro de espacio en el kit. Con su tamaño compacto, el RISE™ cabe en la mayoría de los botiquines de primeros auxilios individuales, incluidos todos los IFAK estándar emitidos por el ejército. Además, las bisagras le permiten adaptarse fácilmente a la forma y dimensiones requeridas para entablillar adecuadamente las fracturas de las extremidades superiores e inferiores. Exclusivo de RISE™, las múltiples ranuras recortadas le brindan la capacidad de crear una faja pélvica cuando se combina con un molinete o un torniquete de trinquete, como nuestro torniquete SOF® . El Comité de Atención Táctica de Víctimas en Combate (CoTCCC) reconoce la aplicación de entablillados y vendas pélvicas como un paso crítico para prevenir lesiones adicionales antes de trasladar a una víctima. La construcción única en su tipo está hecha de un polímero liviano capaz de resistir la limpieza de superficies y elementos agresivos, incluido el agua salada, manteniendo su rigidez y durabilidad. Ya sea que esté en el campo de batalla o respondiendo aquí en casa, RISE™ es una adición ventajosa a cualquier IFAK para aumentar su capacidad médica en el punto de la lesión cuando más se necesita.
-15% sale
North American Rescue Botiquín de primeros auxilios para heridas de bala NAR GO2FAS de MED-TAC International $189.00 $219.95
Botiquín de primeros auxilios para heridas de bala de seguridad para armas de fuego MED-TAC GO2 El botiquín de primeros auxilios para heridas de bala NARGo2FAS de MED-TAC International fue diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes de un botiquín de primeros auxilios individual compacto que incluya todo el equipo necesario para abordar las principales causas de muerte potencialmente evitable debido a una herida de bala. Este compacto botiquín de primeros auxilios individual contiene equipo médico esencial para salvar vidas que se puede utilizar para tratar traumatismos penetrantes en el lugar de la herida. Su tamaño elegante y compacto es fácil de transportar o guardar en un vehículo o mochila hasta que sea necesario. El botiquín de primeros auxilios para heridas de bala Go2FAS también cuenta con el exclusivo abridor rápido Red-Tip Technology ® para una apertura rápida y sencilla con una sola pestaña del botiquín y convenientes puntos de conexión exteriores compatibles con cualquier sistema de conexión estándar estilo MOLLE/PALS. CONTENIDO DEL EQUIPO: 2 x CAT® Torniquete, naranja 1 apósito hemostático Combat Gauze LE. 1 gasa comprimida. 1 x 6 pulgadas Flat ETD™ (vendaje para traumatismos de emergencia) 1 x vía aérea nasofaríngea 28F con lubricante 1 x HyFin® Sello de pecho Vent Compact, paquete doble 1 manta de emergencia, plateada. 2 pares de guantes de nitrilo con garra de oso, grandes 1 x tijeras para traumatismos, 7,25 pulgadas. 1 marcador permanente, pequeño. 1 x tarjeta de instrucciones justo a tiempo 1 bolsa de nailon roja. DIMENSIONES: Caja cerrada: Alto 7 pulgadas x Ancho 4,5 pulgadas x Fondo 2,75 pulgadas. Peso: 1 libra 5 onzas
NcStar Mochila balística GUARDIANPAK $177.99
Mochila balística GUARDIANPAK El portaequipajes frontal de despliegue rápido de la mochila GuardianPack™ incluye un panel balístico suave cortado por tiradores de nivel IIIA de 10" x 12". El portaequipajes frontal está alojado dentro de un compartimento exclusivo para chalecos antibalas en la mochila con una solapa sellada magnéticamente hasta que sea necesario. El usuario despliega el panel frontal tirando de las dos correas para los hombros sobre la cabeza del usuario. Las correas delanteras se pueden abrochar alrededor de la cintura. El portaequipajes delantero se puede ajustar en altura para cubrir adecuadamente el torso delantero. El portaequipajes delantero también se puede separar de la mochila GuardianPack™, con correas superiores que se pueden abrochar y colocar sobre la cabeza y el cuello para usarlo individualmente y por separado de la mochila. El portaequipajes trasero está fijo dentro de la mochila, cerca de la espalda del usuario. Contiene un panel balístico blando de nivel IIIA de corte rectangular de 10" X 12". Las dimensiones del compartimento principal de la mochila son 17”HX 12”WX 4D” y el bolsillo exterior con cremallera es 10”HX 10”WX 1.2”D. Dos bolsillos exteriores con cremallera de 6,75”HX 9”W, 10”HX 10”W y dos bolsillos laterales de malla para botellas de agua. NO PROPORCIONA PROTECCIÓN CONTRA AMENAZAS DE RIFLE, SE PUEDE AÑADIR UNA PLACA DURA PARA PROTECCIÓN ADICIONAL.
Safeguard Medical Venda de batalla MARCH™ $16.00
El MARCH ™ Battle Bandage® es el vendaje de compresión transparente que supera las capacidades de los vendajes tradicionales y detiene eficazmente la hemorragia en los entornos más hostiles. Venda de batalla ® ofrece los beneficios de una envoltura de compresión transparente de alto rendimiento con la comodidad y eficacia añadidas de una gasa de algodón estéril de 8” x 8”. Este vendaje de compresión de alto rendimiento es autoadhesivo y es el embalaje táctico con el cubo más bajo disponible. El diseño transparente permite una reevaluación rápida. Venda de batalla ® está fabricado con un adhesivo de grado médico que no irrita y no deja residuos en la piel. CARACTERÍSTICAS: CLARO – el primer y único vendaje de compresión transparente CUBO MÁS BAJO – una quinta parte del cubo del competidor más cercano 2 COMPRESIÓN – 550% de alargamiento a la rotura Claro, flexible, extremadamente fuerte. 80-93% menos cubo que los vendajes de compresión estándar 2 Probado con una resistencia a la tracción de 5000 psi y un alargamiento de rotura del 550 %. La gasa de algodón integrada y estéril de 8” x 8” absorbe hasta un litro de líquido. La visibilidad del sangrado permite un mejor control de la hemorragia. Una compresión superior equivale a un control superior de la hemorragia Se requieren clips o bridas de grado médico antideslizantes y autoadhesivos. Las propiedades adhesivas únicas no dejan residuos en la piel. Doble uso: vendaje estéril y envoltura de compresión elástica. Protege la herida y la piel expuesta de contaminantes externos.
North American Rescue Paquete doble de control de sangrado de acceso público (PABC) de NAR from $134.95
¡SALVA VIDAS! DETENGA LAS SANGRACIONES QUE PELIGRAN LA VIDA EN LOS PRIMEROS MINUTOS CRÍTICOS Los primeros minutos tras una lesión traumática son cruciales para salvar una vida. El sangrado no controlado puede provocar la muerte en cuestión de minutos, incluso antes de que lleguen los servicios médicos de emergencia u otros socorristas. El paquete doble de control de sangrado de acceso público (PABC) de North American Rescue® (NAR) está diseñado para brindar a los transeúntes y a los socorristas iniciales un acceso rápido y fácil a equipos médicos esenciales para detener el sangrado que pone en peligro la vida. El paquete doble incluye el contenido de 2 kits de control de sangrado individuales contenidos dentro de un estuche de transporte de nailon fácil de abrir que está diseñado para caber junto a un DEA en el gabinete. Los paquetes gemelos NAR PABC están disponibles en configuraciones de BCD básica, intermedia y avanzada. CONTENIDO DEL KIT BÁSICO DEL PAQUETE DOBLE: 2 torniquetes CAT®, naranja ETD (vendaje para traumatismos de emergencia) Flat Responder de 2 x 4 pulgadas 2 x gasa comprimida NAR Responder 2 pares de guantes de nitrilo Responder, Lg 1 x Tijeras para traumatismos Responder, 7,25 pulgadas. 2 rotuladores permanentes, pequeños. 2 x tarjeta de instrucciones justo a tiempo 2 x manta de supervivencia NAR CONTENIDO DEL KIT DEL PAQUETE DOBLE INTERMEDIO: Igual que el básico pero agregando 2 x HyFin® Compact, Vent Twin Pack CONTENIDO DEL KIT DEL PAQUETE DOBLE AVANZADO: Igual que el básico, pero agregando 2 x HyFin® Compact, Vent Twin Pack y su elección de 2 x apósitos para control de sangrado QuikClot o 2 x apósitos hemostáticos Celox First Aid Z-Fold.
