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REBEL Core Cast – Basics of EM – AMS

Marco Torres |

Take Home Points

  • Walk in – decide sick/not sick
  • Do I need help now? If so, call in the troops
  • Stable – start asking questions – A LOT OF THEM
  • Investigate – reach out to family, bystanders, EMS, PMD, pharmacy
  • Perform a head to toe exam – check the jiblets and scan the bladder for retention
  • Cast a wide net of tests, this is no the time to be stingy with your orders
  • Never discharge if their not back to their baseline

REBEL Core Cast – Basics of EM – AMS

Click here for Direct Download of the Podcast


Christine Ju, MD
Co-director of Student Clerkship, Emergency Medicine Residency Core Faculty
Modesto, CA
Email: cmju1514@gmail.com
Twitter: @christinemju

Post Peer Reviewed By: Anand Swaminathan, MD (Twitter: @EMSwami)

The post REBEL Core Cast – Basics of EM – AMS appeared first on REBEL EM - Emergency Medicine Blog.

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