Trick of the Trade: Pre-Charge the Defibrillator
In cardiac arrest care it is well accepted that time to defibrillation is closely correlated with survival and outcome.1 There has also been a lot of focus over the years...
Sam Ghali, MD |
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In cardiac arrest care it is well accepted that time to defibrillation is closely correlated with survival and outcome.1 There has also been a lot of focus over the years...
Sam Ghali, MD |
A 10-year old girl presents with progressively worsening right lower quadrant pain for the last 2 days. She reports having chills and feeling warm. Her review of systems is negative...
Delphine Huang, MD |
You are working a shift in the emergency department, and you hear the ambulance sirens. EMS is bringing you two patients, friends from a nearby shelter. Per report, the two men were...
Denise Fernandez, MD |
El caso: Una niña de 5 años acude al servicio de urgencias con aproximadamente 24 horas de dolor abdominal suprapúbico y RLQ. Los signos vitales son: temperatura 38,2 C, FC...
Robert Cloutier, MD MCR |
Los niños con dolor en el pecho suelen acudir al servicio de urgencias. Tanto el niño como los familiares pueden pensar que sus síntomas se deben a una enfermedad grave....
Delphine Huang, MD |
La ronda más reciente de las Directrices de 2015 de la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón (AHA) para reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) y atención cardíaca de emergencia (ECC) contiene 315 recomendaciones. 1...
Sean Kivlehan, MD MPH |
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