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RCP "REANIMACION" El beso de la vida. KISS OF LIFE

EMS Solutions International |

Pulitzer prize photo...and certainly worthy of that award..

This photo shows two power linemen, Randall Champion and J. D. Thompson, at the top of a utility pole. They had been performing routine maintenance when Champion brushed one of the high voltage lines at the very top. Over 4000 volts entered Champion’s body and instantly stopped his heart (an electric chair uses about 2000 volts).His safety harness prevented a fall, and Thompson, who had been ascending below him, quickly reached him and performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He was unable to perform CPR given the circumstances, but continued breathing into Champion’s lungs until he felt a slight pulse, then unbuckled his harness and descended with him on his shoulder. Thompson and another worker administered CPR on the ground, and Champion was moderately revived by the time paramedics arrived, eventually making a full recovery.

Tema relacionado: 

International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation ILCOR 2015-2020 / The “Highlights of the 2020-2025 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC “ / Summary of the main changes in the Resuscitation "Guidelines ERC GUIDELINES 2015" / Recomendaciones para la Resucitación 2015 del Consejo Europeo de Resucitación (ERC) 2015 / Principales novedades para las nuevas guías de RCP

Rocco Morabito, fotógrafo norteamericano trabajaba en 1967 para un periodíco local de la ciudad de Jacksonville en Florida. El 17 de julio de ese mismo año, cuando caminaba para coger su coche escucho un fuerte sonido.
El ruido resulto ser causado por una descarga eléctrica de más de 4.000 voltios que sufrío un operario mientras trabajaba en una de las líneas. La descarga fue tan brutal que dejo casi sin vida y colgado a 12 metros de altura al trabajador.
Rocco capto el momento en el que su compañero trata de reanimarle. La foto, que pasará a la historia como ‘el beso de la vida’ fue premio Pulitzer en 1968.
Pulitzer prize photo...and certainly worthy of that award..

This photo shows two power linemen, Randall Champion and J. D. Thompson, at the top of a utility pole. They had been performing routine maintenance when Champion brushed one of the high voltage lines at the very top. Over 4000 volts entered Champion’s body and instantly stopped his heart (an electric chair uses about 2000 volts).His safety harness prevented a fall, and Thompson, who had been ascending below him, quickly reached him and performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He was unable to perform CPR given the circumstances, but continued breathing into Champion’s lungs until he felt a slight pulse, then unbuckled his harness and descended with him on his shoulder. Thompson and another worker administered CPR on the ground, and Champion was moderately revived by the time paramedics arrived, eventually making a full recovery.

El beso de la vida (The kiss of life-1967)

Esta imagen es maravillosa por la ejecución, por la relevancia, por la oportunidad y por lo que transmite. Es una foto de Rocco Morabito realizada en julio de 1967 para el Jacksonville Journal, periódico donde trabajaba.
Una vez que has degustado la foto en sí, la historia hará que te parezca aún mejor: Son dos obreros de líneas eléctricas. El que está boca abajo es R. G. Champion  y recibió una descarga eléctrica de alta tensión que le produjo un paro cardíaco. Su compañero J. D. Thompson acudió en su auxilio, practicándole la técnica de respiración boca a boca para tratar de resucitarle. Final feliz puesto que pudo ser llevado al hospital y se recuperó.
El año siguiente Rocco ganó el premio Pulitzer (1968),  en la categoría Spot Photography.
J.D. Thompson holds iconic "Kiss of LIfe"; photo that captured him saving a fellow electrical lineman's life in 1967 (PHOTO: FIrst Coast News)

'Kiss of Life' hero reflects 50 years after iconic moment
Retired electrical lineman J.D. Thompson of Jacksonville reflects on moment he saved a colleague's life, caught in famous "Kiss of Life" photo.

Author: Jeff Valin
Published: 7:13 PM EDT July 3, 2017
Updated: 11:10 AM EDT July 4, 2017
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - It's a photo that captured world's attention 50 years ago this month, but J.D. Thompson of Jacksonville remembers the moment it was captured well.

"A lot of people can't believe it was 50 years ago," he told First Coast News on Monday. "It's hard for me to believe."Titled "Kiss of Life," the photo, taken when he was a 26-year-old lineman with City Electric - now JEA - is an image of Thompson administering CPR to teammate Randall Champion just moments after Champion had grabbed a live wire he'd thought was dead.

"He got a hold of the hot wire with his four fingers," Thompson recalled, "and [the electrical current] came out his – I think it was the left foot. And it blew a hole where it came out his foot."

Champion's injuries included a burn to his foot that would require skin grafting and months of healing, but the 2400 jolt that caused them could have killed him.

"A lot of people have survived," Thompson said. "It’s just a matter of how long you’re hooked on to it, you know? And, a lot of people have been killed instantly."

The date was July 17, 1967. In those days, few people carried cameras as ubiquitously as in modern times with cell phones at the ready. It just so happened that a newspaper photographer named Rocco Morabito was in the vicinity of West 26th Street in Jacksonville, where the electrical crew was working.

"At that time the Florida East Coast Railroad was having a strike," Thompson explained, "and Rocco had went by our job and went down to the railroad yard and there was nothing going on, and so he came back and thought he’d take some pictures."

