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EMS Photos Star of Life "Estrella de la Vida" by Daniel Sandahl / FOTOS MEDICINA PREHOSPITALARIA

EMS Solutions International |

Estrella de la vida España. STAR OF LIFE SPAIN

Estrella de la Vida República Dominicana 🇩🇴 by Félix García Ogando

EMS Dominican Republic / SEM Republica Dominicana by Felix Garcia Ogando 

This image is dedicated to all the healthcare workers who have died both directly and indirectly from this virus. They are true paragons of humanity.
To download a full resolution file for printing of this image, click the download icon and use the password "Paragons". The crop ratio is 4:6 so use that ratio when ordering your prints. The native size is 40x60 inches.

If you would like a hand-signed print then contact me using the contact link above. I can have it printed locally and hand sign it before sending it to you. Printing and shipping costs will apply. If you would like to support this project and my artwork then you can order a print from the Covid 19 Selfie Gallery or make a donation using the PayPal donation link on my homepage. All donations will go to the Peer Recovery and Resiliency Society.

A huge thank you to my brothers and sisters who sent me photos to create this image.

Stay safe everyone


This is the first in a series of images I will post every day. They will follow the treatment of this patient from pre-hospital to the ER. See if you can diagnose the problem based on the images I share. Here is the dispatch information:
27 y/o male - unconscious - respiratory distress
I'll post the next image in this series tomorrow.
Stay safe everyone.


Image 2

PHx: Depression, Anxiety, ADHD. Pt is a recreational marijuana user. 

Meds: methylphenidate, lorazepam, citalopram

Pupils = 2 mm

ETCO2 = 85 mm Hg

BGL = 7.2 mmol/L (130 mg/dL)

Temp = 36 C / 96.8 F
Tx: naloxone 0.4 mg IV q 2 minutes x 3

Enroute: Pt remained unresponsive and goes into pulseless Vtach.

Follow my page to see the following images in this series. I'll post the next one tomorrow.

Stay safe everyone.

Image #3

1 Shock 360J - CPR - 1 shock 360J - Epinephrine 1 mg IV - CPR - ROSC (Return of Spontaneous Circulation) - Arrival at ER.

Image #4 will be posted tomorrow.

Stay safe everyone.


Image #4 - Handoff report:
"This is John, he's 27 years old and was at a counselling session with his wife when he went unconscious and stopped breathing. We arrived on scene and noticed decreased respirations, cyanosis and pinpoint pupils. We assisted ventilations with an OPA and BVM, started a line and administered a total of 1.2 mg of naloxone IV on when he went into cardiac arrest. We shocked him twice, gave 1 mg 1:10,000 epinephrine and got a pulse back. His wife said he's an occasional marijuana user and believes he had some just before their meeting. He takes methylphenidate, lorazepam and citalopram. Last BP was 92/50, pulse is 140 and irregular, and he's breathing on his own at about 4/min, and we've been assisting ventilations to 12-20/min trying to get his ETCO2 down, it's still at 65 mm Hg but was up to 95. It seemed like his respiratory rate was increasing just before he coded."
Have a safe weekend everyone. I'll post the next image in this series tomorrow.

A Christmas Nightmare
It's that time of year again...Joy to the world, peace on earth, goodwill to mankind - I'm back on shift tomorrow, and I dread working this time of year.

Already we've seen some horrific and tragic scenes involving families this holiday season. If you have friends or family working in emergency services, please give them some extra time over the next few weeks to adjust after their shift. It can be difficult transitioning from a crazy day at work to a regular family life celebrating the holiday season.
Merry Christmas everyone and please be safe this weekend.
A long time ago I realized I wanted to get the most out of this life. I travel a lot and have lived in several countries hoping to expand my life experiences. People often ask me why I became a paramedic, and I tell them because I wanted to help people, but that's not the truth - I wish it were. People also ask why emergency workers stay in their job if there's such a high risk of mental injury. For me, there's no more of a significant life experience than being with someone at a critical moment in their life. Trying to save someone from a traumatic or medical event or delivering a baby is as real as life gets for me. There are not many people that can say they have been with someone at the moment of their death or who have genuinely made a difference in saving a life. These are the most real of life experiences for me, and it's why I continue doing this job. If you're a life experience junkie like me than being an emergency worker is as good as it gets in my opinion.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season. Stay safe everyone.
A great first day at the 41st annual EMS Rendezvous Conference in North Dakota. Here's a shot I took today of one of the coolest paint jobs I've seen on a medi Heli. This one is from AMRG, Air Medical Resource Group. Dansun Photos

