Elite First Aid Bolsa médica táctica STOMP $139.99
Esta bolsa se vende vacía, hay una versión en kit disponible para comprar aquí. La bolsa y el kit médicos STOMP se basan en el probado paquete militar de primeros auxilios para traumatismos, popular entre los equipos SEAL. La bolsa está convenientemente organizada con varios compartimentos con velcro y cremallera para acceder fácilmente a cientos de artículos en su interior. La bolsa STOMP tiene varias secciones que se abren de forma plana para permitir un acceso rápido y fácil a sus instrumentos y suministros. Hay dos secciones interiores que son amplias y le brindan 4 áreas de superficie con múltiples velcros y compartimentos de malla y con cremallera que están colocados y organizados para que todo esté al alcance de la mano de manera rápida y fácil. La bolsa STOMP está fabricada con materiales resistentes y duraderos, lo que la convierte en una bolsa ultrarresistente que se puede usar en las condiciones más exigentes. El exterior de la bolsa STOMP tiene una construcción sólida y cuenta con fuertes asas en la parte superior y lateral, correas de compresión en los laterales, espuma de soporte en la parte posterior, correas ajustables para los hombros y un cinturón, y cremalleras resistentes al agua. El exterior de la bolsa cuenta con correas MOLLE para todo tipo de personalizaciones, como kits de trauma de acceso rápido o agua. Por último, hay una abertura en el interior para una bolsa de hidratación y el frente contiene velcro para sujetar identificaciones o parches. La mochila está disponible en cuatro colores: negro, rojo, coyote tan y OD y contiene muchos compartimentos con velcro y cremallera para acceder fácilmente a más de trescientos artículos en su interior. Dimensiones: Ancho: 14" pulg. Altura: 19" pulg. Profundidad: 10" pulg. Peso del producto: 8 libras (vacío)
North American Rescue Kit de catéter urinario $12.99
El kit de catéter urinario contiene todos los componentes necesarios para utilizar un catéter Foley durante urgencias prolongadas o atención en el campo. Cada kit viene con un catéter Foley de 2 vías recubierto de silicona, hisopos de Chloraprep, una jeringa de agua esterilizada, una bolsa urinaria desechable de 1000 ml para las piernas, guantes quirúrgicos de látex, una almohadilla protectora a prueba de humedad, un paño fenestrado y lubricante quirúrgico. Contenido del kit: 1 par de guantes quirúrgicos de látex 1 hisopo Chloraprep, paquete de 3 1 x almohadilla inferior a prueba de humedad 1 cortina fenestrada. 1 jeringa de agua estéril de 10 cc. 1 x lubricante quirúrgico, de un solo uso 1 x catéter Foley, recubierto de silicona, látex, globo de 2 vías 1 bolsa urinaria desechable para piernas, 1000 ml. Dimensiones: Largo 12 pulgadas x ancho 7 pulgadas x profundidad 1,5 pulgadas. Peso: 7 onzas
-4% sale
North American Rescue Kit de inserción de tubo torácico $129.99 $134.99
El kit de inserción de tubo torácico NAR está diseñado para proporcionar el equipo necesario para realizar una toracostomía de emergencia con tubo torácico. El kit compacto y liviano está empaquetado en una bolsa sellada al vacío fácil de abrir; el kit se puede guardar en su kit o carrito de emergencia. Contenido del kit: 1 x gasa de petrolato - 3 pulgadas x 18 pulgadas. 1 x bisturí, n.° 10 - protegido 1 hemostático, Kelly curvo - 5,5 pulgadas. 1 paño estéril de 18 x 25 pulgadas fenestrado 1 par de guantes de látex quirúrgico estéril 8,5 1 x válvula de tubo torácico 1 x Tubo torácico, 36 French Soft 1 hisopo Chloraprep, 3 por paquete 1 esponja dividida de 4 x 4 pulgadas. 1 x Sutura de seda 0, 30 pulg. Rochester-Pean curvo de 1 x 8 pulg., estéril Dimensiones: Largo 12 pulgadas x ancho 7,5 pulgadas. Peso: 9,8 onzas
North American Rescue Conjunto de cantotomía lateral $46.99
La capacidad de realizar una cantotomía lateral y una cantólisis es una habilidad esencial en el campo de batalla, ya que puede ser una técnica para salvar la visión en el caso de una disminución de la perfusión del nervio óptico o del globo como resultado del aumento de la presión orbitaria. Este juego de cantotomía lateral contiene todo lo que un proveedor necesitaría para realizar estos procedimientos. Contenido del kit: 1 x Protector ocular, policarbonato - PES - Naranja 4 x gasa, almohadilla - 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas (paquete de 2) 1 x pinzas para mosquitos Halstead - Recta 5 pulg. 1 x Tijeras Iris, rectas - 4,5 pulgadas. 1 tijeras Metzenbaum rectas de 5,5 pulgadas. 1 x jeringa, tuberculina con aguja de 1 ml (27 ga x 1/2 pulg.) 1 x pinzas para tejidos Adson, 1 x 2 - estériles Dimensiones: Largo 8 pulgadas x ancho 4,5 pulgadas x profundidad 2 pulgadas. Peso: 5,5 onzas