Lifevac LifeVac Adult & Child Choking First Aid Device $64.95
The LifeVac is a portable, easy-to-use airway clearance device designed to save both adults and children during choking emergencies. It is non-powered and non-invasive for instant, simple deployment. The LifeVac has a one-way valve that safely and effectively removes obstructing objects from the victims' airways. During an emergency, simply place the LifeVac over the victim's nose and mouth, push down on the plunger, then pull the LifeVac up and off the victim. No prescriptions are required. Check masks periodically; consider replacement every two to three years. Product Features: Adult & Child Rescue – the LifeVac comes with an adult barrier mask and a child barrier mask. This allows users to quickly rescue both adult and child choking victims. Easy To Use – the LifeVac is designed to be able to be used by anyone during emergency scenarios. The 3-step design allows users to quickly administer the LifeVac at a moment’s notice, choking victims can even potentially administer the LifeVac on themselves. Trusted – LifeVac has been trusted by EMS teams, nurses, fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and rescue squads worldwide. It has been published in several peer-reviewed medical journals. Proven – the LifeVac is a proven lifesaving device, having saved 467 lives (and counting) since its introduction. Non-Invasive – LifeVac is the only airway clearance device that is completely non-invasive, meaning reduced patient risk, faster deployment, and easier use. Facts About Choking: Choking is the 4th leading cause of accidental death. A child dies of choking every 5 days. There are over 5,000 choking deaths every year. Choking is the leading cause of death for people under the age of 14. Choking is the leading cause of death for people over the age of 65.
-4% sale
North American Rescue Metal Semi-Recessed Cabinet for Public Access Bleeding Control Packs $209.99 $218.39
Metal Semi-Recessed Cabinet for Public Access Bleeding Control Packs The Metal Semi-Recessed Cabinet for Public Access Bleeding Control Packs by North American Rescue is the ultimate solution for ensuring quick and easy access to critical medical supplies in public settings. Key Features: Secure Storage: Safely store your Public Access Bleeding Control Kits in a white powder-painted galvanized steel cabinet with a stainless steel hinge and chrome-plated handle. Easy Access: Designed for quick one-pull opening, eliminating the need for twisting and pulling, ensuring rapid access during emergencies. Discreet Design: The semi-recessed cabinet mounts inside the wall with a low-profile trim, offering both physical protection and a sleek appearance. Clear Identification: Highly visible "Bleeding Control Kit" lettering and Instructions for Use panel make it easy to locate and utilize the cabinet swiftly. Weather Resistant: Water-resistant construction ensures the contents remain protected, with the option for an alarm system for added security. Specifications: Dimensions: Outside: H 17.5 in. x W 17.5 in. x D 1 in. Inside: H 14.125 in. x W 14.125 in. x D 6.875 in. Weight: 10 lbs. Compliance: ADA compliant for accessibility in public spaces.
Safeguard Medical NIO Intraosseous Device w/Fixation Dressing - Infant $149.99
The NIO Infant™ provides safe, rapid intraosseous access in the proximal tibia as an alternative to IV access in emergency medical situations. When you need rapid IO access in infant patients, trust the NIO Infant™ to deliver safe, effective vascular access — no batteries, assembly, or extra parts required. Designed for patients from 2.3kg to 3 years of age, the NIO Infant™ features a 5mm marker line on its cannula, which confirms adequate needle length prior to insertion, while its unique Stepped Needle® delivers graduated penetration into the bone, helping to prevent over-penetration. Simple and safe-by-design, you can trust the NIO Infant™ to provide rapid infant IO access when every second counts. Features: Unique Stepped Needle® that delivers graduated penetration into the medullary cavity, helping to prevent over-penetration. 5mm marker line which confirms adequate needle length prior to insertion. No batteries, assembly or extra parts required. Pocket-sized and lightweight Sterile and single-use—eliminates the risk of cross-contamination. 5-year shelf life (at room temp.) Hyper-realistic training system Legal Manufacturer: WaisMed Ltd. SPECS: PN: NIO-I Needle gauge: 18G Stepped Needle® Device dimensions: 4.76in x 1.69in x 1.3in (11.7cm x 4.3cm x 3.3cm) Package dimensions: 6.81in x 2.74in x 1.46in (17.3cm x 6.95cm x 3.7cm) Weight: 2.5oz (71g) Shelf life: 5 years at room temperature Clinically Proven Success Safe on the bone.The NIO has proven to be safe on the bone and resulted in zero incidents of bone fracture as observed by post-insertion x-rays. Easily tolerates common user errors.A recent study evaluated common user errors related to needle placement and found that even when placed up to 5cm from the correct insertion site, the NIO maintained an 85% success rate. First attempt success rates as high as 98%.Initial studies demonstrated an overall average success rate of 91.3% for the proximal tibia and 93.1% for the humeral head. The New York Institute of Osteopathic Medicine conducted an additional study which established a proximal tibia success rate of over 98%1
Tasmanian Tiger Tasmanian Tiger MASCAL Active Threat Pack from $249.95 $289.00
Tasmanian Tiger MASCAL Active Threat Pack The Tasmanian Tiger MASCAL Active Threat Pack is a lifesaving essential for Active Threat Medics (ATMs) who operate in high-stress environments. This pack is meticulously designed to facilitate rapid and efficient first aid treatment for multiple injured individuals during urgent scenarios where immediate individual care may not be possible. Key Features: MOLLE sides - laser cut: Allows for easy attachment of additional gear or accessories. 4 IFAK pouches: Front pockets provide quick access to essential supplies. Equipped with handle: For convenient transport during emergency situations. Includes scissor bag: Added convenience for medical operations. Weighs 4.06 lbs: Lightweight for ease of mobility. Measures 18.11 H x 11.02 W x 3.94 D: Provides ample space for medical supplies (46H x 28W x 10D cm). Cordura 700 Denier (Multicam is 500 Denier): Durable material ensures longevity and reliability. The Tasmanian Tiger MASCAL Active Threat Pack is a crucial tool for Active Threat Medics, offering a practical and efficient solution for emergency operations involving mass casualties. While the pack does not come pre-equipped with medical supplies, custom kit loadouts are available to suit specific needs. 
MED-TAC International MED-TAC M-9 Assault Medical Pack $249.99
 More colors coming soon! The MED-TAC M-9 Assault Medical Pack is a slim, low profile carry system with superior organization and quick access features. It features four full-length zipper mesh pockets with colored zipper pulls, two instrument panels and a bottom compartment with room for IV supplies or QuikLitter for rapid casualty evacuation. A perfect choice for Tactical Medics, MCI Response or Active Shooter Medical Kit. Made of 1000 Denier DuPont Cordura Nylon with water-resistant urethane coating Heavy Duty, Large #9, self-repairing YKK nylon coil zipper Abrasion resistant Mil-Spec Nylon webbing throughout Double stitched with taped seams PALS webbing on the Front and the sides of Pack for MOLLE Attachment system Velcro strip on front of pack to attach name tag or IR ID Main compartment opens completely for full access Includes 4 removable internal mesh pockets Divider with nylon bungee cords and modular slots for securing individual small items or quick access items. Also, inside front panel are two zippered mesh pockets and a panel with additional elastic loops for organizing smaller items Carry Drag Handle on top of pack Removable Padded Ergonomic Shoulder pads with sternum strap Padded Adjustable, removable Waist belt Bottom compartment holds IV solutions and can be accessed through the front zipper or through the inside of the main compartment Red zipper pulls utilized inside pack for quick identification IMPORTED Dimensions: 20" H x 13" W x 3" D
Masada Armour Chaleco tipo mochila con armadura Masada from $499.00
Chaleco tipo mochila con armadura Masada Armadura Masada-Armadura corporal hecha en Israel ¡El mejor equipo táctico que puedas conseguir! ¡La nueva mochila Masada Armor que se transforma en chaleco antibalas en menos de 2 segundos! Tras los recientes tiroteos en los EE. UU., MASADA ha decidido desarrollar una solución de protección muy esperada para los estudiantes, para mejorar su protección y aumentar su confianza. MASADA ha desarrollado la Mochila Protectora. Una mochila blindada, que tiene un aspecto inocente desde el exterior, pero cuando es necesario se transforma en un chaleco antibalas delantero y trasero. La mochila está diseñada para el uso habitual de los estudiantes, para llevar libros, portátiles y otras cosas. La parte del chaleco está cerrada en una sección separada de la mochila y no se puede ver durante el uso diario de la mochila. El producto pesa menos de 3 kg'. Características: La mochila antibalas es adecuada para estudiantes, guardias de seguridad, VIP, oficiales encubiertos, EDC, operadores de baja visibilidad, etc. (la versión para niños estará disponible próximamente...) ¡Apertura fácil y rápida desde mochila hasta chaleco protector! (menos de 2 segundos). Ajuste fácil y rápido del hombro de la mochila. Mayor comodidad y libertad de movimiento con la mochila. Material de malla 3D para alejar la humedad de la espalda y los hombros. cinturón - para reducir el peso de los hombros correas de hombro bien acolchadas: distribuyen el peso uniformemente Descripción detallada: protección - nivel de armadura blanda: NIJ 0101.06 IIIA (detiene todas las balas de pistolas). Se puede lograr un nivel de protección más alto, como el nivel 3, 3+ o 4, agregando placas duras balísticas. ​peso: 3 kg'. o 5,4 kg' con dos placas duras balísticas. Material- Cordura 500- Resistente a la abrasión Hecho en Israel Fabricante: Masada Armor Ltd. NO PROPORCIONA PROTECCIÓN CONTRA AMENAZAS DE RIFLE, PUEDE AGREGAR UNA PLACA DURA PERSONALIZADA De Polietileno Nivel III+ (1,2 kg) PARA PROTECCIÓN ADICIONAL.
