Tactical Medical Solutions Kit básico de vías respiratorias TacMed™ $94.00
El kit básico de vías respiratorias TacMed™ contiene: 1x vía aérea nasofaríngea 28F 1x Surgilube (jalea lubricante estéril) 1x cinta de tela (1 pulgada) 1x vía aérea Berman de 90 mm (tamaño 4) 1x vía aérea Berman de 100 mm (tamaño 5) 1 kit King LTD (tamaño 4) 1x máscara de bolsillo para RCP (para adultos y niños) Guantes 4PR Blackmaxx (talla grande)
Tactical Medical Solutions Kit endotraqueal básico TacMed™ $48.95
El kit endotraqueal básico TacMed™ contiene: 1x tubo endotraqueal tamaño 6 (con manguito) 1x tubo endotraqueal tamaño 7 1x tubo endotraqueal tamaño 8 1x Introductor de tubo ET (Bougie) 15FR 1x Grip-ET con bloque de mordida 1x estilete flexible 10FR 3x Surgilube (jalea lubricante estéril) 1x jeringa LL de 10CC 1 detector de CO2 con tapa fácil. Respuesta respiración a respiración De un solo uso Guantes 4PR Blackmaxx (talla grande)
Tactical Medical Solutions Kit básico para heridas en el pecho TacMed™ $44.00
El kit básico para heridas en el pecho TacMed™ contiene: 2 agujas de descompresión TPAK de 3,25" 1x Sello de pecho de baliza (sin ventilación, paquete de 2) 1x almohadilla para traumatismos ABD (5x9") Guantes 1PR Blackmaxx (talla grande)
Tactical Medical Solutions Kit de tubo torácico básico TacMed™ $169.00
El kit de tubo torácico básico TacMed™ contiene: 1x Steri-Drape (grande) 1x Guantes quirúrgicos (sin polvo, sintéticos, talla 9) 1 válvula de drenaje torácico Heimlich. 1x tubo torácico blando 36FR 1x hisopo de cloraprep 1x cinta de tela de 1" 1x Sutura-0 (cargada de seda, corte curvo) 2x gasa de petrolato 2x gasa de esponja 1x pinza Kelly de 5,5" (curvada, estéril) 1x pinza Roch-Pean (curvada, 8,5") 1 bisturí desechable n.º 10.
-4% sale
North American Rescue Kit de inserción de tubo torácico $129.99 $134.99
El kit de inserción de tubo torácico NAR está diseñado para proporcionar el equipo necesario para realizar una toracostomía de emergencia con tubo torácico. El kit compacto y liviano está empaquetado en una bolsa sellada al vacío fácil de abrir; el kit se puede guardar en su kit o carrito de emergencia. Contenido del kit: 1 x gasa de petrolato - 3 pulgadas x 18 pulgadas. 1 x bisturí, n.° 10 - protegido 1 hemostático, Kelly curvo - 5,5 pulgadas. 1 paño estéril de 18 x 25 pulgadas fenestrado 1 par de guantes de látex quirúrgico estéril 8,5 1 x válvula de tubo torácico 1 x Tubo torácico, 36 French Soft 1 hisopo Chloraprep, 3 por paquete 1 esponja dividida de 4 x 4 pulgadas. 1 x Sutura de seda 0, 30 pulg. Rochester-Pean curvo de 1 x 8 pulg., estéril Dimensiones: Largo 12 pulgadas x ancho 7,5 pulgadas. Peso: 9,8 onzas
North American Rescue Kit de catéter urinario $12.99
El kit de catéter urinario contiene todos los componentes necesarios para utilizar un catéter Foley durante urgencias prolongadas o atención en el campo. Cada kit viene con un catéter Foley de 2 vías recubierto de silicona, hisopos de Chloraprep, una jeringa de agua esterilizada, una bolsa urinaria desechable de 1000 ml para las piernas, guantes quirúrgicos de látex, una almohadilla protectora a prueba de humedad, un paño fenestrado y lubricante quirúrgico. Contenido del kit: 1 par de guantes quirúrgicos de látex 1 hisopo Chloraprep, paquete de 3 1 x almohadilla inferior a prueba de humedad 1 cortina fenestrada. 1 jeringa de agua estéril de 10 cc. 1 x lubricante quirúrgico, de un solo uso 1 x catéter Foley, recubierto de silicona, látex, globo de 2 vías 1 bolsa urinaria desechable para piernas, 1000 ml. Dimensiones: Largo 12 pulgadas x ancho 7 pulgadas x profundidad 1,5 pulgadas. Peso: 7 onzas
Tactical Medical Solutions Kit de catéter Foley TACMED™ $44.00
El kit de catéter Foley TacMed™ contiene: 2 toallitas antimicrobianas para manos. 2x Toallita de Jabón de Castilla Individual 1x paño estéril Guantes Nitrilo Estéril 1PR (talla XL) 2 hisopos de Betadine 2x Surgilube (gelatina lubricante estéril) 1x cinta de tela de 1" 1x catéter Foley bidireccional punta recta Capacidad del globo de 5 cc. Silicona 1x tubo de extensión (18") 1x jeringa de solución salina de 5 cc 1x almohadilla ABD (17x24") 1x bolsa de colección 1000ml Vinilo
North American Rescue Kit de cateterismo suprapúbico $98.00
