El truco del oficio: videolaringoscopio pediátrico para cuerpos extraños en el oído
Está cerca del final de su turno y una de las enfermeras le pide que vea a la hija de nueve años de un miembro del personal de urgencias que...
Yen Chow, MD CCFP |
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Está cerca del final de su turno y una de las enfermeras le pide que vea a la hija de nueve años de un miembro del personal de urgencias que...
Yen Chow, MD CCFP |
La eliminación de insectos del oído es un procedimiento de eliminación de cuerpos extraños que tiene consideraciones únicas. En primer lugar, los insectos son friables. ¿Alguna vez has aplastado un...
Mitchell Li, MD |
Welcome to the second ALiEM Approved Instructional Resources (AIR) Module! In an effort to reward our readers for the reading and learning they are already doing online, we have created...
Andrew Grock, MD |
La madre trae a un niño sano de 4 años para que le coloquen una perla de plástico en la nariz. La madre afirma: “La última vez hubo que llamar...
Maria Beylin, MD |
Serum lidocaine levels correlate well with observed clinical effects. As the concentration increases, lightheadedness, tremors, hallucinations, seizures, and cardiac arrest can occur. Levels > 5 mcg/mL are associated with serious...
Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, FASHP |
A fiberoptic nasopharyngoscope is a handy tool to check patients for suspected foreign bodies (e.g. fishbone stuck in throat) or laryngeal edema. Depending on the diameter of your fiberoptic cable,...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Continuing the theme of mandibular dislocation tricks (protecting your thumbs, post-reduction stabilization), Dr. Daniel Gromis from Advocate Christ Medical Center describes a novel reduction technique, based on the Cunningham shoulder reduction technique...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Sometimes classic techniques need to be revisited, especially when I get new photos from the collective readership. Let’s review a painless way to remove beads from the ear canal. You...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Three weeks ago, I talked about more safely reducing mandibular dislocations. After successful completion of the procedure, how do you make sure that the patient doesn’t re-dislocate the mandible? You...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Does anyone think that this is generally a bad idea when closed-reducing mandible dislocations? Yes, it's easiest to apply downward pressure on the mandible by pushing down on the occlusal...
Michelle Lin, MD |
A few weeks ago, I gave a Tricks of the Trade talk for the Stanford-Kaiser Emergency Medicine residents and faculty. I was overwhelmed by the great, creative ideas that came...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Una hermana y un hermano, de 7 y 14 años, respectivamente, presentan faringitis. El 7F presenta dolor de garganta, tos, fiebre y vómito post-tusivo durante 1 día. Tiene eritema faríngeo...
Timothy Peck, MD |
El drenaje del absceso periamigdalino en el servicio de urgencias sigue siendo uno de mis procedimientos favoritos. Existen varios trucos para aumentar sus posibilidades de tener una aspiración exitosa. Un...
Michelle Lin, MD |
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