-6% sale
North American Rescue Mass Casualty Incident Throw Kit Dispenser System Bag $379.99 $399.99
This is the bag only option. The Mass Casualty Incident-Throw Kit Dispenser Kit (MCI-TKD) is our next iteration in the MCI line of bags. This bag is unique as it contains an inner main compartment specifically designed for quick deployment of point of injury kits. The bag offers quick dispensing of critical lifesaving products to multiple patients all in one vehicle kit. Includes up to 8 quick throw kits as well as additional side and front pockets for commonly used point of wounding supplies. Features one handed quick release zippers on sides and front with all silent zipper pulls. Removable backpack straps utilize low profile G-Hook attachment for customization from 2 shoulder straps, bandoliers style, etc.
North American Rescue Mass Casualty Incident Throw Kit Dispenser System from $1,199.99 $1,280.99
The Mass Casualty Incident-Throw Kit Dispenser Kit (MCI-TKD) is our next iteration in the MCI line of bags. This bag is unique as it contains an inner main compartment specifically designed for quick deployment of point of injury kits. The bag offers quick dispensing of critical lifesaving products to multiple patients all in one vehicle kit. Includes up to 8 quick throw kits as well as additional side and front pockets for commonly used point of wounding supplies. Features one handed quick release zippers on sides and front with all silent zipper pulls. Removable backpack straps utilize low profile G-Hook attachment for customization from 2 shoulder straps, bandoliers style, etc. All versions come with this content: MCI-TKD - Basic - Kit Contents: 1 x Bag (MCI-TKD) - Black 8 x Bleeding Control Individual Throw Kit - Basic (VAC) 8 x C-A-T® Tourniquet - Black 8 x NAR® Wound Packing Gauze 8 x Emergency Trauma Dressing (ETD®) - 4 in. 4 x HyFin® Vent Compact Chest Seal Twin Pack 1 x NAR® QuikLitter Lite - Black 2 x Responder Trauma Shears - Large (7.24 in.) Additionally, you can choose from 3 different kit options: Bleeding Control Individual Throw Kit Contents 1 x C-A-T® Tourniquet - Orange Choice of: 1 x NAR® Wound Packing Gauze - 3 in. x 5 yd.1x Quicklot Bleeding Control Dressing1x Celox Gauze1 x Flat Responder Emergency Trauma Dressing - 4 in. 1 x HyFin® Vent Compact Chest Seal Twin Pack 1 x Emergency Survival Blanket - 52 in. x 84 in. 1 x Bleeding Control Instruction Card 1 pr Blue Responder Gloves - Large 1 x Supplemental IFAK Resupply Kit Bag (VAC) - 7.4 in. x 12 in. - 6 mil. Dimensions: H 21 in. x W 13 in. x D 8 in. Weight: 15 lbs.
Safeguard Medical Combat Eye Shield $13.22
Safeguard Medical's Combat Eye Shield patented design (Design Patent No. D674,903) according to the specifications of several active-duty surgeons of OIF/OEF to cover penetrating eye injuries. The Combat Eye Shield is designed to meet the CoTCCC guidelines for the treatment of penetrating eye trauma while providing a small, sterile package to fit in any trauma kit. The Combat Eye Shield is composed of a 6-inch Hydrogel disc that surrounds an aluminum fox eye shield, giving a large surface area to attach to the casualty that will not harm adjacent trauma or burns. The Combat Eye Shield also comes with one 4″ x 4″ Gauze Pad to clean the surface of the wound area before applying the shield. The package comes vacuum sealed and sterilized for immediate use. Not made with Natural Rubber Latex. Package Dimensions: 3.25″ x 8″ x 0.5"
MEDTECH Resource MTR Elite Oxygen Bag $190.69
MTR Elite Oxygen Bag The MTR Elite Oxygen Bag is a top-tier O2 carrying system crafted from 1600 nylon ballistic cloth, renowned for its superior strength and durability. Designed exclusively by paramedics for paramedics, this Deluxe Oxygen Bag stands out as the most user-friendly O2 carrier in the market. Key Features: Heavy-Duty YKK Zippers Fully Padded for Protection 1600 Denier Nylon Ballistic Cloth for Unmatched Durability Includes Shoulder Strap for Easy Portability Removable Tray with Padded Dividers for Organizing Supplies Dimensions: 27"L x 12"W x 14"D Color: Red with Yellow Reflective Trim & Blue Accents Lifetime Warranty for Peace of Mind Featuring mesh bags, a large main compartment, and specially designed pockets throughout, this system makes it effortless to carry and organize all essential O2 therapy supplies and accessories. The bag is equipped with straps and reflective striping for added safety and visibility.
-34% sale
MEDTECH Resource MTR Deluxe Oxygen Bag (Impervious Bottom) $99.99 $149.95
MTR Deluxe Oxygen Bag (Impervious Bottom) The MTR Deluxe Oxygen Bag (with impervious bottom) is designed to be your reliable companion in storing and transporting your oxygen equipment. This rugged padded oxygen bag is not just any ordinary bag; it's a versatile solution tailored for functionality and durability designed by and for EMS professionals in the field. Key Features: Zippered pockets on both ends for convenient storage Soft removable tray with two hook-and-loop fastened dividers Full-length net pocket inside the padded lid for organizing accessories Padded main compartment suitable for "D" or "Jumbo D" tanks Heavy-Duty YKK Zippers for added strength Enhanced with triple reflective trim in silver and white, this oxygen bag not only ensures visibility but also exudes a modern and sleek look. The included padded shoulder strap adds comfort to portability. Specifications: Dimensions: 27"L x 12"W x 10"H Color: Green & Black Elevate your oxygen storage experience with the MTR Deluxe Oxygen Bag, your reliable partner for on-the-go oxygen needs.
-15% sale
MEDTECH Resource MTR Trauma Bag & Backpack $204.95 $239.47
MEDTECH Resource Trauma Bag & Backpack The MTR Trauma Bag & Backpack stands out from other EMS Oxygen bags due to its superior organization capabilities. This means you can quickly and easily find the specific equipment or tool you need, saving you valuable time during emergency situations. Specific Features: User-Friendly Design: Designed with mesh bags, clear pockets, and a large main compartment, this O2 carrier is the most user-friendly option available. Durable Construction: Built with heavy-duty 1600 ballistic nylon, this bag is sturdy and reliable for emergency situations. Convenient Features: Equipped with easy access backpack straps, extra grip zippers, and heavy-duty clips, this backpack offers optimal functionality and ease of use. Spacious and Versatile: With ample room to fit a D Oxygen Cylinder and additional emergency supplies, this bag is perfect for emergency responders. Safety and Visibility: Features reflective striping for enhanced safety and visibility in low-light conditions. Dimensions: 16”W X 24” H X 6”D
Kemp USA Kemp USA Premium Rescue & Tactical EMS Bag from $145.00
As a part of Kemp USA's Premium line of EMS and Trauma bags, the Rescue and Tactical Backpack is constructed with your choice of extremely durable 1680 Denier Nylon or fluid-resistant tarpaulin material.  The bag is cross-stitched and bar-tacked in high wear areas, and has heavy-duty, oversized hardware. The main compartment opens completely from top to bottom for easy access to the numerous removable pouches, while MOLLE webbing placed on both the inside and outside can accommodate additional pouches or gear. Two large, zippered compartments on the outside of the bag are useful for quick access items. The backpack-style shoulder straps are ideal for carrying large amounts of first aid supplies over long distances. Mesh padded shoulder straps & back area as well as a side and front compression strap system makes this bag very comfortable and easy to carry. Additionally, the hip belt helps to distribute weight evenly. The bag has red removable pouches in varying sizes. 2 - Large, zippered compartment on the outside of the bag 2 - Standard size removable pouches 3 - Large size removable pouches 2 - Large size removable utility pouches Made with 1680 Denier Ballistic Nylon Cross-stitched and bar-tacked in high wear areas Heavy-duty, oversized hardware Mesh padded shoulder straps & back area Side and front compression strap system Highly visible, reflective pull tabs and reflective trim Ventilated mesh padded back area MOLLE webbing placed on both the inside and outside can accommodate additional pouches or gear Dimensions: Depth: 14" in. Width: 11" in. Height: 20" in. Weight: 10 lbs.