North American Rescue Kit de emergencia dental $51.99
Las emergencias dentales pueden ocurrir en cualquier lugar y todos sabemos lo debilitante que puede ser el dolor dental. Este kit contiene los elementos necesarios para realizar reparaciones temporales de caries, dientes rotos, empastes perdidos o coronas rotas, etc. para sostener al paciente hasta que pueda ser tratado por un dentista. Contenido del kit: 1 x pinzas para astillas: 4,5 pulgadas. 2 pares de guantes de nitrilo Black Talon - Grande 3 x gasa, almohadilla - 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas (paquete de 2) 1 x Bolsa, Biohazard - Roja 1 gasa hemostática ActCel, 2 x 2 pulgadas. 100 bolitas de algodón. 5 rollos de algodón. 1 x aceite de clavo, 1/8 oz 1 x Dentemp 2,2 gramos con aplicador 1 gel, 0,75 g, 20 % benzocaína 1 x hilo dental, 12 yardas, encerado 1 espejo dental. 1 x espátula de alginato 4 x Plaquer/Flosser, envueltos individualmente 1 x cera para huesos, paquete envuelto individualmente Dimensiones: Largo 6,5 pulgadas x ancho 4,5 pulgadas x profundidad 2 pulgadas. Peso: 6 onzas
North American Rescue Kit Nasogástrico/Orogástrico (NG/OG) $9.75
El kit nasogástrico/orogástrico (NG/OG) proporciona todos los componentes necesarios para realizar con éxito la inserción de una sonda nasogástrica u orogástrica durante la atención prolongada a heridos o en el campo (PCC o PFC). Contenido del kit: 1 cinta quirúrgica de 1 pulg. 1 vendaje, nudillo de tela: 1,5 pulgadas x 3,0 pulgadas. 1 par de guantes de nitrilo Talon negros, grandes 1 x gasa, almohadilla - 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas (paquete de 2) 1 lubricante quirúrgico (de un solo uso) - 5,0 g 1 x jeringa, irrigación de punta de catéter, 60 ml 1 pajita flexible para beber de 7,75 pulgadas. 1 tira reactiva, pH, rango 1,0-14,0, paquete de 100 1 x sonda nasogástrica, 14 Fr, 48 pulg. Dimensiones: Largo 8,5 pulgadas x ancho 5,5 pulgadas x profundidad 1,5 pulgadas. Peso: 5,5 onzas
North American Rescue Kit de cateterismo suprapúbico $98.00
El kit de cateterismo suprapúbico incluye todo el equipo para realizar un procedimiento de cateterismo suprapúbico durante atención de urgencia o de campo prolongada (PCC o PFC). Este kit ayudará con la descompresión de la vejiga en pacientes con obstrucción o compromiso uretral. Contenido del kit: 1 x bisturí, n.° 10 - protegido 1 paño estéril de 18 x 25 pulgadas fenestrado 1 x hisopos, Chloraprep (paquete de 3) 1 x Introductor de catéter, 16 FR 1 x catéter Foley, recubierto de silicona, látex, globo de 2 vías 1 x jeringa, descarga de NaCl al 0,9 % (10 ml) 1 dispositivo de fijación de catéter Grip-Lok. 1 tubo de extensión urinaria de 18 pulgadas. 1 bolsa urinaria desechable para piernas de 1000ML 5 x gasa, almohadilla - 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas (paquete de 2) Dimensiones: Largo 10 pulgadas x ancho 7 pulgadas x profundidad 0,5 pulgadas. Peso: 8,5 onzas
VISM Placa balística VISM Nivel III+ MULTI CURVA $189.99
Nota: Esta placa ha sido probada de forma independiente para cumplir o superar el estándar Nivel III+. Perfecta para su chaleco blindado, la placa balística de polietileno VISM ha sido creada para ser una forma increíble de mantenerse protegido. Una placa de blindaje de alta gama es una unidad fundamental que debes llevar contigo en cualquier entorno táctico. Y gracias a la Placa Balística de Polietileno VISM , tener acceso a una increíble placa blindada no ha sido más sencillo. Creadas con materiales de la más alta calidad, estas placas seguramente lo mantendrán seguro . Características/Especificaciones: Construido con polietileno de peso molecular ultraalto (UHMWPE), lo que crea una placa balística liviana. Clasificado en Nivel III Plus: capaz de detener rondas de 7,62 x 51 mm, 7,62 x 39 mm y 5,56 x 45 mm. El diseño MULTICURVADO se adapta al usuario con mayor comodidad, y las esquinas superiores cortadas (Shooter's Cut) permiten una mejor movilidad Totalmente sellado para proteger contra líquidos, productos químicos y otros elementos agresivos. Disponible en 10”X12” Peso: 3,5 libras. (10”x12”) Montado en los EE.UU. Accesorios incluidos: Totalmente sellado para proteger contra líquidos, productos químicos y otros elementos agresivos.
