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EM Quick Hits 49 Stroke Management Update, Intussusception, 5 Penetrating Trauma Tips, Skin Foreign Body Hack, CT Radiation Risk, Emergency Fund

Anton Helman |

On this month's EM Quick HIts podcast: Anand Swaminathan on EVT for large vessel occlusion strokes, Sarah Reid on picking up intussusception, Andrew Petrosoniak on 5 Penetrating Trauma Tips, Peter Toth on using a slit lamp to manage skin foreign body hack, Nour Khatib and Jonathan Wallace on CT Radiation Risk and Matt Poyner on setting up an emergency fund...

The post EM Quick Hits 49 Stroke Management Update, Intussusception, 5 Penetrating Trauma Tips, Skin Foreign Body Hack, CT Radiation Risk, Emergency Fund appeared first on Emergency Medicine Cases.

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