5.11 Tactical LV10 Sling Pack 2.0 13L $114.95
The LV10 Sling Pack 2.0 has been updated for enhanced usability. All Duraflex® buckles have been renewed for smoother access to your gear. The pack features a removable holster retention strap, a tablet sleeve with a securing strap, and a quick release on the main crossbody strap to provide maximum versatility. The rear CCW "hot pull" compartment has a loop for closure while remaining easily accessible. The pack also includes side compression straps and extra grab handles for added carrying options. The back panel has a Flex cuff channel for comfortable wear, and the pack offers plenty of storage with various pockets, including quick access to internal mesh pockets. A CenterLine™ design, unique to 5.11, ensures this pack is prepared for any challenge. FEATURES: 5.11’s signature Center Line™ design. Internal loop faced laser-cut MOLLE, padded tablet sleeve, and admin organization. Rear CCW compartment with "hot pull" system, loop panel, and removable holster retention strap. Padded back panel and quick release single shoulder strap with removable sternum strap and CAM buckle. Fleece lined top zipper pocket. Front zippered pocket. Side compressions straps and additional grab handles. Bottom webbing straps with expandable water bottle pocket. Quick access to internal lid dual mesh pockets. Flex cuff channel on back panel. Tuckable logos for low vis. 840D Nylon construction DIMENSIONS: Measurements - 10.5”H x 16.25”W x 5.75”DWeight - 0.94kg / 2.1 lbs.Capacity - 794 cubic inch / 13-liter total capacity
5.11 Tactical Responder 48 EMS Backpack $245.00
Responder 48 EMS Backpack Introducing the Responder 48 EMS Backpack, a game-changer for EMS, fire, and law enforcement professionals who demand excellence in their gear. This 35-liter capacity backpack is meticulously designed to provide unparalleled convenience and organization for all your essentials. Key Features: Customizable Organization: Includes one vertical and four horizontal internal dividers that are removable and adjustable for a personalized load. Quick Access: Full clamshell opening allows for rapid retrieval of vital equipment in urgent situations. Enhanced Protection: Constructed with reinforced closed-cell foam panels and a light-colored lining for visibility in low-light conditions. Ample Storage: Internal zipper pockets, slip pocket with elastic bands, clear divider, and external zippered pockets offer ample space for all your gear. Comfortable and Supportive: Padded shoulder straps, removable sternum strap, aluminum frame, and HDPE board back panel ensure a comfortable and supportive fit even with heavy loads. Versatile Carrying: Features top and front grab handles for versatile carrying options. Easy Maintenance: Wipe-down friendly exterior for effortless cleaning. Whether you are responding to emergencies or need to carry a full load of gear, the Responder 48 Backpack is your ultimate companion. Don't miss out on this top-tier backpack that offers reliability, functionality, and durability. Specifications: Dimensions: 18.5"H x 13.25"W x 7"D Capacity: 2135 cubic inches / 35 liters Weight: 5.5 lbs Material: 900D TPU Coated Polyester
5.11 Tactical Responder MED Pouch $45.00
Responder MED Pouch The Responder MED Pouch is an essential addition to the 5.11® Responder collection, offering specialized storage for vital first-aid supplies in a well-organized manner. Designed with the needs of responders in mind, this pouch ensures quick and easy access to medical materials. Features: Full wipe-down friendly exterior for easy maintenance. Full clamshell opening main compartment provides complete access to contents. Closed-cell foam interior with light-colored lining ensures protection and visibility. Reinforced closed-cell foam panel construction for durability. Top and front grab handles with 6x1 loop for name tape for quick identification. Internal slip pocket and elastic bands for efficient organization. The 900D TPU Coated Polyester construction makes this pouch sturdy yet lightweight, with dimensions of 7.75"L x 6.5"W x 4.5"D, offering a total capacity of 226 cubic inches or 3.7 liters, weighing only 0.31kg.
5.11 Tactical Responder 72 EMS Backpack $275.00
The Responder 72 Backpack is the pack you need when the call comes in and nothing can be left behind. Engineered for EMS, fire, and law enforcement personnel, the 50-liter capacity Responder Backpack comes with two vertical and four horizontal internal dividers to keep critical contents from shifting. The removeable dividers are fully adjustable to fit the load. Secure an oxygen cylinder (sizes D and Jumbo D) inside the main compartment with the non-slip, quick-release strap. If one O2 cylinder won't cut it, an internal slip pocket holds a second cylinder. Everything inside is protected by reinforced closed-cell foam panel construction. The light-colored lining adds contrast for low-light use. The full clamshell opening, with quick-pull tabs and optional color-coded snaps, speeds access when time is critical. Dual internal zipper pockets, an internal slip pocket with elastic bands and a clear divider keep smaller, quick-grab items staged for duty. On the outside, a large, zippered pocket in front, two large, zippered pockets on the sides, and a dual-access zippered pocket on top hold additional life-saving essentials. Padded shoulder straps and a removable sternum strap keep the pack where you want it when you're on the move. An aluminum frame and HDPE board back panel provide support for heavy loads, while grab handles on the top and front maximize carry options. The wipe-down-friendly exterior simplifies cleanup. Reflective strips on the shoulder straps and front panel magnify visibility. Fully compatible with the Responder Med Pouches series, the Responder 72 Backpack is the top choice when you need to haul a full load of gear. FEATURES: Full wipe-down friendly exterior ​ Reinforced closed-cell foam panel construction. Reflective strips on front panel and shoulder straps Large front zippered pocket with dual internal zippered pockets Embroidery friendly front panel Dual external side zippered pockets Top and side grab handles Two-way access top zippered pocket Full clamshell opening main compartment with glove friendly pulls. Light colored interior lining Internal O2 cylinder (D and Jumbo D) capability with non-slip quick release retention straps 2 vertical and 3 horizontal internal dividers included. Internal pass-through slip pocket Dual internal zippered pockets with org capability Contoured, padded yoke shoulder strap with removable sternum strap. Aluminum frame and HDPE board back panel Compatible with Responder Med Pouch (sold separately) 5 color snap system for compartment identification (red, blue, yellow, green, black)​ 900D TPU Coated Polyester DIMENSIONS: 23.25"H x 13.5"W x 10"D 3051 cubic inch / 50-liter total capacity Weight 3.23kg
Safeguard Medical Gasa enrollada MARCH™ $4.00
La gasa en rollo MARCH™ es estéril y compacta de 6 capas; Gasa de 4,5” x 4,1 yardas utilizada para el tratamiento de heridas sangrantes y vendajes. Esta gasa sellada al vacío está hecha de algodón estadounidense de alta calidad y empaquetada en una configuración versátil que es ideal tanto para empaquetar heridas lineales como para vendajes y envolturas básicos. La gasa es un elemento esencial para cualquier maletín médico y se puede utilizar para controlar la hemorragia junto con un vendaje de compresión, como gasa de respaldo para apósitos hemostáticos o para vendar heridas. Capacidades Configurado para empaquetar y envolver heridas Muescas de desgarro fáciles de abrir Complemento ideal al vendaje de compresión. Atributos del producto 4.5″ x 4.1 yardas Gasa de algodón estéril de 6 capas Fabricado en EE. UU. y cumple con la enmienda Berry. Beneficios clínicos Perfecto para vendar y envolver heridas cuando se utiliza el exterior del rollo. Empaquetadura lineal cuando se tira del interior del rollo El algodón proporciona máxima absorción para ayudar a controlar el sangrado. Se expande para cubrir áreas de heridas más grandes. Soporte ideal para agentes hemostáticos. Especificaciones PN: 33-300 Estéril/de un solo uso Vida útil de 6 años Especificaciones: Dimensiones de la unidad Empaquetado: 6”x 2”x 2” Desplegado: 4.5″ x 4.1yd Peso unitario: 1,5 onzas Disponible Directo, Proveedor Prime, ECAT y GSA 100% compatible con TAA Hecho en EE.UU
North American Rescue SS-401 Advanced Combat Helmet - Full Cut from $0.00
  Experts in the field will appreciate the advanced design of the SS 401 Advanced Combat Helmet. Made with aramid materials and a thermoset resin shell, this helmet has been rigorously tested and found to surpass ballistic resistance requirements set by NIJ Standard 0106.01. Its D30 TRUST 7 pad system not only provides unbeatable comfort, but also offers exceptional protection. Featuring a unique geometry, the pads conform to the shape of the head to maximize deceleration during blunt impact tests, surpassing even top competitors on the market. Fully customizable with hook and loop attachments, the pads can be easily adjusted to fit perfectly using the dial ratchet harness with just one hand. SPECS Protection Level IIIA according to NIJ 0106.01 Tested and verified to meet or exceed ballistic resistance as specified under NIJ Standard 0106.01 by an NIJ accredited laboratory Materials Including: Kevlar® Fibers and thermoset resin shell construction Head Protection: Front, back, crown, and top of head Harness: Dial ratchet option and comes standard with 4 pt Harness Padding: D30 TRUST 7 Pad helmet system Ballistic Data: Cartridge Projectile VEL (FT/S) VEL (M/S) .357 SIG (NIJ06) 125 gr FMJ 1470 448 .44 Magnum (NIJ06) 240 gr SJHP 1430 436 .357 Magnum 158 gr JSP 1430 435 .44 Magnum 240 gr SWCGC 1400 426 9 x 19mm Parabellum 124 gr FMJRN 1400 426 .40 S&W 180 gr FMJ 1155 352 Dimensions: H 7.9 in. - 8.3 in. x W 6.3 - 6.5 in. x Cir. 22.7 in. - 24.0 in. Weight: 3 lbs.  