El kit de cateterismo suprapúbico incluye todo el equipo para realizar un procedimiento de cateterismo suprapúbico durante atención de urgencia o de campo prolongada (PCC o PFC). Este kit ayudará con la descompresión de la vejiga en pacientes con obstrucción o compromiso uretral. Contenido del kit: 1 x bisturí, n.° 10 - protegido 1 paño estéril de 18 x 25 pulgadas fenestrado 1 x hisopos, Chloraprep (paquete de 3) 1 x Introductor de catéter, 16 FR 1 x catéter Foley, recubierto de silicona, látex, globo de 2 vías 1 x jeringa, descarga de NaCl al 0,9 % (10 ml) 1 dispositivo de fijación de catéter Grip-Lok. 1 tubo de extensión urinaria de 18 pulgadas. 1 bolsa urinaria desechable para piernas de 1000ML 5 x gasa, almohadilla - 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas (paquete de 2) Dimensiones: Largo 10 pulgadas x ancho 7 pulgadas x profundidad 0,5 pulgadas. Peso: 8,5 onzas
Tactical Medical Solutions Paquete de medicamentos básicos y tiritas TacMed™ $20.00
El paquete de curitas y medicamentos básicos TacMed™ contiene: 1x paquete de medicamentos básicos 6x paracetamol 6x ibuprofeno 6x aspirina 6x Antidiarreico 6x diamante 6x difenhidramina 2x sales de rehidratación oral 1 paquete básico de tiritas. 10x vendajes adhesivos (2" x 4") 10x vendajes adhesivos impermeables (1-1/16" x 2-1/4") 10x vendajes adhesivos (1" x 3") 6x vendajes adhesivos para nudillos (1,5" x 2-7/8") 6x almohadillas de piel de topo (3") 2x Crema de Hidrocortisona (0,9g)
Tactical Medical Solutions Kit de sonda NG/OG básico TacMed™ $39.00
El kit de tubos NG/OG TacMed™ contiene: 1x sonda de alimentación nasogástrica (14FR, 36", PVC, estéril) 2x Surgilube (jalea lubricante estéril) 1x jeringa de 2 oz. punta de catéter 60CC 1 vendaje adhesivo para nudillos. 2 gasas de esponja (esterilizadas, paquete de 2) 1x cinta de tela (1 pulgada) 1 pajita flexible para beber (7,75 pulgadas) 1x tiras reactivas de pH de precisión Guantes 1PR Blackmaxx (talla XL)
North American Rescue Kit Nasogástrico/Orogástrico (NG/OG) $9.75
El kit nasogástrico/orogástrico (NG/OG) proporciona todos los componentes necesarios para realizar con éxito la inserción de una sonda nasogástrica u orogástrica durante la atención prolongada a heridos o en el campo (PCC o PFC). Contenido del kit: 1 cinta quirúrgica de 1 pulg. 1 vendaje, nudillo de tela: 1,5 pulgadas x 3,0 pulgadas. 1 par de guantes de nitrilo Talon negros, grandes 1 x gasa, almohadilla - 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas (paquete de 2) 1 lubricante quirúrgico (de un solo uso) - 5,0 g 1 x jeringa, irrigación de punta de catéter, 60 ml 1 pajita flexible para beber de 7,75 pulgadas. 1 tira reactiva, pH, rango 1,0-14,0, paquete de 100 1 x sonda nasogástrica, 14 Fr, 48 pulg. Dimensiones: Largo 8,5 pulgadas x ancho 5,5 pulgadas x profundidad 1,5 pulgadas. Peso: 5,5 onzas
North American Rescue Kit de emergencia dental $51.99
Las emergencias dentales pueden ocurrir en cualquier lugar y todos sabemos lo debilitante que puede ser el dolor dental. Este kit contiene los elementos necesarios para realizar reparaciones temporales de caries, dientes rotos, empastes perdidos o coronas rotas, etc. para sostener al paciente hasta que pueda ser tratado por un dentista. Contenido del kit: 1 x pinzas para astillas: 4,5 pulgadas. 2 pares de guantes de nitrilo Black Talon - Grande 3 x gasa, almohadilla - 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas (paquete de 2) 1 x Bolsa, Biohazard - Roja 1 gasa hemostática ActCel, 2 x 2 pulgadas. 100 bolitas de algodón. 5 rollos de algodón. 1 x aceite de clavo, 1/8 oz 1 x Dentemp 2,2 gramos con aplicador 1 gel, 0,75 g, 20 % benzocaína 1 x hilo dental, 12 yardas, encerado 1 espejo dental. 1 x espátula de alginato 4 x Plaquer/Flosser, envueltos individualmente 1 x cera para huesos, paquete envuelto individualmente Dimensiones: Largo 6,5 pulgadas x ancho 4,5 pulgadas x profundidad 2 pulgadas. Peso: 6 onzas
Tactical Medical Solutions Kit básico para quemaduras TacMed™ $30.00
El kit básico para quemaduras TacMed™ - Versión civil contiene: 1 apósito para quemaduras Waterjel (4" x 4") 1 apósito para quemaduras Waterjel (4" x 16") 3x Apósito para quemaduras Waterjel (3,5GR) 1 vendaje cohesivo (3" x 4,5 yardas) 1x tijeras para traumatismos de 7,25" Guantes 4PR Blackmaxx (talla grande)
Tactical Medical Solutions Paquete de instrumentos de herramientas TACMED™ $30.00
El paquete de instrumentos de herramientas TacMed™ contiene: 1 termómetro digital. 1x pinzas 1 bolígrafo luminoso. 1x tablero de cinta adhesiva (5 pies) 1x tijeras para traumatismos, 5,5" 1 marcador negro.