Chase Tactical Portador de placa modular Chase Tactical DOS $158.95
Chase táctico Portaplacas modular DOS fue diseñado con aportaciones directas del Departamento de Estado de EE. UU. como un peso ligero modular portador de placa que funciona con cualquier conjunto de armadura dura placas y respaldos de armadura blanda. El portaplacas DOS acepta placas de tamaño completo, de hasta 10″ x 13″ por delante y por detrás y presenta un corte muy móvil con correas para hombros acolchadas y totalmente ajustables. Los bolsillos delanteros y traseros, ambos hombros y el fajín son totalmente ajustables. La malla espaciadora se utiliza en el interior del Portaplacas modular DOS para una mayor transpirabilidad y un ajuste cómodo. El gancho y bucle a juego cubre las partes superiores delanteras y traseras del portaequipajes para carteles de gancho y bucle de cualquier tamaño. El El portaplacas modular DOS cuenta con bolsillos laterales para armadura integrados en el interior del fajín que se adaptan a placas laterales de hasta 6 ″ x 8 ″, y el fajín acepta armadura blanda de hasta 5,5 ″ x 15 ″. Características principales del soporte de placa modular DOS: Acepta placas delanteras y traseras de hasta 10″ x 13″ Acepta placas laterales de hasta 6″ x 8″ Cummerbund acepta armadura blanda de hasta 5,5 ″ x 15 ″ Correas de hombro totalmente ajustables y acolchadas. Cumple con TAA Malla espaciadora para mayor comodidad y transpirabilidad. Amplia zona de gancho y bucle para carteles Fácil acceso a placas balísticas con solapas desplegables Un bolsillo frontal para mapas con cierre de gancho y bucle a presión Hebillas laterales en los hombros y correa interna para la cintura Todas nuestras telas, correas y accesorios de plástico se tratan en origen para ofrecer la firma IR más baja posible. Dimensionamiento: Tallas de ajuste: S – XL ajustable
Elite Bags Mochila de rescate de emergencia Elite Bags $99.00
La mochila de rescate de emergencia Elite Bags es una mochila de soporte vital básico (BLS) de capacidad media. Su compartimento principal tiene una solapa que divide el cuerpo principal en dos compartimentos separados de alta capacidad con bolsillos de malla o PVC que permiten al usuario almacenar todo el material y equipo médico necesario. Su sistema de apertura permite abrir la bolsa completamente para que el usuario pueda acceder fácilmente al contenido en una situación de emergencia. Características: Asa principal ergonómica con cierre de velcro. Grandes bolsillos en ambos lados. Hombros y mochila acolchados ajustables. Panel trasero acolchado. Amplio bolsillo frontal preparado para alojar el desfibrilador. Caída interior para un cómodo y fácil acceso al interior del instrumental. Compartimentos internos con malla y ventana transparente. Tenga en cuenta: las bolsas no vienen con NINGÚN EQUIPO MÉDICO. Sin embargo, todas las bolsas de accesorios que se muestran están incluidas. Peso aproximado) 2,7 libras Dimensiones (aprox.) Tamaño de 10,6" x 15" x 16,5" Capacidad (Litros) (aprox.) 43,09 Color NEGRO Material POLIÉSTER 600D
Tasmanian Tiger Paquete de asalto médico del tigre de Tasmania - MK II - L (grande) $189.95
El paquete no incluye ningún producto médico; se muestran únicamente con fines de visualización. Esta versión es una mochila médica de mayor tamaño que la versión estándar con un sistema de división interior inteligente y claro. La TT Medic Assault Pack L MK II es ahora el tercer tamaño de la probada mochila médica de Tasmanian Tiger. La mochila es unos 4 cm (una tira MOLLE) más profunda que los dos modelos más pequeños. Dispone de MOLLE cortado a láser en la parte frontal y laterales. En la parte inferior hay accesorios para una manta de rescate. Las correas ligeras y acolchadas para los hombros se pueden quitar y guardar en un bolsillo con paneles de velcro en la espalda. La mochila también se puede convertir en portaplacas y chalecos utilizando las correas suministradas y las asas de transporte plegables ayudan a transportarla rápidamente en caso de emergencia. CARACTERÍSTICAS: Sistema de transporte al hombro extraíble que se puede guardar en la espalda si es necesario. Asa