Trueclot Bleeding Control Instructor's Kit - Basic Packing Trainer $1,750.00
The Rescue Essentials Basic Packing Trainer Instructors Kit contains everything you need to conduct a wet and dry wound packing training class. This kit is based on the innovative TrueClot® Task Trainer (1 GSW trainer) and the unique LUNA TrueClot Basic Packing Trainer (BPT) (six training kits included). The BPT is designed to simulate a gun shot wound that can be packed with training gauze to learn and practice proper packing techniques. It can be used with or without the included blood simulant (wet or dry packing) to provide a “first exposure friendly” experience for students. The TrueClot Task Trainers are designed to simulate wound packing and demonstrate the use of advanced hemostatic gauzes with LUNA'sTrueClot Blood Simulant. The simulated large caliber gunshot wound can be packed with Simulated Hemostatic Gauze while Blood Simulant is pumped into the wound using the attached 1 liter squeeze bottle. Realistic simulated blood clots form on the gauze at the point of bleeding, demonstrating the function of hemostatic gauze. This provides a very realistic experience for the student. Rescue Essentials Basic Packing Trainer Instructors Kit are an excellent way to introduce your trainees and students to realistic hemorrhage control for STB, TCCC, TECC, TEMS, PHTLS, and general wound packing techniques or advanced hemostatic gauze training. Contains 6     TrueClot Basic Packing Trainer Kits, 3 light and 3 dark skin tones (each kit includes 1 pack of training gauze and individual storage tin)20   Pairs Blue Triton SE Nitrile Gloves, Medium20   Pairs Blue Triton SE Nitrile Gloves, Large20   Pairs Blue Triton SE Nitrile Gloves, X Large1     TrueClot Concentrated Blood Simulant (4 pack, 1 liter each)5     Backflow-Prevention Valves with Barbed Fit for TrueClot Trainer1     TrueClot GSW Wound Assembly10   Gauze, Z-Fold, 12 ft6     Dynarex Underpads, 23" X 24"1     Plastic Tray1     Squeeze Bottle, 1 liter3     Silicone Tubing for Bottle Assembly, 12"1     Mixing Bottle w/cap, 32oz2     Waste Bags, 33 Gal Dimensions: 17" H x 20" W x 7.5" DWeight: 27 lbs 5.6 oz
Trueclot Bleeding Control Instructor's Kit w/GSW and LAC Trainer $1,750.00
The Rescue Essentials Bleeding Control Instructors Kit contains everything you need to conduct a wet or dry wound packing training class. Based on the innovative TrueClot Task Trainers, this kit can be ordered with your choice of GSW or Knife/Laceration wounds (one of each flesh tone color will be included in each kit). The TrueClot® Task Trainers are designed to simulate wound packing and demonstrate the use of advanced hemostatic gauzes with LUNA'sTrueClot® Blood Simulant. The simulated large caliber gunshot wound or knife/laceration wound can be packed with LUNA's Simulated Hemostatic Gauze while TrueClot® Blood Simulant is pumped into the wound using the attached 1 liter squeeze bottle. Realistic simulated blood clots form on the gauze at the point of bleeding demonstrating the function of hemostatic gauze. TrueClot Task Trainers are an excellent way to introduce your trainees and students to realistic hemorrhage control for TCCC, TECC, TEMS, PHTLS, and general wound packing techniques or advanced hemostatic gauze training. The Instructors Kit contains the following items: 2     TrueClot Wound Models, GSW Large Caliber Wound with Bone or Knife/Laceration (one wound will be light flesh and one will be dark flesh)2     Bleeding Bottles with Tubing and Valves2     Blood Mixing & Storage Bottles1     TrueClot Replacement Flow Valves, 5 pack4     TrueClot Blood Simulant Concentrate Packs (makes 1L of Blood Simulant each for 4 liters total)10   TrueClot Simulated Hemostatic Gauze, Z Fold, 12ft2     Wound Pans for Blood Containment12   Absorbent Underpads2     Disposal Bags for Used Training Supplies20   Nitrile gloves, Medium, Pair20   Nitrile gloves, Large, Pair20   Nitrile Gloves, X large, Pair1     Storage & Transport Case Dimensions:  17" H x 20" W x 7.5" DWeight: 14 lbs
-8% sale
North American Rescue Kit de siniestros con orden judicial de alto riesgo $459.99 $499.89
Las operaciones del Servicio de Orden de Alto Riesgo representan la mayoría de todas las llamadas SWAT en todo el país. Debido a la naturaleza rápida y dinámica de estas misiones, los profesionales sanitarios tácticos deben centrarse en la movilidad, la adaptación y la eficiencia. El High Risk Warrant Casualty Kit™ de North American Rescue permite al profesional de atención médica táctica la capacidad de extraer rápidamente a las víctimas e iniciar la atención de las tres causas principales de muerte por traumatismo penetrante en el entorno táctico (60 % de hemorragia de las extremidades / 33 % de neumotórax a tensión / 6% obstrucción de las vías respiratorias). Ofreciendo un gran compartimento central y múltiples puntos de fijación, este kit maximiza el espacio de almacenamiento manteniendo un perfil compacto. Cada componente está diseñado para ser eficaz bajo estrés de supervivencia y potencialmente reducir algunos de los problemas fisiológicos asociados con él. ESPECIFICACIONES Se puede usar como riñonera o colgado del hombro. Accesorios estilo MOLLE Almacenamiento de tijeras para traumatismos en el frente para acceso rápido La funda de almacenamiento adicional en la parte posterior contiene el sistema Dragon Handle para facilitar la extracción inmediata en situaciones de alto riesgo. CONTENIDO DEL EQUIPO: 1 x bolsa (garantía de alto riesgo) 1 x dispositivo de extracción del sistema Dragon Handle 5 pares de guantes de nitrilo para traumatismos Black Talon® 2 x vía aérea nasofaríngea 28F con lubricante 2 x gasa de vaselina (3 pulgadas x 18 pulgadas) 2 x kit de descompresión con aguja ARS® (14 G x 3,25 pulg.) 1 x paquete doble de sello de pecho de ventilación HyFin® 2 x CAT® (Torniquete de aplicación de combate®) 4 apósitos de emergencia para traumatismos ETD™ de 6 pulgadas 4 x S-Rolled Gauze™ (4,5 pulgadas x 4,1 yardas) 1 dispositivo de succión táctico. 1 x Cyclone® BVM nuevo y mejorado 4 protectores oculares de policarbonato. 1 x tijeras para traumatismos (7,25 pulgadas) 2 x Tarjeta de triaje (NAR T2 Tag®)
Mobilize by ZOLL Mobilize Mobile Trauma Kit by ZOLL $1,999.99
A lightweight backpack version of the Comprehensive unit, the Mobile trauma kit is designed to address a wide range of the most critical traumatic injuries and medical issues, such as severe bleeding, airway obstructions, seizures, hypothermia, broken bones, and more.  Mobilize™ interactive trauma kits are designed to help untrained bystanders assess, manage, and monitor a spectrum of medical emergencies according to the protocols and best practices of the American Heart Association (AHA), Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC), and the American College of Surgeons. Each Mobile unit includes the Mobilize™ Rescue app on a tablet within the case. The app supports rescuers with real-time instructions on how to use the supplies to provide medical care while EMS is on the way. The supplies in the kit are clearly labeled and color-coded to match the instructions given by the Mobilize Rescue app so rescuers can act with confidence.   The portability of the Mobile kit makes it a great solution for emergency response teams when they’re on the way to the scene of a medical emergency. The unit can also be easily stored in vehicles or remote locations.  Public Access Trauma Kit Features Trauma and medical supplies to help manage severe bleeding, seizures, choking, broken bones, and more An integrated tablet that includes the Mobilize Rescue app The Mobilize Rescue app guides users with real-time, step-by-step instructions Clearly organized and color-coded supplies with alpha-numeric labels that correspond to the instructions in the app OSHA-compliant medical supplies The ability to create a time-stamped summary of actions to share with EMS Mobile Trauma Kit Contents  The Mobile kit features comfortable shoulder straps and is made with a military-grade nylon casing for maximum protection and convenient transport. It includes more than 35 different types of medical supplies to treat a multitude of traumatic injuries and medical issues. It also includes extra space for additional non-included supplies such as EpiPens and Narcan.* Trauma Supplies 4 | SOF-T Wide tourniquet 2 | QuikClot bleeding control dressing 2 | 6" flat emergency trauma dressing 2 | Hyfin chest seal 2 | Water-Jel universal burn dressing 2 | triangular bandage 2 | 4.5" sterile conforming stretch gauze 4 | 5" x 9" sterile combine ABD pads 2 | 10" x 30" sterile multi-trauma dressing 1 | 36" SAM emergency splint 2 | 4" elastic wrap bandage 1 | 4" x 5" cold compress 1 | adhesive tape 2.5 yd Medical Supplies 1 | CPR face shield with bite block 1 | 81mg chewable aspirin (bottle) 1 | 12mg dissolvable allergy tablets (box) 1 | Oral Glucose 2 | emergency space Mylar blanket Other 1 | USB charging cube and cord 1 | inspection card 12 | proof seals 1 | bag with biohazard markings 1 | trauma shears 10 | nitrile gloves 1 | QuickStart Guide 1 | ballpoint pen/stylus combo 1 | call 911 card OSHA-Compliant First Aid Supplies 2 | eye pads 16 | adhesive bandages (assorted sizes) 10 | burn cream packets 10 | triple antibiotic ointment packets 10 | antiseptic wipes 1 | tweezers 10 | hand sanitizer packets 1 | eye wash 1 | first aid guide Specifications: App available for both iOS and Android devices Dimensions: Length - 18", Width - 14", Depth - 7". Weight: Approximately 10 lbs.
