RCP mecánica y el ensayo LINC
La primera vez que vi a Thumper realizando RCP a un paciente pensé "bueno, eso tiene sentido". Desde entonces hemos visto otros dispositivos, entre los que destacan Zoll AutoPulse y...
Sean Kivlehan, MD MPH |
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La primera vez que vi a Thumper realizando RCP a un paciente pensé "bueno, eso tiene sentido". Desde entonces hemos visto otros dispositivos, entre los que destacan Zoll AutoPulse y...
Sean Kivlehan, MD MPH |
La respuesta corta a esta pregunta es NO. Desde los importantes estudios sobre hipotermia terapéutica posteriores al paro publicados en 2002, 1,2 se han realizado grandes esfuerzos para garantizar que...
Sean Kivlehan, MD MPH |
La angiografía pulmonar por tomografía computarizada (CTPA) con detectores múltiples permite una mejor visualización de las arterias pulmonares periféricas, lo que permite el diagnóstico de pequeñas embolias periféricas limitadas a...
Salim Rezaie, MD |
El manejo urgente de las vías respiratorias y la sepsis grave son situaciones de alto riesgo que los médicos de urgencias suelen encontrar. Es bien sabido que las complicaciones pueden...
Salim Rezaie, MD |
To provide a resource for evidence-based Emergency Medical education, this list of must-read landmark articles was created to supplement the Emergency Medicine (EM) internship year of training. There are 52...
Emily Junck, MD |
Pauses in chest compressions are known to be detrimental to survival in cardiac arrest, so much so that the 2010 American Heart Association (AHA) emphasize high-quality compressions while minimizing interruptions....
Salim Rezaie, MD |
When talking about Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) there are really only three things that make a true difference on outcomes (i.e. survival and neurologic function): High quality, non-interrupted...
Salim Rezaie, MD |
Ischemic stroke is an emergent and devastating neurologic disorder, and is a leading cause of both death and disability in the United States. With each minute of brain ischemia, two...
Todd A. Seigel, MD |
Derangements in acid-base status are commonly discovered on routine emergency department evaluation and often suggest the presence of severe underlying disease. Many acute conditions can disrupt homeostatic mechanisms used to...
Todd A. Seigel, MD |
The incidence of critical illness in the ED is rising, with greater than 1 million ED patients requiring emergent resuscitation each year. In addition to definitive airway management, hemodynamic support...
Todd A. Seigel, MD |
Airway management is one of the defining skills of an emergency physician, but our role in the care of intubated patients may continue long after endotracheal tube placement is confirmed....
Todd A. Seigel, MD |
Welcome a new superstar blogger, Dr. Todd Seigel (@ToddSeigelMD), to the ever-growing ALiEM team. I first met Todd at the recent Society of Academic Emergency Medicine meeting. At that time, he was...
Michelle Lin, MD |
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