North American Rescue Conjunto de cantotomía lateral $46.99
La capacidad de realizar una cantotomía lateral y una cantólisis es una habilidad esencial en el campo de batalla, ya que puede ser una técnica para salvar la visión en el caso de una disminución de la perfusión del nervio óptico o del globo como resultado del aumento de la presión orbitaria. Este juego de cantotomía lateral contiene todo lo que un proveedor necesitaría para realizar estos procedimientos. Contenido del kit: 1 x Protector ocular, policarbonato - PES - Naranja 4 x gasa, almohadilla - 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas (paquete de 2) 1 x pinzas para mosquitos Halstead - Recta 5 pulg. 1 x Tijeras Iris, rectas - 4,5 pulgadas. 1 tijeras Metzenbaum rectas de 5,5 pulgadas. 1 x jeringa, tuberculina con aguja de 1 ml (27 ga x 1/2 pulg.) 1 x pinzas para tejidos Adson, 1 x 2 - estériles Dimensiones: Largo 8 pulgadas x ancho 4,5 pulgadas x profundidad 2 pulgadas. Peso: 5,5 onzas
Safeguard Medical Safeguard RAMPART Medic Enhancement RESUPPLY Set $1,479.95
A medic’s bag should never run out! The Medic Enhancement Resupply provides advanced capabilities for the management of battlefield trauma, setting it apart from the standard issue medical equipment. Its increased capability is specifically designed to treat the five leading causes of preventable traumatic death in combat. The Medic Enhancement Resupply uses MARCH™ medical gear in a comprehensive, color-coded trauma treatment system distinctly packaged with icon identifiers for ease of access and identification. It is packaged in a rugged, vacuum sealed, nylon pouch providing a layer of protection to the components until needed. Celox® Rapid 3” x 5′ Z-Folded- 4 each TMT™ Tourniquet- 4 each iT Clamp™- 1 each Control-Cric™- 1 each i-Gel SGA -- 1 each Nasal Trumpet 28Fr - 3 each Sentinel® Chest Seal- 6 each Dart 14g Needle/Cath - 3 each. T.A.L.O.N.® 7-Site IO Starter Set- 1 each Battle Bandage® Advanced Compression Bandage-3 each HAWK Advanced Hypothermia Management Set - 1 each Eye Shield - 2 each Trauma Shears - 1 each TCCC Card - 2 each Permanent Marker - 1 Each Specs: Weight: 5.7 lbs. Packaged Dimensions: 9.5” x 13” x 5.5” NSN: 6545-01-674-0157
Safeguard Medical Safeguard MARCH IFAK Resupply Set $193.95
The MARCH™ IFAK Resupply bundle is intended to be used as resupply for the US Army standard IFAK or similar commercial applications. Contents: TMT™ Tourniquet 1 ea Celox® RAPID 1 ea Pre-Lubricated Nasal Airway 1 ea Sentinel Chest Seal 1 ea Dart 1 ea Battle Bandage 1 ea Battle Wrap 1 ea Rolled Gauze 1 ea Eye Shield w/ Garter – Polycarbonate 1 ea Gloves (pair) 1 ea TCCC Card DD-138 1 ea Mini-Sharpie 1 ea Quick Start Guide 1 ea Product Attributes Color-coded trauma treatment system Easy identification of critical components Treats 5 preventable causes of traumatic death Clinical Benefits Standardization among users Best-of-breed life saving components for self and buddy aid Up to 5 years shelf-life Specs: Package: 12”W x 1”H x 2.”D Unit Weight: 1 lb. 100% TAA Compliant Made in USA
Safeguard Medical Safeguard RAMPART Medic Enhancement Set $999.95
The Medic Enhancement Set (MES) is a capability improvement by providing advanced tools for the management of massive hemorrhage, airway compromise, open chest wounds and intraosseous access all in one complete set. It uses the MARCH™ medical gear in a comprehensive, color-coded trauma treatment system to treat the top preventable causes of death. Celox® Rapid 3” x 5′ Z-Folded- 2 each TMT™ Tourniquet- 2 each iT Clamp™- 1 each Control-Cric™- 1 each Sentinel® Chest Seal- 2 each T.A.L.O.N.® 7-Site IO Starter Set- 1 each Battle Bandage® Advanced Compression Bandage- 2 each
North American Rescue LIFEFLOW PLUS Fluid Infuser $399.99
The LifeFlow® PLUS is a hand-operated rapid infusion device that allows health care providers to deliver blood and fluids quickly and effectively, improving resuscitation of critically ill or injured patients. Delivering in 10mL increments with each handle compression, a LifeFlow PLUS user can administer 1 unit of blood or 500ml of fluid in less than 2 minutes, maintaining full control over the volume delivered. The syringe size allows the user to overcome the resistance of IV catheters and automatically refills when the handle is released - allowing the user full control of volume of fluid delivered. This also protects the syringe from bacterial contamination. LifeFlow PLUS can be operated with one hand, leaving the operator’s other hand free to address other clinical issues, monitor the infusion site, and assess patient response. This is particularly useful in austere environments and transport when resources are limited, and personnel are performing multiple tasks simultaneously. Current methods of blood and fluid delivery are too slow to quickly restore intravascular volume in patients with severe shock and hypotension. For these patients “time is tissue,” meaning every minute of continued hypotension can result in more organ injury. LifeFlow PLUS offers a simple way to restore perfusion with rapid and controlled delivery of fluids and blood. SPECS: Measurements: 12 in. x 7.5 in. x 2.75 in. Weight: 0.95 lb