Mobilize by ZOLL Mobilize Comprehensive Trauma Kit by ZOLL $2,299.99
Designed to address the most critical emergencies – such as severe bleeding, airway obstructions, and traumatic injuries – the Comprehensive trauma kit offers our most extensive set of medical supplies. Mobilize™ is the only interactive solution designed to help untrained bystanders assess, manage, and monitor a spectrum of medical emergencies according to the protocols and best practices of the American Heart Association (AHA), Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC), and the American College of Surgeons.  The Mobilize™ Rescue app, installed on the tablet within the unit, supports bystanders with real-time, interactive instructions on how to use the equipment to manage care while EMS is on the way. The supplies in the rescue system are clearly labeled and color-coded to match the instructions given by the Mobilize Rescue app so rescuers can act with confidence. Comprehensive & Mobile Rescue Unit - User Guide from Mobilize Rescue Systems on Vimeo.    Mobilize™ interactive trauma kits are designed to help untrained bystanders assess, manage, and monitor a spectrum of medical emergencies according to the protocols and best practices of the American Heart Association (AHA), Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC), and the American College of Surgeons. Each Mobile unit includes the Mobilize™ Rescue app on a tablet within the case. The app supports rescuers with real-time instructions on how to use the supplies to provide medical care while EMS is on the way. The supplies in the kit are clearly labeled and color-coded to match the instructions given by the Mobilize Rescue app so rescuers can act with confidence.   The Mobilize Comprehensive trauma kit is a winner of the Occupational Health & Safety New Product Award for Emergency Response.    Public Access Trauma Kit Features Trauma and medical supplies to help manage severe bleeding, seizures, choking, broken bones, and more An integrated tablet that includes the Mobilize Rescue app The Mobilize Rescue app guides users with real-time, step-by-step instructions Clearly organized and color-coded supplies with alpha-numeric labels that correspond to the instructions in the app OSHA-compliant medical supplies The ability to create a time-stamped summary of actions to share with EMS Comprehensive Trauma Kit Contents More than a first aid kit or a stop-the-bleed kit, the Comprehensive trauma kit includes more than 35 different types of medical supplies to treat a multitude of traumatic injuries and medical issues. It also includes extra space for additional non-included supplies such as EpiPens and Narcan.* The durable, water-resistant case provides maximum protection for supplies. Trauma Supplies 4 | SOF-T Wide tourniquet 2 | QuikClot bleeding control dressing 2 | 6" flat emergency trauma dressing 2 | Hyfin chest seal 2 | Water-Jel universal burn dressing 2 | triangular bandage 2 | 4.5" sterile conforming stretch gauze 4 | 5" x 9" sterile combine ABD pads 2 | 10" x 30" sterile multi-trauma dressing 1 | 36" SAM emergency splint 2 | 4" elastic wrap bandage 1 | 4" x 5" cold compress 1 | adhesive tape 2.5 yd Medical Supplies 1 | CPR face shield with bite block 1 | 81mg chewable aspirin (bottle) 1 | 12mg dissolvable allergy tablets (box) 1 | Oral Glucose 2 | emergency space Mylar blanket Other 1 | Portable charger and charging cord 1 | USB charging cube and cord 1 | inspection card 12 | proof seals 1 | bag with biohazard markings 1 | trauma shears 10 | nitrile gloves 1 | QuickStart Guide 1 | ballpoint pen/stylus combo 1 | call 911 card OSHA-Compliant First Aid Supplies 2 | eye pads 16 | adhesive bandages (assorted sizes) 10 | burn cream packets 10 | triple antibiotic ointment packets 10 | antiseptic wipes 1 | tweezers 10 | hand sanitizer packets 1 | eye wash 1 | first aid guide Specifications: Dimensions: l 17.2” X w 13.7” X d 6.5” Weight:15 lbs. Backpack Version Available
North American Rescue Public Access Clear Wall Case $249.99
The durable, clear polycarbonate cabinet, known as the Public Access Clear Wall Case by North American Rescue, is designed specifically to store medical equipment for Public Access Bleeding Control Kits. This wall-mounted cabinet is conveniently accessible and features highly visible "Bleeding Control Kit" placards for easy identification, along with Instructions for Use on the interior back panel. The durable wall case offers comprehensive protection against physical damage and environmental factors. Equipped with an eyelet, it allows for the attachment of a secondary safety seal to quickly determine if the case has been opened or tampered with. Its transparent construction provides visibility from any angle, while the external mounting tabs make installation on any wall a breeze. The interior of the case features a wire shelf designed to support the Public Access Bleeding Control Packs series of products. With rounded corners, it minimizes the risk of injury if accidentally bumped into. The case comes with all necessary mounting hardware and is water-resistant. For optimal protection of life-saving products, it is recommended to mount the case in a sheltered location away from direct exposure to the elements.  Alarm is available upon special request. Contact Customer Service for details. Features: Durable, clear polycarbonate cabinet designed to safely store the Public Access Bleeding Control Pack in public areas Provides both physical and environmental protection for medical equipment Easily mounts to any wall Includes highly visible “Bleeding Control Kit” placards for fast identification and convenient Instructions for Use on the interior back panel Dimensions: H 18 in. x W 16 in. x D 10 in. Weight: 15 lbs.
M2 Tactical M2 Ratcheting Medical Tourniquet - XL $44.95
The m2® Inc. Ratcheting Medical Tourniquet® (RMT) is designed for continuous training and practice without fear of failure. Simple and intuitive 'gross' motor skill operation. Micro adjustable. 'Self-locking'. Ratcheting sound confirms activation. Industrial strength. The XL Ratcheting Medical Tourniquet offers intuitive operation and micro-adjustable, self-locking features for safe and effective use. With instructions printed on the webbing, this extra-long (60″/152.4cm) and wide (3″/7.6cm) tourniquet is perfect for bariatric use. It also comes with a 1.0" m2® ratcheting buckle and ladder strap, and can be folded for easy storage, making it a versatile and lightweight (0.6 lbs/274g) tool for medical professionals. Color: Orange Weight 0.6 lbs / 274 g / 9.6 oz Size: L 9″ W 3″ H 2″ *can be folded* Components: 1″ Ratcheting Buckle and 11 " Ladder Strap with 3″ ORANGE webbing
-15% sale
Kemp USA Kemp USA Ultimate EMS Backpack $203.70 $238.00
Kemp USA Ultimate EMS Backpack This Kemp USA Ultimate EMS Backpack is a versatile and durable solution for all your emergency medical needs. Designed with functionality and organization in mind, this backpack is an essential companion for EMS professionals. Main Features: Two large frontal pockets with ample storage space Upper pocket with a convenient zippered pouch Side pockets for easy access to essentials Main compartment with multiple utility pouches Lower section with hook and loop straps for a D tank Cylinder Molded feet for added protection and durability Handles for easy carrying This backpack is crafted from 600D tear-resistant nylon, ensuring longevity and reliability in any situation. Available in a vibrant Red color, it combines style with functionality. Dimensions: 13" x 18" x 20" Weight: 10 lbs.