grande para transportar cuando está abierta. Placa interior desmontable con bucles elásticos y puntos de fijación variables internos para guardar equipo médico. Bolsa de tijeras Bolsillos interiores transparentes identificados por cierre de velcro de color. Marcadores visuales integrados. Sistema MOLLE cortado con láser Viene con correas adaptadoras para fijación directa a chalecos protectores. Las correas de hombro plegables y de longitud ajustable permiten llevar un chaleco antibalas de gran tamaño. VOLUMEN 19 litros | 1159 pulgadas cúbicas PESO 60 onzas | 1,7 kilos DIMENSIONES 18 x 11 x 3,5 pulgadas | 46x28x10cm MATERIAL CORDURA® 700 den
-15% sale
Voodoo Tactical Paquete y kit médico CFO Valor Standard $144.95 $169.95
PAQUETE MÉDICO CFO ESTÁNDAR VALOR COMPLETO Valor Standard ha sentado una nueva base para el paquete médico de campo. En primer lugar, en su tipo, presentamos el CFO (completamente desplegable), el sistema con este paquete médico que se construirá como el más eficiente del mercado. El paquete médico Valor Standard CFO compartimentará todos sus artículos médicos esenciales. Con el sistema CFO desplegado, sus torniquetes y vendajes hasta su panel quirúrgico estarán a su alcance. Cubrirá todo, desde cortes y raspaduras hasta GSW. Este nuevo y elegante paquete médico compacto está diseñado para un despliegue rápido y fácil transporte. El exterior cuenta con múltiples puntos de fijación a través de MOLLE troquelado con láser de precisión en la parte delantera, trasera y en ambos lados, presillas para mosquetón, asa de transporte y correa acolchada ambidiestra con guante incorporado y bolsa transparente que hacen de esta mochila médica la única mochila médica que necesitará. necesidad. Viene con lo siguiente: 12 - Almohadillas de preparación con alcohol 1 - Vendaje traumatológico 2 - Vendas elásticas con clips 2 - Esponja de gasa de 4" x 4" 1 - Rollo de gasa 3.4" X 3.6 Yds 3 - Toallitas antisépticas BZK 10 - Vendas 3/4" x 3" 1- Vendaje triangular 2 - Crema para quemar 4 - Almohadilla estéril ABD 5" x 9" Pinzas rectas de 1 a 5" Pinzas curvas de 1 a 5" 1 - Tijeras de puntada de 3,5" 1 tijera para vendajes de 5,5" 1 tijera EMT de 7,5" 1 - Mango de bisturí n.º 3 1 pinza para astillas de 3,5" 1 - Linterna de pupila Sonda para heridas de 1 - 6" 1 - Rollo de cinta de tela de 0,5" X 10 yardas 2 - hojas de bisturí 7 - Triple antibiótico 6 - Almohadillas para los ojos ovaladas 12 - Almohadillas de preparación de povidona yodada 3 - Suturas 5 - Vendas de mariposa 1 - Vendaje elástico 4" x 4 yardas 5 - Almohadilla de gasa de 3" x 3"
Vanquest Soporte para torniquete Vanquest TQ-1 $23.00
Estamos orgullosos de apoyar a nuestra base de clientes de profesionales médicos, LEO, militares, bomberos y servicios de emergencias médicas/primeros auxilios. En su línea de trabajo, llevar equipo médico es una parte vital de su deber. Nuestro nuevo soporte para torniquete TQ1 es la solución perfecta para montar soporte de torniquete adicional en cualquier superficie MOLLE. El TQ1 está hecho de correas de nailon como cuerpo principal y correas elásticas para proporcionar soporte lateral y retención de un torniquete. Un cierre de gancho y bucle mantiene el torniquete en su lugar y se puede ajustar verticalmente para torniquetes más cortos o más largos. Una pestaña roja de Hypalon ofrece una identificación rápida para acceder al torniquete. Las correas elásticas laterales mantienen el torniquete asegurado en su lugar y ofrecen manejo adicional del equipo para guantes, un marcador permanente o un juego de descompresión con aguja. Un bolsillo detrás del TQ le permite guardar tijeras para traumatismos de tamaño completo y se puede asegurar en su lugar con un botón a presión. El accesorio MOLLE incorporado en la parte posterior le permite montar el soporte en cualquier superficie MOLLE donde desee equipo de control de purga adicional. Diseñamos el TQ1 para que sea compatible con los torniquetes más utilizados en la industria. CAT Gen 7, SOF-T, SAM XT y TMT TQ son los modelos más populares que nuestros distribuidores médicos nos recomendaron para usar durante el desarrollo.