Les esperamos en el #Grupo de #TELEGRAM sobre #Salud, #Medicina y #Emergencias de toda #Iberoamérica https://t.me/joinchat/GRsTvEHYjNLP8yc6gPXQ9Q

I create emotional and authentic images that are a result of my experiences. If I have an emotional connection to an image than I consider that artwork. When I get commissioned to create something that's what I'm trying to achieve for my client.

I was born in 1967 and raised in Canada. Being Canadian automatically makes be super nice and very apologetic, even when I don’t need to be. I’ve been a full time firefighter and paramedic for 13 years and that’s where I get all my motivation for my emergency services artwork. I have a real passion for raising mental health and PTSD awareness for my profession. You can’t do this job and not get a little crazy.

In my previous career I was an English teacher. This gave me the opportunity to travel the world and live in many countries. While living in Japan I even played in a Japanese blues band, one of the strangest experiences I’ve had. Living in other countries really shaped my personality and perspective on the world, travel continues to be my biggest teacher.

I first picked up a ‘real’ camera about 5 years ago. I love the technical side of photography, it appeals to my geeky side. I also love the artistic side of photography; it’s great for my left and right sides of my brain. I continue to travel, learn about photography and work full time as a firefighter/paramedic. I’m truly humbled by all the attention my work has received and I’m sure I’ll keep creating until I’m old and cranky.

Thank you for visiting my page, feel free to email me through the ‘contact me’ link above.

Daniel Sundahl

DanSun Photo Art

Album en Facebook

EMS Art by Daniel Sundahl

Vanderbilt Life Flight by Daniel Sundahl 

"Our bad day at the office" Photo By Daniel Sundahl 

"Our bad day at the office" Photo By Daniel Sundahl 

EMS Photo By Daniel Sundahl more,,, http://goo.gl/uZIRvp

Photo By Daniel Sundahl  Paramedic, Medic, Paramedico, EMT, TUM, EMS, 911, Prehospitalaria

Trauma By Daniel Sundahl

Photo By Daniel Sundahl  Paramedic, Medic, Paramedico, EMT, TUM, EMS, 911, Prehospitalaria

Photo By Daniel Sundahl "Comprimiré tu pecho tan fuerte como mi cuerpo me lo permita, tan rápido que el tiempo se detendrá, no descansaré, no descansaré y lo intentaré tantas veces como me quede la ultima esperanza, tendrán que venir y decirme vasta varias veces antes de dejarte ir, lo siento pero he nacido y he sido entrenado para ello, para dar y llegar hasta el final sin importarme quien eres, que has hecho, sin tan ni siquiera conocerte y si fracaso en el intento quedaras en mi memoria el resto de mi vida" Así es nuestro corazón, así pensamos los profesionales de la medicina de calle. By Dr. Ramón Reyes es que soy "SOCORRISTA" http://goo.gl/N3r8l4

Photo By Daniel Sundahl "No tengo el corazón de hierro, no soy superman, no soy inhumano, sufro en silencio más de lo que te imaginas cuando he perdido a ese ser inocente" By Dr. Ramon Reyes 

"Pese haberte perdido, se que eres consciente que he dado hasta mi ultimo suspiro por salvarte, tu mismo eres testigo de ello" By Dr. Ramon Reyes
"SAD" EMS Art by Daniel Sundahl

This poster features artwork by firefighter Daniel Sundahl of the Leduc Fire Services. The original work was chosen as the front cover for the EMS Expo conference in Nashville in November 2014, and will also be on all banners at the conference. Artwork/Daniel Sundahl

  • PreHospital and Medical EMS Art, Ambulance By Daniel Sundahl
    More in the link http://goo.gl/uZIRvp
  • PreHospital and Medical EMS Art, Ambulance By Daniel Sundahl
    More in the link http://goo.gl/uZIRvp

    PreHospital and Medical EMS Art, Ambulance By Daniel Sundahl
    More in the link http://goo.gl/uZIRvp