-3% sale
Kemp USA Kemp USA PREMIUM Ultimate EMS Backpack $230.86 $238.00
Video shown is for the Kemp Ultimate EMS Backpack.  The PREMIUM Ultimate is the same design but made out of 1680D Cordura Nylon vs. 600D of the Ultimate EMS Backpack. Kemp USA PREMIUM Ultimate EMS Backpack The Kemp USA PREMIUM Ultimate EMS Backpack is the epitome of durability and functionality, crafted from high-quality 1680 Denier Nylon. This backpack is a step above the rest, offering unparalleled versatility and affordability in the EMS backpack market. Main Features: Made with 1680 Denier Nylon for superior strength Two large frontal pockets measuring 10”x13”x3” with additional internal elastic loops Side pockets measuring 19”x7”x4” with dividers and removable pouches Main compartment with three large and one extra-large utility pouches Lower section with hook and loop straps to secure a D tank Cylinder Molded feet for added protection and convenient carrying handles Specifications: Material: 1680 Denier Nylon Color: Red Dimensions: 13" x 18" x 20" Weight: 10 lbs Elevate your EMS experience with the Kemp USA PREMIUM Ultimate EMS Backpack, the ultimate companion for medical professionals who value quality, organization, and durability.
-6% sale
North American Rescue NAR-5 Search And Rescue Bag UPGRADE KIT $379.99 $399.99
NAR-5 Search And Rescue Bag UPGRADE KIT Enhance your NAR-5 SAR Aid Kit with the Supplemental TCCC Upgrade Kit, specially designed to meet the TCCC requirements of the CNO SAR Model Manager for USN Aviation Squadrons and USN Ships. Easily integrate these additional life-saving products into your existing kit to ensure preparedness for critical situations. Specifications: Supports TCCC Requirements: Contains essential products to upgrade the NAR-5 SAR Aid Kit for compliance with the CNO SAR Model Manager’s TCCC standards. Enhanced Capability: Allows USN Aviation Squadrons and USN Ships to augment their NAR-5 SAR Aid Kit effectively. Easy Integration: Each kit can seamlessly upgrade one NAR-5 SAR Aid Kit, stored conveniently in a clear zip lock plastic bag for quick access. Kit Contents: 1 X SAM Pelvic Sling 4 X Combat Gauze Z-Fold Hemostatic 4 X ARS Needle Decompression 14 GA X 3.25” 4 X NAR® Pre-Lubricated Nasopharyngeal Airway - 28F (117 mm) 4 X Polycarbonate Eye Shield, PES Dimensions: Packaged - H 6 in. x W 4 in. Weight: 5 lbs
MED-TAC International Corp. Kemp USA Ultra EMS Bag $113.01
This Ultra EMS bag has 8 compartments, extra pockets and strapping, assuring all of your supplies and equipment are secured and organized. Also included is an additional pocket on each end for extra storage. Two removable zippered pouches with transparent windows are attached to the top flap with hook and loop. This bag is made of 600D durable nylon with a reflective yellow stripe all the way around the bag for high visibility at night. This bag can hold and protect a D Oxygen Tank. The bottom has feet to protect from wear and tear, and it comes with padded nylon duffel handles and an adjustable shoulder strap. The water-resistant nylon is easy to clean.  Weight: 8.00 lbs. Dimensions: 13" x 20" x 14"
Safeguard Medical Safeguard RAMPART Medic Enhancement Set $999.95
The Medic Enhancement Set (MES) is a capability improvement by providing advanced tools for the management of massive hemorrhage, airway compromise, open chest wounds and intraosseous access all in one complete set. It uses the MARCH™ medical gear in a comprehensive, color-coded trauma treatment system to treat the top preventable causes of death. Celox® Rapid 3” x 5′ Z-Folded- 2 each TMT™ Tourniquet- 2 each iT Clamp™- 1 each Control-Cric™- 1 each Sentinel® Chest Seal- 2 each T.A.L.O.N.® 7-Site IO Starter Set- 1 each Battle Bandage® Advanced Compression Bandage- 2 each
Safeguard Medical Safeguard MARCH IFAK Resupply Set $193.95
The MARCH™ IFAK Resupply bundle is intended to be used as resupply for the US Army standard IFAK or similar commercial applications. Contents: TMT™ Tourniquet 1 ea Celox® RAPID 1 ea Pre-Lubricated Nasal Airway 1 ea Sentinel Chest Seal 1 ea Dart 1 ea Battle Bandage 1 ea Battle Wrap 1 ea Rolled Gauze 1 ea Eye Shield w/ Garter – Polycarbonate 1 ea Gloves (pair) 1 ea TCCC Card DD-138 1 ea Mini-Sharpie 1 ea Quick Start Guide 1 ea Product Attributes Color-coded trauma treatment system Easy identification of critical components Treats 5 preventable causes of traumatic death Clinical Benefits Standardization among users Best-of-breed life saving components for self and buddy aid Up to 5 years shelf-life Specs: Package: 12”W x 1”H x 2.”D Unit Weight: 1 lb. 100% TAA Compliant Made in USA
Safeguard Medical Safeguard RAMPART Medic Enhancement RESUPPLY Set $1,479.95
A medic’s bag should never run out! The Medic Enhancement Resupply provides advanced capabilities for the management of battlefield trauma, setting it apart from the standard issue medical equipment. Its increased capability is specifically designed to treat the five leading causes of preventable traumatic death in combat. The Medic Enhancement Resupply uses MARCH™ medical gear in a comprehensive, color-coded trauma treatment system distinctly packaged with icon identifiers for ease of access and identification. It is packaged in a rugged, vacuum sealed, nylon pouch providing a layer of protection to the components until needed. Celox® Rapid 3” x 5′ Z-Folded- 4 each TMT™ Tourniquet- 4 each iT Clamp™- 1 each Control-Cric™- 1 each i-Gel SGA -- 1 each Nasal Trumpet 28Fr - 3 each Sentinel® Chest Seal- 6 each Dart 14g Needle/Cath - 3 each. T.A.L.O.N.® 7-Site IO Starter Set- 1 each Battle Bandage® Advanced Compression Bandage-3 each HAWK Advanced Hypothermia Management Set - 1 each Eye Shield - 2 each Trauma Shears - 1 each TCCC Card - 2 each Permanent Marker - 1 Each Specs: Weight: 5.7 lbs. Packaged Dimensions: 9.5” x 13” x 5.5” NSN: 6545-01-674-0157
Safeguard Medical Mojo Multi-Mission Aid Bag $1,333.52
Mojo Multi-Mission Aid Bag This versatile Mojo® Multi-Mission Aid Bag is not just a regular medic bag; it's two medic bags in one, designed to cater to a wide range of mission requirements. Whether you need to provide sustained care for multiple casualties or immediate tactical trauma care, this bag has got you covered. Main Features: Systematic Access: Easy visualization and access to life-saving equipment. Ergonomic Design: Weight is evenly distributed for comfortable carrying. Detachable Assault Bag: Zip-off assault bag specifically designed for trauma care needs. Durable: Made from rugged nylon to withstand the rigors of missions. Ample Storage: Over 3200 in³ of total medical supply storage. Main Bag: Multiple pull-out module bags for maximum organization. Removable waist belt and padded shoulder straps for added comfort. Additional 850 in³ of storage space in the zippered drop-down bottom pouch. Assault Bag: Quick zip-off attachment for immediate access to trauma care supplies. Contains airway, breathing, and hemorrhage control supplies. Wearable low-profile design for easy in-vehicle wear. Clear pouches and multi-loop retainers for quick identification of items. Clinical Benefits: Mission Configurable: Customize your medical bag based on operational needs. Bridge the Gap: Combines the functionality of team bags and tactical bags for medics. Specifications: Unit Weight (stocked): 25 lbs (empty 9 lbs). Unit Dimensions: 20"L x 14"W x 10.5" D. Made in the U.S.A: Berry Amendment & trade compliant.
Safeguard Medical Mojo Medical Direct Action Aid Bag $569.52
Mojo Medical Direct Action Aid Bag The Mojo® Direct Action Aid Bag is a revolutionary medical bag that bridges the gap between compact Combat Lifesaver bags and larger advanced care kits. Designed for close quarters and vehicle use, this ultra low profile bag offers unparalleled versatility and functionality for various mission types. Key Features: Maximum Configurability: Multi-loop retention system and numerous pockets allow for customized organization. Versatile Portability: Can be quickly adjusted by adding a removable padded waist belt and external pockets. Mission Configurable: Tailor the bag to meet specific operational needs. Clinical Benefits: Clear, removable pockets for quick and organized treatments. Product Specifications: Unit Weight (stocked): 11.9 lbs Unit Dimensions: 24″L x 17″W x 7″D Made in the U.S.A: Berry Amendment compliant, sourced, manufactured, and assembled in the U.S.A.