5 Star Gear Manta de seguridad $2.95
Este 5ive Star Gear ® Emergency Blanket es una manta ultraligera, cálida y de protección total para cualquier superviviente o amante de la naturaleza. Todo comienza con un material que refleja el 90% del calor corporal y también ofrece protección contra el viento, la lluvia o el frío. Si te ves obligado a pasar una noche inesperada al aire libre, métete bajo esta manta tan pronto como baje la temperatura y mejora instantáneamente las probabilidades a tu favor. Características Lo suficientemente grande como para cubrir a una persona promedio de pies a cabeza, pero se pliega lo suficientemente pequeño como para caber fácilmente en un bolsillo. El material reflectante retiene hasta el 90 % del calor corporal para ayudar a prevenir la hipotermia y el shock. También puede reflejar el sol para refrescarse en climas cálidos cuando se usa como refugio. Resistente al viento y al agua La cubierta exterior de alta visibilidad hace que el usuario sea fácil de detectar mediante búsqueda y rescate. 52” x 84”
Eleven 10 Cinta de rana - Médica $7.90
Eleven 10® / Phokus™ Research Group Frog Tape le permite llevar una cantidad razonable de esparadrapo médico en un paquete plano dentro de un botiquín. Es la misma cinta médica de seda Durapore™ que se encuentra en un rollo tradicional, pero en un paquete simplificado. Seis tiras individuales de cinta sobre soportes de fácil liberación para una aplicación rápida. Características: 6 tiras por paquete Cinta médica 3M™ Durapore™ sobre soportes de fácil liberación Dimensiones (por tira): 4,5" de largo x 2" de ancho x 0,25" de profundidad
TAC 11 Portador de placas Noontime™ from $321.99
El portaplacas más avanzado y ligero de la actualidad . Con el objetivo de llenar el vacío entre los portadores de placas uniformes y los sistemas de blindaje tácticos robustos, Noontime™ proporciona escalabilidad en un paquete profesional. La utilización de tecnologías textiles avanzadas produce un transportador liviano pero resistente y duradero. La combinación de la resistencia del hilo de aramida laminado en forma de diamante con Cordura® 500d convierte al Noontime™ en el portaplacas más liviano capaz de soportar los rigores de las demandas operativas. Las características clave del diseño permiten la interoperabilidad de carteles y equipos de otras marcas. El Noontime™ incluye nuestro INSERTO AJUSTABLE KANGAROO que es capaz de realizar configuraciones ilimitadas. Las correas inferiores de velcro OneWrap de 1,5” permiten al usuario establecer la profundidad de cada una de las tres ranuras individuales por separado. Y al utilizar el elástico Mil-Spec, garantizamos que sus elasticidades y funciones de retención puedan soportar las demandas operativas. Al cambiar la profundidad de las secciones en el inserto según lo dicte la misión, se elimina la necesidad de insertos o carteles adicionales. Desde esposas hasta revistas, torniquetes y radios, el KAI sigue siendo el inserto más versátil del mercado. Para luego aumentar aún más su versatilidad, hemos incluido líneas de costura verticales dobles entre las secciones para que el usuario pueda cortar y modificar la cantidad de secciones de inserto utilizadas. Nuestro fajín ligero y ventilado Noontime™ proporciona un perfil minimalista al tiempo que mantiene la capacidad de carga táctica. Capaces de asegurar bolsas laterales de armadura, reforzamos el fajín con compuesto Tegris para mayor rigidez estructural y compatibilidad MOLLE. El cordón de choque conecta las dos mitades del fajín para crear opciones de tamaño óptimas para lo último en comodidad y facilidad de uso para el usuario. Nuestros Cummerbunds se pueden usar con los extremos del adaptador de tubo o velcro en la parte delantera del soporte, lo que permite el uso de nuestros Cummerbunds en una variedad de sistemas de soporte de placas. Fabricación: Fabricado en Texas/ compatible con bayas. Material: Cordura 500d resistente al agua y a los desgarros con respaldo laminado de hilo de aramida con patrón de diamante.  Dura-Stretch® Tweave® Bolsa de platos Equipo incluido: Ajustable individualmente triple inserción Faja Tamaño de la bolsa de placa: **Se adapta a tamaños de hasta 10″x12″ y Med. Armadura del tamaño de SAPI. Peso : 12 onzas.
North American Rescue Lumbar First Aid Kit from $69.95
One of our most compact Individual First Aid Kits on the market today, the L-FAK (Lumbar First Aid Kit) is designed for wear in one of the least utilized areas on the body, the small of the back. This kit empowers First Responders with rapid access to life saving medical equipment without taking up MOLLE real-estate on the wearer’s front or sides that are needed for priority access items such as tasers, ammo, or communications equipment. The L-FAK, one of North American Rescue's most compact personal first aid kit platforms, was designed to carry the necessary items needed for the treatment of penetrating, blast, or other traumatic injuries in the field. This kit comes loaded with critical medical equipment requested by First Responders operating in the line of duty. Treatment content options include Basic, Basic with Combat Gauze, and Advanced versions. NOTE: C-A-T® tourniquet sold separately. The L-FAK's compact, 420 Denier nylon inner carrier easily opens with the pull of a tab for rapid one-handed access to its contents. Multiple elastic loops on the inner carrier allow for secure organization of medical gear. The 500-denier exterior carrier is equipped with MOLLE style attachment for easy carriage. SPECS: Durable 500-denier exterior carrier Compact design to reduce space needed for life-saving equipment Multiple interior elastic loops for securing gear Rapid access to medical gear Basic Kit Contents: 2 x NAR Wound Packing Gauze 1 x HyFin® Compact Chest Seal - Twin Pack 1 x 4 in. ETD™ Mini Dressing< 2 x Bear Claw Glove Pack - Tan, Large Advanced Kit Contents: 1 x NAR Wound Packing Gauze 1 x QuickClot® Combat Gauze Z-Fold 1 x HyFin® Compact Chest Seal - Twin Pack 1 x 4 in. ETD™ Mini Dressing 1 x 28F Nasopharyngeal Airway w/ Lubricant 1 x 10ga ARS® Needle 2 x Bear Claw Glove Pack - Tan, Large Dimensions: Packaged - H 4.75 in. x W 5.75 in. Weight: 0.88 lbs
