The Ultimate Consult Service: Emergency Pharmacists
Imagine a consult service located IN the ED. The consultants are some of the friendliest people you’ve met and are there to help you. They tirelessly go out of their...
Zlatan Coralic, PharmD |
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Imagine a consult service located IN the ED. The consultants are some of the friendliest people you’ve met and are there to help you. They tirelessly go out of their...
Zlatan Coralic, PharmD |
Rob Bryant, MD (@RobJBryant13), Amie Hatch, PharmD, BCPS (@Amie_EMPharmD), and Jeremy Bair, PharmD (@bairpharm) from Intermountain Healthcare in Utah have created and adopted a fantastic medication reference card which is...
Michelle Lin, MD |
Intentional overdose patients are notorious for giving inaccurate histories. “I took 14 tablets of this and 8 capsules of that. No, wait. It was 3 tablets of this and a...
Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, FASHP |
The complications of alcohol use can be subtle in older adults, and the effects of alcohol are often incorrectly attributed to aging. Because of its under-recognition, the barriers to screening,...
Christina Shenvi, MD PhD |
The incidence of critical illness in the ED is rising, with greater than 1 million ED patients requiring emergent resuscitation each year. In addition to definitive airway management, hemodynamic support...
Todd A. Seigel, MD |
Serum lidocaine levels correlate well with observed clinical effects. As the concentration increases, lightheadedness, tremors, hallucinations, seizures, and cardiac arrest can occur. Levels > 5 mcg/mL are associated with serious...
Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, FASHP |
LET’S START WITH THE FACTS We know that calcium chloride (CaCl2) provides 3 times more elemental calcium than an equivalent amount of calcium gluconate. So, CaCl2 1 gm = calcium gluconate...
Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, FASHP |
Bleeding in general is bad. Bleeding while on anticoagulants is VERY bad. Dr. Rahul Patwari reviews the pathophysiology of coagulation, the various reversal agents, and treatment approaches we can use....
Michelle Lin, MD |
You’re a recent graduate picking up an extra shift in a small ED somewhere north of here. At 3 AM an obese 47 year-old woman presents with shortness of breath...
Zlatan Coralic, PharmD |
La cistitis aguda no complicada es cada vez más difícil de tratar en un contexto de creciente resistencia a los antimicrobianos. En la Guía IDSA de 2010 , como se...
Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, FASHP |
El propofol para el tratamiento de las migrañas en el servicio de urgencias podría estar en el horizonte. Posiblemente se trate de una práctica nueva en la medicina de urgencias,...
Zlatan Coralic, PharmD |
Esta tarjeta Paucis Verbis (PV) es una versión actualizada de la tarjeta PV sobre Contraindicaciones de trombolíticos para ACV del 10 de septiembre de 2010, basada en las nuevas pautas...
Michelle Lin, MD |
El caso Un hombre de 56 años acude al servicio de urgencias en ambulancia. Lo enviaron de la clínica por "fibrilación auricular de nueva aparición". Su pulso oscila entre 130...
Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, FASHP |
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