North American Rescue LIFEFLOW Fluid Infuser $349.99
LifeFlow® is a hand-operated rapid infusion device that allows health care providers to deliver fluids quickly and effectively, improving resuscitation of critically ill patients. While delivering fluid in 10mL increments with each handle compression, LifeFlow can deliver 500ml of fluid in less than 2 minutes through a 20G IV catheter. The syringe size allows the user to overcome the resistance of IV catheters and automatically refills when the handle is released - allowing the user full control of volume of fluid delivered. This also protects the syringe from bacterial contamination. LifeFlow can be operated with one hand, leaving the operator’s other hand free to address other clinical issues, monitor the infusion site, and assess patient response. This is particularly useful in pre-hospital, emergency department, and ICU settings where speed and efficiency are important and personnel resources may be limited. Current methods of fluid delivery are too slow to quickly restore intravascular volume in patients with severe shock and hypotension. For these patients “time is tissue,” meaning every minute of continued hypotension can result in more organ injury. LifeFlow offers a simple way to restore perfusion with a rapid and controlled fluid bolus. SPECS: Measurements: 12 in. x 7.5 in. x 2.75 in. Weight: 0.95 lb
North American Rescue Low Titer O Whole Blood Collection Set - LTOWB-V $79.99
The transfusion of fresh whole blood is the best option for the management of casualties with hemorrhagic shock. Blood transfusions have been used successfully in military operations and other austere conditions to resuscitate trauma patients suffering from shock due to hemorrhage. The Low Titer O Whole Blood (LTOWB) Collection Set-V helps pre-screening to identify type O low titer donors in the operational forces and is the next evolution in far forward fresh whole blood resuscitation. This advancement simplifies the tasks related to fresh whole blood transfusions by reducing the steps, supplies and material, and the time required to perform this lifesaving procedure. The LTOWB Collection Set-V contains all the supplies needed to collect blood from a LTOWB donor and when paired with the LTOWB Administration Set-V to complete the field transfusion requirement. SPECS: Best option for the management of casualties with hemorrhagic shock Simplifies the tasks related to fresh whole blood transfusions Reduces steps, supplies and material, and the time required to perform this lifesaving procedure Kit Contents: 2 x IV Catheter, 16ga x 1.25 in 2 x Interlink Injection Site Adapter 1 x Beaded Cord, 11 in 1 x Blood Bag, 450 ml 1 x 550 Cord, 10 in 2 x Chloraprep Swabsticks, 3 pk 1 x Constricting IV Band 2 x Clear Adhesive Dressing, 4 in x 5 in 2 x Gauze Pad, 4 in x 4 in (2 pk) 1 x Pair Bear Claw Tan Gloves, Large 1 x 572-EWB ASBP Card 1 x TCCC Card 1 x Blood Bag Sticker Dimensions: Packaged - L 9.5 in x W 14 in x D 1 in Weight: 0.60 lbs
North American Rescue Low Titer O Whole Blood Administration Set - LTOWB-V $79.99
The transfusion of fresh whole blood is the best option for the management of casualties with hemorrhagic shock. Blood transfusions have been used successfully in military operations and other austere conditions to resuscitate trauma patients suffering from shock due to hemorrhage. The Low Titer O Whole Blood (LTOWB) Administration Set-V helps pre-screening to identify type O low titer donors in the operational forces and is the next evolution in far forward fresh whole blood resuscitation. This advancement simplifies the tasks related to fresh whole blood transfusions by reducing the steps, supplies and material, and the time required to perform this lifesaving procedure. The LTOWB Administration Set-V contains all of the supplies needed to administer blood collected via the LTOWB Collection Set-V to complete the field transfusion requirement. SPECS: Best option for the management of casualties with hemorrhagic shock Simplifies the tasks related to fresh whole blood transfusions Reduces steps, supplies and material, and the time required to perform this lifesaving procedure Kit Contents: 2 x IV Catheter, 16ga x 1.25 in 2 x Interlink Injection Site Adapter 2 x Needleless Port Connector 1 x 450 ml Blood Bag 1 x Y-Type IV Set w/ Filter 1 x Beaded Cord, 11 in 1 x Constricting IV Band 1 x 550 Cord, 10 in 2 x Chloraprep Swabsticks, 3 pk 2 x Clear Adhesive Dressing, 4 in x 5 in 2 x Gauze Pad, 4 in x 4 in (2 pk) 1 x pair Bear Claw Nitrile Gloves, Large 1 x Kelly Curved Hemostat (Disposable) - 5.5 in 1 x TCCC Card 1 x Blood Bag Sticker 1 x ASBP 572-EWB Card Dimensions: Packaged - L 9.5 in x W 14 in x D 1 in Weight: 0.74 lbs
North American Rescue Low Titer O Whole Blood Kit - LTOWB $84.99
