This is a flexion teardrop fracture – the mechanism of injury is hyperflexion and axial compression. It is associated with anterior and posterior ligamentous tears, injury to the ligamentum flavum, and posterior subluxation. It is generally seen in C4-C6 [1].
Pearl: Four lines can be drawn to assist in reading cervical spine x-rays and CTs (Figure 2). These include the anterior vertebral, posterior vertebral, spinolaminar, and posterior spinous lines. Note that all four are disrupted in Figure 1.
- Pearl: Don’t confuse this with an extension teardrop fracture, which has fewer ligament tears and is considered less severe (Figure 3). It is generally seen in C2-C3.
Figure 3. Fracture at C2, note only the anterior line is disrupted. Case courtesy of Radswiki, From the case rID: 11268