RCP mecánica y el ensayo LINC
La primera vez que vi a Thumper realizando RCP a un paciente pensé "bueno, eso tiene sentido". Desde entonces hemos visto otros dispositivos, entre los que destacan Zoll AutoPulse y...
Sean Kivlehan, MD MPH |
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La primera vez que vi a Thumper realizando RCP a un paciente pensé "bueno, eso tiene sentido". Desde entonces hemos visto otros dispositivos, entre los que destacan Zoll AutoPulse y...
Sean Kivlehan, MD MPH |
El bicarbonato de sodio intravenoso parece una droga maravillosa. Corrige la acidosis, empuja el potasio hacia las células, alcaliniza la orina e incluso ayuda con el mal olor de los...
Andrew Grock, MD |
El manejo urgente de las vías respiratorias y la sepsis grave son situaciones de alto riesgo que los médicos de urgencias suelen encontrar. Es bien sabido que las complicaciones pueden...
Salim Rezaie, MD |
Para el club de revistas global ALiEM – Annals of EM sobre el artículo “Utilización de la tomografía computarizada del departamento de emergencia en los Estados Unidos y Canadá”, analice...
Michelle Lin, MD |
A veces escuchamos información declarada como un hecho que puede no ser del todo exacta. Un ejemplo de ello es: "Voy a usar lorazepam porque no se metaboliza en el...
Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, FASHP |
The Case You have a 54-year-old female who presents to the emergency department with a chief complaint of “just feeling out of it.” She has felt “off and on” for...
Nadia Awad, PharmD, BCPS |
I was delighted to see the News and Perspectives piece in this month’s Annals of Emergency Medicine about “Social Media and Physician Learning” (free PDF). I had totally forgotten that...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Salicylate is among the top 25 substances that cause the greatest number of overdose fatalities in the United States. 1 Patients can present with a wide variety of complaints including...
Kristin Fontes, MD |
An 84-year old woman presents to your ED with a traumatic, left-sided posterior hip dislocation. You need to reduce the hip. But how should you sedate her? Procedural sedation is...
Christina Shenvi, MD PhD |
Pauses in chest compressions are known to be detrimental to survival in cardiac arrest, so much so that the 2010 American Heart Association (AHA) emphasize high-quality compressions while minimizing interruptions....
Salim Rezaie, MD |
Ischemic stroke is an emergent and devastating neurologic disorder, and is a leading cause of both death and disability in the United States. With each minute of brain ischemia, two...
Todd A. Seigel, MD |
The prevalence of hyperthyroidism in the general population is about 1-2%, and is ten times more likely in women than men. The spectrum of hyperthyroidism ranges from asymptomatic or subclinical...
Terrance Lee, MD |
It’s been a month since we started adding expert peer reviews to our blog posts, and we have had a flurry of engaging conversation surrounding the new process. During this...
Natalie Desouza, MD |
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