The transfusion of fresh whole blood is the best option for the management of casualties with hemorrhagic shock. Blood transfusions have been used successfully in military operations and other austere conditions to resuscitate trauma patients suffering from shock due to hemorrhage. The Low Titer O Whole Blood (LTOWB) pre-screens to identify Type O Low Titer Donors in the operational forces is the next evolution in far forward fresh whole blood resuscitation. This advancement simplifies the tasks related to Fresh Whole Blood Transfusions by reducing the steps, supplies and material, and the time required to perform this lifesaving procedure. SPECS: Best option for the management of casualties with hemorrhagic shock Simplifies the tasks related to fresh whole blood transfusions Reduces steps, supplies and material, and the time required to perform this lifesaving procedure Kit Contents: 1 x IV Set Y-Type w/ Filter 170-260 UM w/o Pump 1 x CDP (OR CDP-A) Single Blood Bag - 450ml 1 x SF-518 Card 2 x Interlink Injection Site Adapter 1 x ASBP 572-EWB V29 Card 2 x Clear Adhesive Dressing - 4 in x 5 in 1 x Blood Bag Sticker 1 x IV Constricting Band - 1 in x 18 in - White 1 x Beaded Security Cord - 11 in (Marked at 6.5 in) 2 x IV Catheter - 16 Ga x 1.25 in 2 x Chloraprep Swabsticks - 3 per PKG Dimensions: Packaged - L 9.5 in x W 14 in Weight: 0.64 lbs
North American Rescue Sistema de calentamiento de sangre y fluidos QUANTUM $2,999.99
El sistema cuántico de calentamiento de sangre y fluidos de LifeWarmer es una innovación revolucionaria que ha logrado cerrar una brecha de capacidad crítica que anteriormente quedaba expuesta por otros calentadores de fluidos comerciales disponibles actualmente. El tamaño, el peso, el rendimiento y la facilidad de uso ya no son barreras colectivas para la administración de sangre completa en el manejo prehospitalario de víctimas del punto de lesión (POI) lejano y cercano. Quantum supera todos los requisitos logísticos y de atención médica para la entrega de sangre o fluidos calentados en todo el espectro de atención definido. El sistema consta de conjuntos de administración térmica únicos que incorporan elementos sensores con un sistema de calefacción integrado que no interrumpe el recorrido del fluido. Con inteligencia avanzada en todo el sistema, el controlador liviano modula y modera el flujo de energía a los elementos calefactores integrados para garantizar una entrega constante de fluido normotérmico a la víctima. La batería de 44 V es la más pequeña de su categoría y puede ajustar rápidamente la distribución de energía en función de la temperatura y el caudal del fluido de entrada. Esto crea un sistema altamente eficiente capaz de realizar optimizaciones de rendimiento no realizadas anteriormente. El sistema Quantum tiene un peso operativo de solo 22 onzas en total, pero puede suministrar dos unidades de sangre entera (WB) de 39 °F a 100 ml/min con una temperatura de salida de 100,4 °F (38 °+/- 2 °C) con solo un período de calentamiento de 24 segundos. El sistema cuántico de calentamiento de sangre y fluidos proporciona al profesional de atención médica táctica una ventaja tecnológica significativa en la lucha para eliminar las muertes en combate evitables. ESPECIFICACIONES Parámetros de funcionamiento cuánticos: Líquidos intravenosos Temperatura de entrada: 68°F Temperatura de salida: 100,4°F (38°+/- 2°C) Caudal: 2 - 200 ml/min (+) Tiempo de calentamiento: 24 segundos Capacidad de calentamiento con una sola batería: 1700 ml Sangre o productos sanguíneos Temperatura de entrada: 39°F Temperatura de salida: 100,4°F (38°+/- 2°C) Caudal: 2 - 100 ml/min (+) Tiempo de calentamiento: 24 segundos Capacidad de calentamiento con una sola batería: 2 unidades (+) Contenido del sistema cuántico: 1 controlador 1 batería 1 cargador de batería. 2 x TTS-B (equipo de transfusión térmica - sangre) NOTA: TTS-B es de un solo uso y se suministra estéril mediante óxido de etileno. Pesos del producto: Batería: 16 onzas Controlador: 3 onzas Equipo de transfusión térmica (TTS-B): 2,7 oz Cargador: 22 onzas Peso operativo total: 22 oz (Controlador, batería y TTS-B) Características: Ligero El peso operativo más liviano de cualquier sistema portátil de calentamiento de sangre y fluidos (Peso operativo total: 22 oz) Poderoso Calienta dos unidades de sangre completa refrigerada a 39 °F a 100 ml/min+ con una sola carga. Compacto Menos componentes para transportar (solo tres) Rápido Tiempo de calentamiento de sólo 24 segundos Intuitivo El equipo de transfusión/infusión térmica luce, se maneja y se configura/ceba como cualquier equipo intravenoso convencional. Seguro Probado como seguro para sangre, productos sanguíneos y soluciones intravenosas. Eficaz El sistema es plug-and-play para facilitar la configuración en condiciones estresantes, como el cuidado de campo táctico (solo dos puntos de conexión, sin orientación del enchufe ni requisitos de orden de configuración, el estado del sistema es constantemente visible de un vistazo) Completo No requiere transfusión ni equipo de infusión estándar adicional; todos los demás calentadores sí lo requieren Táctico Único sistema aprobado por la FDA que permite desactivar fácilmente las alertas audibles para proteger a los operadores en combate.