UNO UNO Traction Splint from $74.95 $79.95
The UNO is a modular splinting system for emergency, rescue, military, and outdoors use. It features stepless adjustable support for the upper limbs, lower limbs, head, neck, and pelvis. The UNO is extremely compact. Attach multiple UNO frames to each other easily-the whole surface of the frame is covered in low-profile hook-and-loop straps. The UNO comes with ultra-low profiles straps, that adhere strongly and allows you to easily adjust the angles, tightness, and joints. Modular Design Attach multiple UNO frames to each other easily-the whole surface of the frame is covered in low-profile hook-and-loop straps Stepless Adjustment The UNO comes with ultra-low profiles straps, that adhere strongly and allows you to easily adjust the angles, tightness, and joints Small and Lightweight The three -pack weighs only 900 grams and contains everything that is needed. The UNO can be packed into a flat frame or cylindrical tube, that can travel anywhere with you Compatible with TCCC Equipment The UNBO is designed to work in trauma situations where critical bleeding or blocked airways may be present. It is fully compatible with: Tourniquets IO Needles Wound Dressings Larynx Masks Spine Boards Intubation Tubes Tracheostomy Collar Splints
SAM Medical SAM Pelvic Sling $89.99
SAM® Pelvic Sling is the first and only force-controlled circumferential pelvic belt. Featuring an optimized one-piece design, it’s scientifically proven to safely and effectively reduce and stabilize open-book pelvic ring fractures. The patented SAM® AUTOSTOP buckle acts to avoid over- or under-tightening of SAM® Pelvic Sling. Once optimal compressive force is reached, two prongs activate, clicking to confirm correct application. The sling is secured in place with its Velcro® system strap. Features: Force-controlled, ideal compression every time without the guesswork Rapid, simple, three-step application, usually in less than one minute Patented Autostop buckle allows a compression force no greater than 33 lb; vital in high-stress environments where over-tightening could potentially be extreme and harmful “Click” provides clear feedback to confirm correct application Posterior slider for facilitating transfers Radiolucent, MR safe & cleans for re-use with common detergents or anti-microbial solutions Specs: H 7.25 in. x W 7.75 in. x D 4 in. Fits Hip Circumference: from 32 in. to 50 in. Weight: 9.8 oz
MED-TAC International Corp. MOLLE IFAK Pouch $14.99
MOLLE IFAK Pouch Carry your essentials with ease and organization using our MOLLE IFAK Pouch. Don't let the affordable price fool you, this pouch is full of great features Tri-fold Design: Unfolds into three separate compartments for quick and easy access to your supplies. Multiple Compartments: Features a zippered compartment with see-through mesh and pockets with elastic straps for efficient organization. Versatile Use: Ideal for first aid items, everyday gear, fishing/camping supplies, action cameras, school supplies, and more. MOLLE Base: Allows quick detachment in emergencies with hook and loop fasteners, 1" webbing, and a secure plastic buckle. Connectivity: PAL straps enable attachment to MOLLE-compatible gear like backpacks and vests for convenience on the go. Additional Features: Three rows of MOLLE webbing for extra attachments and a loop fastener for name tapes/patches. Size: 8" H x 6.5" W x 3.5" D
StatPacks Statpacks G3 Medicine Cell $115.00
THE INNOVATIVE G3 MEDICINE CELL FEATURES A QUAD-FOLD DESIGN TO PROTECT AND MAINTAIN ORGANIZATION WHILE KEEPING MEDICATIONS AT YOUR GLOVED FINGERTIPS. This Medicine Cell is considered to be one of 4 in the “CELL,” family (Medicine, Airway, IV and Universal) in the StatPacks Cellular System. Each Cell sets the stage for clear thinking and quick reaction.  Description Case Only, Pictured Medical Drugs and Tools are NOT Included. This cell makes for a quick, easy to use, EMS medication bag Unique foam molded design keeps all Emergency Medical Equipment inside protected from breakage or the elements Innovative fold-out design is compact, yet quickly reveals well-organized medication supplies and tools Specifically designed to stack neatly in StatPacks Generation 3 Emergency Medical Services packs Color-coded for easy identification from other EMS medication bags A quick stash pocket for trash or extra supplies Two handles with “MEDICINE” written to identify the difference in EMT Gear ID window to label any way you want to identify between other Medic Bags Fits into most EMT Jump Bags available in the market today Accommodates a Sharps Shuttle™
StatPacks Statpacks G3 QUICKROLL Intubation Roll $65.00
