1. All test and inspection items will be discarded after 6 weeks, unless retrieved by the clients representative.
2. Samples, identification of samples and all job specific details were supplied by the client.
3. Any stated nominal pipe sizes and nominal thickness of the material were provided by the client.
4. Where applicable, the Measurement Uncertainty (MU) applies to the test results as per LMATS procedure. MU can be obtained
by contacting one of the LMATS ISO 17025 accredited laboratory.
5. If this report does not specify acceptance criteria, then the test or inspection results should be referred to a competent
authority for further action.
6. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the issuing laboratory to ensure that parts of a report are
not taken out of context. The client or their representatives shall not edit this report.
7. LMATS or its professional indemnity insurance provider do not indemnify the contents within this report or the conformity of a
tested product unless the invoice for the reported work is paid in full within the agreed credit terms. Reports will be revoked if the
invoice for the completed work is not paid in full.