North American Rescue Thermal Transfusion Set - BLOOD $325.99
The Quantum Thermal Transfusion Set- Blood from LifeWarmer is the revolutionary IV tubing set that allows for safe, rapid warming of blood, blood products, or IV fluids without adding hardly any additional steps to the normal IV setup process. Modeled after standard blood infusion tubing, the familiar configuration allows for ease of use. The sophisticated intelligence and proprietary warming technology are integrated into the tubing system for simplicity and to reduce additional equipment and procedural steps. Roughly the same size and weight as standard blood tubing, there is almost no additional equipment burden. The Quantum IV administration tubing is double-extruded to yield a configuration that has both an inner tubing layer and an outer tubing layer. A conductive heating element is between the two layers but does not come in contact with the fluid path or disrupt the laminar flow. The outer tubing layer acts as an insulator while the inner tubing layer transfers the heat from the heating element to the fluid path. Thermistors located in the tubing continually measure temperature and provide that input to the Quantum Controller. The monitoring and independent application of energy (heat) along the fluid path allows the Quantum to respond to varying temperature inputs from the fluid source to near the point of patient entry to ensure fluid temperature is the right temperature at delivery. The Quantum Life Warmer, fully charged, is able to warm and maintain up to 2 units ( 900mL +/- 100mL) of cold (4ºC) blood products or IV solutions to a pre-set temperature of 100.4°F (38°+/- 2°C) at a flow rate of 100 mL/min (depending on the ambient temperature). Or, approximately 1700 mL of 20ºC IV solution to a set point of 38ºC +/- 2ºC at a flow rate of 200 mL/min. Effective warming flow rates range from 2 to 200 mL/minute depending on input fluid temperature and ambient conditions. SPECS Compatible with blood, blood products, and standard IV fluids Similar size and weight to traditional IV tubing Intelligent sensing and heating elements from LifeWarmer integrated into the walls of the tubing set No disruption to the fluid path or laminar flow of the fluid Easy bi-directional connection to the Quantum Life Warmer Controller Dual Spike with Vent 200 micron filtered drip chamber Luer-activated injection sites (2) Male Luer lock adapter Tubing length: 80 in. Priming Volume: 22mL Single Use Only, Supplied sterile via Ethylene Oxide Drip rate: 20 gtts/ml Dimensions: TTS-B package (each): 6.5 in. x 11 in. Tubing Length: 80 in. TTS-B Weight (each): 2.6 oz Packaged Weight (2 TTS-B & box): 11 oz
North American Rescue Thermal Infusion Set $325.99
The Quantum Thermal Infusion Set (TIS) from LifeWarmer is the revolutionary IV tubing set that allows for safe, rapid warming of IV fluids without adding hardly any additional steps to the normal IV setup process. Modeled after standard IV infusion tubing, the familiar configuration allows for ease of use. The sophisticated intelligence and proprietary warming technology are integrated into the tubing system for simplicity and to reduce additional equipment and procedural steps. Roughly the same size and weight as standard IV tubing, there is almost no additional equipment burden. The Quantum IV administration tubing is double-extruded to yield a configuration that has both an inner tubing layer and an outer tubing layer. A conductive heating element is between the two layers but does not come in contact with the fluid path or disrupt the laminar flow. The outer tubing layer acts as an insulator while the inner tubing layer transfers the heat from the heating element to the fluid path. Thermistors located in the tubing continually measure temperature and provide that input to the Quantum Controller. The monitoring and independent application of energy (heat) along the fluid path allows the Quantum to respond to varying temperature inputs from the fluid source to near the point of patient entry to ensure fluid temperature is the right temperature at delivery. The Quantum Life Warmer, fully charged, is able to warm and maintain up to approximately 1700 mL of 20ºC IV solution to a set point of 100.4°F (38°+/- 2°C)  at a flow rate of 200 mL/min. Effective warming flow rates range from 2 to 200 mL/minute depending on input fluid temperature and ambient conditions. SPECS: Similar size and weight to traditional IV tubing Intelligent sensing and heating elements from LifeWarmer integrated into the walls of the tubing set No disruption to the fluid path or laminar flow of the fluid Easy bi-directional connection to the Quantum Life Warmer Controller Compatible with standard IV fluids Standard Spike with Vent 15 micron particulate filter Luer-activated injection site Male Luer lock adapter Tubing length: 80 in. Priming Volume: 16mL Drip Chamber: 20 gtt/ml Single Use Only, Supplied sterile via Ethylene Oxide Drip rate: 20 gtts/ml Dimensions: TIS packaged (each): 6.5 in. x 11 in. Tubing Length: 80 in. Weight: TIS (each): 2.1 oz Packaged (2 TIS & box): 10 oz
North American Rescue QUANTUM Blood Transfusion Kit $299.99