THE G3 QUICKROLL INTUBATION KIT IS A MINIMALISTIC APPROACH TO ORGANIZING AIRWAY EQUIPMENT. The singe-buckle closure allows fast, one-handed access. The fact it rolls up makes it very quick to access and stow. This is a perfect accessory intubation kit for any of StatPacks® main packs. Description Case Only, Pictured Medical Drugs and Tools are NOT Included. Innovative roll-out design is compact, yet quickly reveals well-organized airway supplies and tools Fits into most EMT Jump Bags available in the market today Specifically designed to stow neatly in StatPacks Generation 3 Emergency Medical Services packs ID window to label any way you want to identify between other Medic Bags Clear internal durable urethane pockets allow quick identification of contents in the intubation kit Organizes laryngoscope, blades, as well as intubation tubes, syringes and forceps Holds Oral Pharyngeal Airways / Nasal Pharyngeal Airways and gloves Main fabric is tarpaulin with a one ounce urethane coating for an easier clean and protection from the elements Separate Velcro® closure that holds a 10 cc syringe Single-buckle closure opens quickly, revealing all airway control tools Color-coded for easy identification from other EMT IntubationEquipment
MED-TAC International Corp. Elite Bags EMS E-VEST $99.99
Elite Bags EMS E-VEST The Elite Bags EMS E-VEST is not just a utility vest; it's a game-changer for medical professionals. Designed for comfort and flexibility, this vest ensures that carrying essential medical supplies is a breeze. Stand out in any environment with its high visibility banding, making you easily identifiable as emergency personnel. Key Features: Universal PAL webbing: Allows for versatile mounting of packs, pouches, or external items using the MOLLE system. Zipped front pockets: Easy access storage for critical medical or tactical supplies. Built-in hydration system: Stay hydrated on the go with the included water bladder and tube. Reinforced rear handle: Facilitates the support and extraction of injured personnel. Identification panels: Clearly display your identity as part of the emergency response team. Breathable mesh lining: Regulates body temperature for comfort in demanding environments. Adjustable shoulder and back straps: Ensures a secure and comfortable fit for all-day wear. Crafted from durable fabrics, the Elite E-VEST guarantees longevity even in challenging conditions. Whether you are in the field for extended periods or responding to emergencies, this vest is your reliable companion. Hydration pouch not included.
SK7 USA SK7 ATP Advanced Tactical Pant $59.99
The SK7 Advanced Tactical Pant is an extremely well-made, yet affordable trouser option for tactical operators worldwide.  The pants are made from a lightweight and durable 7.5 oz. (220 grams.) rip-stop fabric with Teflon finish for stain resistance and water repellency.  The original Prym brand snap and US made YKK zippers add to the durability. Comfort features include reinforced seat and knees .and a knife or flashlight lower pocket.
MED-TAC International Corp. Chase Tactical Medical Trauma Shear Pouch $17.95
Chase Tactical Medical Trauma Shear Pouch The Chase Tactical Medical Trauma Shear Pouch is a simple solution for securely carrying your essential medical trauma shears on your bag, pack, or vest. Crafted with a MOLLE backed design, this pouch offers a sleek and minimalist approach to organizing your gear. Main Features: Secure & Ready: Designed for quick deployment in critical situations, ensuring your shears are always within reach when needed. Deliberate Deployment: Equipped with a retention strap secured by a standard button snap for precise and intentional access to your shears. Universal Compatibility: Fits any standard 7.5-inch trauma shears, providing a versatile solution for medical professionals. Multi-Functional: Not limited to shears, it can also accommodate hand tools, pens, and other essentials for added convenience. MOLLE System: Easily attachable to various gear including belts, waist packs, backpacks, plate carriers, and chest rigs for customized organization. Specifications: Material: Made of durable 500D Cordura for long-lasting performance. Dimensions: Compact size measuring 2" x 4.75", perfect for a slim-lined addition to your kit.
North American Rescue Injury and Ailment Case $439.99
NOTE: Medical equipment sold separately Engineering excellence is a hallmark of North American Rescue. With our Injury and Ailment Case (I&A), engineering excellence is evident in every detail. Designed for healthcare professionals on the move, this pelican case is a tribute to the experts who developed it as well as to the experts who use it. Engineering excellence prompted a lid organizer that opens double for double capacity. The lid's clear pockets with hook-and-loop attachments allow quick inventory and efficient storage of medications. The lids have other advantages, too. A polymer O-ring creates a seal that is dust-proof and waterproof. The rubberized sure-grip handle is reliable in any weather. Engineering excellence made this med case exceptionally secure. The case is lockable, of course, but that's just the beginning. Stainless steel reinforced padlock protectors provide a second-layer of defense against cutting and theft. The med box also features double-throw latches which are engineered to tolerate up to 400 pounds of pressure, yet open with a light pull. The case's standard automatic Gore-TEX pressure equalization valve not only stops moisture from entering the case, but also prevents vacuum-lock. These medicine cases open easily at any altitude, but only when they are supposed to open. The main body of the case is equipped with a fully customizable insert covered with 210 Denier Oxford nylon. The insert's padded dividers (made of half-inch PE foam) have adjustable walls for customizing compartments to any size. Flexible hook-and-loop attachment points accommodate the most demanding requirements. Adjustable walls plus convenient attachment equals extra protection and superior inventory management. Our medicine cases are large enough to handle the job, and small enough to transport with ease.  Dimensions: Exterior: H 8.5 in. x W 20.5 in. x D 17 in. Interior: H 7.6 in. x W 18.4 in. x D 14 in.. Weight: 13 lb 12 oz