North American Rescue Gecko Grip Multi-Purpose Flat Tape from $4.59
The NAR Gecko Grip Multi-Purpose Flat Tape was designed to provide users with a flat pack configuration for 90 inches of 2-inch-wide high strength T-REX Gecko Grip tape. This is ideal for Outdoor and Adventure IFAKs, and vacuum sealed kits that do not need a full roll of tape. Each kit contains 6 strips, each 2” wide x 15” long with easy peel off backing. The tape kit is lightly vacuum sealed to reduce size but also maintain flexibility for various packing configurations and locations in kits. Contained in a clear resealable poly bag. Dimensions: Packaged: H 7.5 in. x W 3 in. x D 0.34 in. (tape tri-folded inside kit) Min Pk Size: H 5.25 in. x W 2 in. x D 0.34 in. (tape tri-folded inside kit) Strip Size: 2 in. x 15 in. per strip Weight: 0.13 lbs (2.13 oz)
North American Rescue 2" Flat Tape $6.99
Upgrade your medical kits with the NAR Flat Tape, a compact and versatile solution for all your taping needs. Here's why our 2" Flat Tape stands out: Compact Design: Designed in a flat pack configuration, our tape is perfect for small IFAKs and vacuum sealed kits, eliminating the need for a full roll of tape. Convenient Packaging: Each kit contains 6 strips of 2” wide x 15” long tape with easy peel-off backing, ensuring quick and hassle-free application. Space-Saving: Lightly vacuum sealed to reduce size, the tape maintains flexibility for various packing configurations and can be easily stored in tight spaces. High-Quality Material: Made of 3M Durapore Tape, each pack includes 90 inches of durable tape strips, ensuring reliability in emergency situations. Specs: Dimensions: Packaged: H 7.5 in. x W 3 in. x D 0.34 in. (tape tri-folded inside kit) Minimum Pack Size: H 5.25 in. x W 2 in. x D 0.34 in. (tape tri-folded inside kit) Strip Size: 2 in. x 15 in. per strip Weight: 0.068 lbs. (1.1 oz) Elevate your medical supplies with the 2" Flat Tape and ensure you are prepared for any situation that comes your way.
North American Rescue Dental Emergency Response kit $2,299.00
The Dental Emergency Response Kit by North American Rescue provides independent medical or dental healthcare professionals the capabilities to care for dental emergencies at sea, isolated assignments, and austere environments. The Dental Emergency Response Kit is in a small, compact, rugged case that is airtight, waterproof, and sealable. The Kit has 3 pouches that are secured by hook and loop and 1 utility pouch which is mounted in the lid of the case. Kit Contents: 1 X ACCU Film 11 DS 1 X Dental Fuji IX Cement 1 X Cavity Dycal Liner 2 X Dental Roll Braided Sponge – 3/8” X 1.5” 1 X Fractured Tooth Detector – Pack of 4 1 X Wedge Sycamore Set 1 X Dental Aspirating Syringe – Sterile 1 X Dental Needle – 27 GA 5 Pack - Sterile 3 X Dental Operative Kit – Sterile 2 X Dental Scaler Kit – Sterile 1 X Meriam Forceps – Sterile 5 X Oral Exam Disposable Pack 3-in-1 1 X Tofflemire Matrix Band – Pack of 36 1 X Dental Tofflemire Retainer – Sterile 1 X Dental Mixing Pad 3” X 3” Recommended items Not in kit - Sold Separately: Dentistry 1.6% Eugenol Dry Socket Paste Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral Rinse Bupivacaine 0.5% and Epinephrine 1:200,000 Injection 1.8 ml Lidocaine HCL 2% with Epinephrine Bitartrate 1:100,000 USP 1.8 ml Dimensions: Packaged - H 6 in. x W 14 in. x D 10.5 in. Weight: 7.36 lbs
-21% sale
Tactical Medical Solutions TacMed™ Patrol Rifle Response Pouch $159.99 $202.00
TacMed™ Patrol Rifle Response Pouch The TacMed™ Patrol Rifle Response Pouch is designed to allow the modern law enforcement officer respond to critical situations by providing quick access to essential components to fight and save during emergency situations. Main Features: Internal contents for effective treatment of life-threatening wounds External capacity for (2) 30 round M4/AR15 style magazines MOLLE-attaching surface for additional equipment Integrated buckles for easy detachment from the duty belt Compatible with Patrol Trauma Response Kit and belt-mounted tourniquet holders (sold separately) Enhance your preparedness and response capabilities with this versatile and efficient patrol rifle response pouch. Stay ready, stay safe.
North American Rescue Trauma & First Aid Boating Kit $499.99
Meet and exceed the United States Coast Guard (USCG) requirements for first aid kits on recreational boats. Don't be caught on the water without the proper medical kit in your boat, and don't be caught in an emergency without advanced life saving bleeding control solutions. When major bleeding happens, seconds can be the difference! The Trauma and First Aid Boating Kit from North American Rescue was built to exceed the recreational boating standards set by the United States Coast Guard. This kit includes the tools to care for small cuts, burns, eye injuries as well as critical life saving equipment to render emergency care for major hemorrhages while out on the water. Treat aches and other minor injuries with the included over-the-counter medications. The First Aid Pocket Guide walks care givers step-by-step through rendering first aid care to the injured party. Kit items are packed into zippered nylon storage bags that offer the ability to organize injury related products for fast deployment. The red bag labels eliminate confusion when you need to quickly locate the proper treatment supplies. With a bright yellow exterior, the rugged water-tight case is easy to locate and keeps all component bags secure. The integrated carry handle provides a comfortable grip and enables simple movement to get the kit where it's needed for use. Kit Contents: 1 x C-A-T® Tourniquet, Orange 1 x HyFin® Vent Chest Seal Twin Pack 2 x Responder Compressed Gauze 1 x 4 in. Elastic Bandage 4 x 2 in. Elastic Bandage 1 x 6 in. Responder Emergency Trauma Dressing (ETD) 10 x 1 in. x 3 in. Bandage 5 x Flexible Fabric Bandage 4 x 3 in. x 18 in. Petroleum Gauze 1 x 4 in. x 4 in. BurnTec Dressing 5 x Safetec Burn Gel 3 x 4 in. x 4 in. Gauze Pad (2 pk) 1 x Sam® Splint II 2 x Triangular Bandage 1 x Wound Closure Strip 1 x 1 in. Surgical Tape 3 x PES Eye Shield 1 x 4.5 in. Splinter Forceps 1 x 7.25 in. Responder Shears 10 x Povidone-Iodine Anti-septic Prep Pad 1 x CPR Mask 1 x Permanent Marker, Large 5 x Antibiotic Ointment 1 x 5.5 in. Curved Kelly Hemostat 1 x Hypothermia Wrap, Orange 1 x First Aid Pocket Guide 4 x Responder Nitrile Gloves, Large 1 x 4 oz. Eye Wash Solution 4 x 1 oz. Saljet Rinse 1 x 6 in. Dikes 12 x 1 in. Safety Pins 1 x Bacitracin Ointment 5 x Over-the-counter (OTC) Aspirin 2 x Antacid + Acid Reducer Chewable Tablet 2 x Over-the-counter (OTC) Diphenhydramine 2 x Over-the-counter (OTC) Ibuprofen 10 x Ammonia Inhalant Dimensions: Packaged: H 6 in. x W 14 in. x D 10 in. Weight: 8.0 lbs.
Bolle BOLLÉ Combat Tactical Glasses Kit $69.99
  The Bollé COMBAT Tactical Glasses are the latest hybrid ballistic glasses to receive MIL-PRF-31013 and 32432 certifications. These Platinum® COMBAT glasses have a unique design that allows for easy mono-lens changes in clear, smoke, and CSP versions, as well as a dual temple strap system. The permanent PLATINUM® ASAF coating on both sides of the lens offers high resistance to scratching and helps prevent fogging. They are also certified K&N (EN166) and resistant to harsh chemicals. With its innovative CSP coating, these glasses are perfect for activities that involve varying levels of brightness and exposure to extreme temperatures. SPECS: Ballistic polycarbonate lens Hybrid model: Temples or strap Non-slip nose bridge Single-lens frame PLATINUM® ASAF Coating Panoramic field of vision Dimensions: L 4.70 in. x W 3.50 in. x D 2.00 in. Weight: 1 oz