"The advantage of the direct transfusion of human blood in cases of severe haemorrhage which we encounter in the emergencies of military surgery cannot to our minds, be overestimated." 1 The above comment, from a paper presented by Lieutenant Colonel A. Primrose of the Canadian army Medical Corps in 1916, remains as pertinent today as during those earlier days of military transfusion medicine... The Quantum Field Blood Transfusion Kit from North American Rescue is a comprehensive kit providing all the needed supplies to allow the user to rapidly perform a field blood transfusion as outlined in the Joint Theater Trauma System Clinical Practice Guidelines. This kit is designed for use with the game-changing Quantum Blood and Fluid Warming System. It's featured component, the Quantum Thermal Transfusion Set - (Blood), incorporates an integrated heating system that does not disrupt the fluid path. Together with the Quantum Blood & Fluid Warming System, providers help to ensure consistent normothermic whole blood delivery in far forward and near point of injury (POI) prehospital casualty management. In addition, this kit allows for donor and recipient blood type verification as well as the collection of donor blood samples for additional surveillance testing. Quantum Field Blood Transfusion Kit Contents: 1 x Single Blood Bag (450ml) 1 x Quantum TTS-B (Thermal Transfusion Set - Blood) 1 x Beaded Security Tie - 11 in. 1 x 550 Cord - 10 in. 1 x Kelly Curved Hemostat - 5.5 in. 1 x Black Permanent Marker, Lg 2 x pair Bear Claw Gloves - Tan, Large 1 x roll 1 in. Surgical Tape 1 x 572-EWB ASBP Card 1 x Donor Module each containing: 1 x IV Constricting Band - 1 in. x 18 in. 1 x Eclipse Vacutainer Holer, 21ga 1 x Vacutainer, Purple Top (6ml) 2 x Vacutainer, Red Top (6ml) 1 x Kelly Curved Hemostat - Disposable - 5.5 in. 1 x Single Blood Bag (450ml) 1 x Blood Bag Sticker 1 x 550 Cord - 10 in. 1 x Beaded Security Tie - 11 in. 2 x Alcohol Prep Pad 2 x 2-pack Gauze Pad - 4 in. x 4 in. 1 x Clear Adhesive Dressing - 4 in. x 4.75 in. 1 x Chloraprep Swabsticks, 3pk 1 x Surgical Tape, 1 in. 1 x pair Bear Claw Gloves - Tan, Large 1 x Permanent Marker, Large 1 x 572-EWB ASBP Card 1 x Donor Placard 1 x Recipient Module each containing: 1 x IV Constricting Band - 1 in x 18 in. 1 x IV Catheter - 16 ga x 1.25 in. 1 x IV Catheter - 18 ga x 1.25 in. 1 x Y-Type IV Set w/ Filter 2 x Alcohol Prep Pad 2 x 2-pack Gauze Pad - 4 in. x 4 in. 1 x Clear Adhesive Dressing - 4 in. x 4.75 in. 1 x Eldon Blood Type Kit 1 x Chloraprep Swabsticks, 3pk 1 x Surgical Tape, 1 in. 1 x pair Bear Claw Gloves - Tan, Large 1 x Permanent Marker, Large 1 x SF-518 Card 1 x Recipient Placard Dimensions: L 10 in. x W 7 in. x D 2.5 in. Weight: 1.09 lb   1 Primrose A, Ryerson ES. The Direct Transfusion of Blood: Its Value in Haemorrhage and Shock in the Treatment of the Wounded in War. Br Med J. 1916;2:384–386.  
North American Rescue QUANTUM Controller Battery $5.99
The LifeWarmer Controller comes fitted with a cover that permits the mating (connection) of the TIS or TTS-B tubing circuit connector to the connector slot on the Controller. The Controller Cover should remain in place for device operation. The Cover also protects the Controller and should be replaced after approximately 10 uses or 6 months
North American Rescue QUANTUM Battery $1,229.99
The Quantum Battery from LifeWarmer is an extremely powerful and intelligent battery in a small, lightweight package- weighing only 16 oz. The Quantum Battery powers the whole warming system with state-of-the-art Lithium Polymer cells harnessing 44 Volts of electrical potential. The battery, fully charged, is able to warm and maintain up to 2 units ( 900mL +/- 100mL) of cold (4ºC) blood products or IV solutions to a pre-set temperature of 100.4°F (38°+/- 2°C) at a flow rate of 100 mL/min (depending on the ambient temperature). Or, approximately 1700 mL of 20ºC IV solution to a set point of 38ºC +/- 2ºC at a flow rate of 200 mL/min. The Quantum Battery is built for use in the most austere and tactical environments. It is IP67 rated for water resistance and is the only portable fluid warming battery that has a disable feature on the audible alarm for tactical considerations. The Quantum Life Warmer Battery is rechargeable with a service life of 500 charge/discharge cycles. It is important to keep the Quantum Battery charged and ready for use. Always re-charge after deployment, even if the battery was not fully discharged. The battery can be kept plugged into the Quantum Charger, as the intelligent Battery senses charge demand and will charge as needed but never overcharge. The Battery has a “Status” button to check the state of charge at any moment, with 3 colored LEDs to inform the user about the condition of the battery. Specs: Lightweight at only 16 oz Designed for the tactical environment- water resistant, subdued color, and the option to disable the audible alarm 44V Lithium-Polymer Battery Intelligent, state-of-the-art battery technology Rated 910 mAh capacity 40.4 Wh Energy Rating IP67 Rated water resistant Service Life 3 years or 500 charge/discharge cycles Operating Conditions: -20ºC to 50ºC for use, 0ºC to 45ºC for charging Storage conditions: -20ºC to 60ºC Dimensions: Battery Case: H 4.5 in. x W 3.25 in. x D 1.25 in. Weight: 16 oz
North American Rescue QUANTUM Controller $709.99