Leduc paramedic’s art goes viral

Pamela Roth

Yesterday at 7:14 PM

Daniel Sundahl never goes anywhere without his camera, even when he's on the job as a paramedic/firefighter for the City of Leduc.
Since picking up his camera five years ago, Sundahl has captured many images of what first responders go through in the field. Now the 47-year-old's digital artwork is capturing the attention of first responders world wide.
On one particular night, Sundahl and his partner were exhausted working a night shift that was full of nasty calls. Around 4 a.m., his partner was sitting on the back of the ambulance, his face buried in his hands. Sundahl grabbed his camera and captured the moment.
Through digital editing using multiple software programs, the image was transformed to look like a drawing. Now it's gone viral, and will appear on the front cover of the EMS World magazine November issue, along with the banners of the EMS Expo Conference in Nashville.
"It continues to just blow my mind the response that I'm getting. It's amazing," said Sundahl, who's gone from 300 followers on his Facebook page to nearly 16,000 in three months. As soon as he began posting the images four months ago, Sundahl was contacted by people all over the world, letting him know his artwork really hits home. A new image is posted every couple of weeks.
"It's gone way bigger than I ever imagined. I think it's just proof that it really strikes a nerve with first responders and non first responders."
Sundahl's images are emotional, showing the exhaustion emergency crews deal with, along with some of the trauma. His motivation for his artwork is to bring awareness to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which many first responders have experienced from one time to another.
With 13 years working in the field, Sundahl is no exception. It wasn't until a specialist came to speak to his colleagues about PTSD that Sundahl realized he had some of the symptoms. He sought help by speaking with a therapist, who diagnosed him with mild PTSD.
"It's a normal response to what we're exposed to over a long period of time," said Sundahl, who finds posting the images therapeutic.
"It really brings it out there so people can talk about it and it makes them feel better. Normally (with) PTSD you suffer alone and you don't want people to know about it, but when it's out there and people talk about it, then it's more comforting."
Sundahl's work can be viewed at www.dansunphotos.com

EMS art EMT Ambulance photo EMT PARAMEDIC


 Star of Life / Estrella de la Vida MEXICO

Si piensas que tu trabajo es difícil, te invito a mi oficina "MEDICINA PRE-HOSPITALARIA, No todos tienen la capacidad de arrodillarse par para dar una segunda oportunidad"  By Dr. Ramon Reyes

"Sacrificas Familia, Amigos, Vida Social, Tu salud y aun así se atreven a cuestionar lo que hacemos" Viva la Medicina Critica By Dr. Ramón Reyes
"Piensas, que no sentimos frió, hambre, sueño, cansancio, que no tenemos esposa, hijos, padres, pues si tenemos. Apartamos todo esto por salir a buscarte y salvar tu vida. Por eso nuestros corazones y lo que hacemos no tiene comparación alguna en esta tierra" By Dr. Ramón Reyes 
¡Hacemos hasta la más difícil de las medicinas!!! "Medicina Tactica".
"No tengo el corazón de hierro, no soy superman, no soy inhumano, sufro en silencio más de lo que te imaginas cuando he perdido a ese ser inocente" By Dr. Ramon Reyes

For me as Seaman They are Angels / Para mi como hombre de Mar "Ellos son Angeles"

"VIVO O MUERTO TE VIENES CON NOSOTROS" Nadadores de Rescate Armada Española 
ems EMT paramedic photo
Paramedico EMT PreHospitalaria
TUM Cruz Roja Mexicana Prehospitalaria
PHTLS-TCCC Prehospital Medicine, Military Medicine, Tactical Medicine

"SILENT HEROES" By Mark Manwaring 
"Ladies & Gentlemen,
Just finished the first very rough cut sketch for the future US Army Nurse Corps print. Tried my best to allude to WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, GWOT and platforms that support the wounded, respectively. If you have any suggestions/recommendations, please let me know. Again, appreciate the support. Warmest," by Michael Solovey
Artist at The Solovey Art Collection

Dr Ramon REYES, MD,
Por favor compartir nuestras REDES SOCIALES @DrRamonReyesMD, así podremos llegar a mas personas y estos se beneficiarán de la disponibilidad de estos documentos, pdf, e-book, gratuitos y legales..

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