Thompson had been working about 400 feet away when he learned that something was wrong with Champion, a buddy who'd been hired on the same day four years earlier. Thompson ran to the pole, where Champion was dangling upside-down and unconscious in his safety harness some 20 feet above the ground.

"The position he was in wasn't too good," Thompson said.

He told First Coast News that thoughts of his emergency training raced through his mind as he raced to the pole.

"You actually had to breathe in the mouth and make this thing work," he said. "If you didn't do it right, the stomach blew up and you weren't getting any air in to the lungs."

Thompson said he was pleasantly surprised when his efforts paid off.

"I was putting air in him as hard as I could go," he said. "And also trying to reach around him and hit him in the chest. And, all at once, he came to."

The photo is black and white, but when I asked Thompson how confident he had been in the moment that he could save his friend, his recollection was in vivid color.

"No, he was blue," he said. "I mean, gray-blue."

Thompson downplayed his heroism, saying if it wasn't for Morobito's picture - which netted the photographer a Pulitzer Prize for spot news - his rescue would be no different from many that take place routinely.

He did, however, say that if he indeed saved his friend's life that day, it's the photo that gave the moment eternal life and an effect that has passed down countless lines since.

"My sister-in-law recently found on Facebook, there’s a lineman in Washington state who has this tattooed on his arm," he said.

Champion would work several decades longer, passing away in 2002. Morobito died in 2009.

© 2018 WTLV http://www.wusa9.com/article/news/kiss-of-life-hero-reflects-50-years-after-iconic-moment/454108459

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Guía para el manejo médico-quirúrgico de heridos en situación de conflicto armado by CICR http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2017/09/guia-para-el-manejo-medico-quirurgico.html
Manual Suturas, Ligaduras, Nudos y Drenajes. Hospital Donostia, Pais Vasco. España http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2017/09/manual-suturas-ligaduras-nudos-y.html
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Manual Práctico de Cirugía Menor. Grupo de Cirugia Menor y Dermatologia. Societat Valenciana de Medicina Familiar i Comunitaria
Protocolo de Atencion para Cirugia. Ministerio de Salud Publica Rep. Dominicana. Marzo 2016 http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2016/09/protocolo-de-atencion-para-cirugia.html
Manual de esterilización para centros de salud. Organización Panamericana de la Salud http://emssolutionsint.blogspot.com/2016/07/manual-de-esterilizacion-para-centros.html
DESFIBRILADOR SEMIAUTOMÁTICO (DESA) ,  Desfibrilador Externo-Automatico DEA, Automatic External Desfibrillator AED by fundaciondelcorazon.com
 muerte súbita o parada cardíaca es un problema que ocurre de forma inesperada y con relativa frecuencia en España y el resto del mundo. En muchos casos esto ocurre porque el corazón se detiene como consecuencia de una arritmia letal (Fibrilacion Ventricular FV y Taquicardia Ventricular Sin Pulso TVsp. El reconocimiento temprano de la situación y el uso precoz de un desfibrilador es esencial para revertir esta situación. El tiempo es vital en una persona que sufre una parada cardíaca, puesto que cada minuto que pasa sin que iniciemos las maniobras de RCP y uso del desfibrilador se reducen las posibilidades de supervivencia un 7-10%. De ahí que el Consejo Español de Resucitación Cardiopulmonar, la Sociedad Española de Cardiología y otras sociedades científicas abogue por la instalación de más dispositivos de este tipo en lugares públicos.

Teniendo en cuenta que el 80% de los casos ocurren en domicilios o en la vía pública solo es posible ayudar a estas personas de forma inmediata mediante el uso del DESA por parte de los testigos o primeros intervinientes.

La rapidez es un factor esencial para aumentar el índice de supervivencia ante una parada cardíaca. El retraso en comenzar las maniobras de RCP o el uso del desfibrilador ocasiona daño neurológico y las secuelas pueden ser irreversibles. La mayoría de las paradas cardíacas extrahospitalarias, desafortunadamente, no sobreviven antes de llegar al hospital.

Por ello es imprescindible el conocimiento sobre reanimación cardiopulmonar básica además del uso de estos dispositivos.

Si el uso de este tipo de desfibriladores se produce en los 3 minutos después del paro cardiaco la supervivencia aumenta un 73% y si se utiliza en menos de 5 minutos las posibilidades se incrementan hasta el 50%. ;

¿Cómo se usa un DESA?
1.- Solicita ayuda. Llama al 112 o personas cercanas al lugar.

2.- Una vez dispongamos del DESA debemos descubrir el pecho de la víctima y colocar los parches adhesivos que encontraremos en el interior del DESA. Es importante que no dejemos de realizar RCP mientras hacemos esta maniobra.

3.- Una vez colocados los parches adhesivos sigue las instrucciones visuales/sonoras del DESA. En el caso de aplicar una descarga, el DESA nos informará y nos dirá que pulsemos una luz roja intermitente para llevarla a cabo.

4.- Tras aplicar la descarga continúa con las maniobras de RCP

* Recuerda: el DESA es seguro y puede salvar la vida de la persona que tenemos al lado 

Recomendamos este DEA/ DESA/ AED

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Dr Ramon REYES, MD,
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