The Quantum LifeWarmer Controller is the command center of the Quantum Blood and Fluid Warming System. It contains the microprocessor and control algorithm that continually assesses temperature input from tubing thermistors and regulates the energy provided to the tubing heating elements in the proximal and/or distal segments to reach and maintain temperature between 100.4°F (38°+/- 2°C) at patient delivery. The Controller receives power when connected to the Battery and modulates the energy flow to the TIS/TTS-B. The Quantum Controller has two connections, one for the battery and one for the Thermal Tubing of choice. The connection to the battery is an omni-directional plug for ease of insertion and the connection is safe and secure. The connection to the TIS or TTS-B is bi-directional and simple to execute- it’s plug and play. The Controller has LED lights on the shoulder of the device to inform the user about the output temperature and flow of the fluid. It will visually alert the care provider to the status of the system. The Controller is reusable and comes fitted with a Jacket that permits the mating (connection) of the TIS or TTS-B Life Warmer tubing circuit connector to the connector slot on the Controller. Specs: Moderates the energy flow from the Quantum Battery to the Thermal Tubing Designed for ease of connecting and durability Colored LED lights constantly show during administration of blood/fluid to show status Extremely lightweight and durable IP53 rated for dust and water resistance with jacket Minimum service life - 1000 insertions/removals Dimensions: Controller Body: W 1.25 in. x H 3 in. x D 0.75 in. Controller Total Length: 51.25 in. Weight (Controller only): 2.5 oz Packaged Weight: 5 oz
North American Rescue QUANTUM Charger $709.99
The Quantum Battery Charger from LifeWarmer is an AC-powered reusable device that can fully charge the Quantum Battery rapidly and safely. The Charger has built-in algorithms to ensure proper, steady charging without overcharging or damaging the health and integrity of the battery. The Battery can go from nearly 0% to full within 90 minutes. The Life Warmer Charger has two colored LED lights to inform the provider of the status of charge and condition of the battery. The Quantum Battery Charger connects to the Battery via an omni-directional plug that allows for rapid energy transfer while prioritizing safety even in cases of hasty disconnection. The Quantum Battery will alert the user if there is any issue associated with the health of the battery. The Charger comes supplied with a 6-foot AC power cord. Specs: Fully charge the Quantum Battery in <90 minutes Smart, safe charging Comes with 6 ft AC power cord Colored LED lights to inform the user of charging and battery status IP 22 rated for dust and water resistance 100V to 264V AC input; 50Hz, 60Hz Minimum service life- 2500 insertions/removals Dimensions: Charger: H 6 in. x W 2.25 in. x D 1.75 in. AC power cord length: 6 feet Charger Weight: 1 lb 4 oz Weight with cord: 1 lb 10 oz
-4% sale
North American Rescue Kit de estuche para instrumentos quirúrgicos R-SICK $599.99 $624.95
El kit PFC ideal para procedimientos quirúrgicos mayores y menores en entornos poco ideales o de gran movilidad El R-SICK fue diseñado específicamente como una bandeja flexible, austera y prolongada para el sistema de recuperación y almacenamiento de instrumentos quirúrgicos en el campo, configurada secuencialmente para preparar a los especialistas en procedimientos para una rápida "incisión, extensión, control de daños y cierre". Los procedimientos complejos y emergentes (vías respiratorias quirúrgicas, control de hemorragias, amputación en el campo y REBOA) son catalizadores del diseño R-SICK; sin embargo, siempre ha existido la demanda de instrumentos de campo de rápido despliegue. El R-SICK fue creado para la personalización del operador y para facilitar la mitigación de lesiones urgentes. El R-SICK fue diseñado con materiales listos para la misión necesarios para las dificultades que se avecinan. Disponibles en instrumentos de calidad para piso y quirófano que el médico puede esterilizar según sea necesario. ESPECIFICACIONES: Bandeja flexible para sistema de recuperación y almacenamiento de instrumentos quirúrgicos, austera y prolongada para cuidados en el campo Para procedimientos quirúrgicos mayores y menores en entornos poco ideales o de gran movilidad Configurado secuencialmente para una rápida “incisión, extensión, control de daños y cierre” Ideal para procedimientos complejos y emergentes, como vías respiratorias quirúrgicas, control de hemorragias, amputación de campo y REBOA. Disponibles en instrumentos de calidad Floor Grade y OR Grade Incluye un resistente organizador enrollable de nailon coyote (también disponible para su compra por separado) Contenido del grado de suelo R-SICK: 2 retractores Weitlaner, 3X4 romos (5,5 pulg.) 1 dilatador trachael Trousseau (5,25 pulgadas). 2 x pinzas Adson, 1X2 (4,75 pulg.) 1 x pinzas Ewald 1X2 1 x pinzas para astillas simples (4,5 pulg.) Serr. Manejar 1 x pinza Kelly pesada 1 x Portaagujas Converse (4,24 pulgadas) de largo 1 x Portaagujas Olsen-Hegar (7,25 pulg.) Serr 1 tijeras de tenotomía Stevens Trbl/Bl. 1 tijera de tenotomía Stevens Cvdbl/Bl. 1 x Tijeras, Mayo (5,5 pulgadas) Str 1 x tijeras de disección Mayo, Crv (5,5 pulg.) 1 mango de cuchillo (#3). 2 hojas de sierra Gigli (20 pulg.) 2 asas para mango de sierra Gigli (3,5 pulg.) 1 gancho traqueal Hiupp (6,5 pulgadas) 2 x fórceps, curva Rochester-Pean (7,25 pulg.) 6 x bisturí #10W/sin manos 6 bisturíes n.º 11. 6 bisturíes n.º 15. 6 x cuchilla, #10 Pluss/S (Tefl) 10 x hoja, #15 Pluss/S (Tefl) 2 x Sutura Ethilon 4-0 Blk Mono Fs-218 2 x Sutura 3-0 Seda 2 x Sutura de seda trenzada negra, 2-0/2-60 pulg. 2 x 2-0 Sutura Ct-2 4 x 4-0 Sutura de seda negra (30 pulg.) 1 lanzadera para objetos punzantes. 1 retractor Farabeuf. Dimensiones: Empaquetado: Alto 8 pulgadas x Ancho 7 pulgadas x Fondo 3,5 pulgadas. Peso: 3 libras