AutoMedX SAVe II+ Simplified Automated Ventilator $8,280.00
Compact, economical, and easy-to-use, the SAVe II+ is built for dependable use during a crisis. Medical personnel have relied on AutoMedx products devices for over a decade. The new SAVe II+ delivers up to 50% more flow than the SAVe II and can generate up to 20 cmH2O of PEEP.  The SAVe II+ replaces the SAVe II.  This kit includes the following: 1x SAVe II+ Ventilator 1x Hard Case (water and dust proof), PN F20065 1x Power Charger, PN M42090 1x Patient Circuit, PN F20066 (3 year shelf life) 1x Extendable Oxygen Reservor Tubing, PN F20072 1x Noise Attenuator, PN M41112 SAVe II+ Product & Performance Specifications General: Dimensions Ventilator         6.5" x 6.25" x 2.0" (81 cubic inches)Weight Ventilator                 2.8 lbs. (1.3 kg)Weight of Full Kit                  9.9 lbs. (4.5 kg)Operating Mode                   A/C-CMVMode Description                 Time cycled, pressure limited, volume targeted.PRESET Heights                     4' 3" - 6' 3" in 3-inch incrementsPRESET Target                       6 ml/kg of IBW or 30 cmH2O of Working PressureFlow Rate                               0 - 40 LPMI:E Ratio                                 1:2 FixedRespiratory Rate                     8 - 30 BPMTidal Volume                          200 - 800 mlPeak Inspiratory Pressure       10 - 60 cmH2OPEEP                                        0 - 20 cmH2OInadvertent PEEP                    < 2.0 cmH2OFiO2 Range:                             21 - 100%Oxygen Input:                         0 - 12 LPM from Flow Regulated SourceInspiratory Trigger                  2.0 cmH2OInspiratory Resistance            < 6 cmH2O @ 30 LPMExpiratory Resistance             < 6 cmH2O @ 30 LPMDead Space                             < 100 mlBattery Duration                     8.25-9.25 Hours (see below note)Power Input                            100 – 240 VAC / 50-60 HzAudible Alarms Meets            60601-1-8Shock & Vibration                  IEC 60068-2-6 and 60068-2-36Ingress Protection Vent          IP24Protective Case                      IP67SETTINGS:  Breath Rate (BPM)                8 – 30Tidal Volume (ml)                 200 - 800Pressure Limit (cmH2O)     10 - 60PEEP (cmH2O)                       0 - 20MEASUREMENTS: PIP (cmH2O)                           0 - 60PEEP (cmH2O)                       0 - 25FIXED PARAMETERS: I:E Ratio                                   1:2Inspiratory Time (Ti)            0.67 - 2.50 secondsExpiratory Time (Te)             1.3 - 5.0 secondsFlow Rate (Avg LPM)             4 - 40Product Life: Control Unit                           8 yearsBreathing Circuit                 3 year shelf life (single use)Notes: 1. All specifications include a tolerance of ±10% of nominal value unless stated otherwise in the Operator’sManual. Test conditions available upon request.2. Delivered Tidal Volume may be materially affected by very low lung compliance (< 0.01 L/cmH2O)3. With a fully charged new battery the 5’9” preset will run approximately 8.25 hrs with (2600 mAh battery) or 9.25 hrs with 2800 mAh battery)
Lightning X Premium Gun Range Trauma & Bleeding First Aid Kit $239.99
As a firearms instructor, it is imperative to have a trauma kit on the range, just in case. This kit has everything in it that would be needed in case of a mishap, all housed n a durable hard case. This kit features the LXHC75 Air Tight Water Tight hard case with custom molded foam insert, pre-stocked with our LXSMK-R Gun Range Trauma & Bleeding First Aid Kid. Ideal for gun ranges, police departments, hunters, survivalists, campers and many more industries. This kit comes with the supplies necessary to provide life saving first aid in the event of major punctures, cuts or burns in a pre-hospital environment, without the added extras that most first aid kits come with that typically just get in the way. You will receive the kit with all of the supplies already installed in the custom foam insert. Also available with universal pluckable foam so that you can arrange the supplies according to your own needs. Kit includes the following items:  Contents C-A-T Tourniquet by North American Rescue Black ARS Chest Decompression Needle, 14g, by North American Rescue Hyfin Vent Chest Seal Twin Pack by North American Rescue Premium CPR Mask with Hard Case Black Emergency Survival Foil Blanket, 52″ x 82″ Silver Cohesive Self Adherent Bandage Roll ” 2″ x 5yd  Black Burn Relief Gel Dressing 4″ x 4″ Compressed Krinkle Gauze  4.5″ x 4.1yd Black Tactical Nitrile Gloves in Poly Bag 4 Pairs 7.5″ Emergency Trauma/Bandage Shear Black Handle Universal Foam Aluminum Core Roll Splint 4.5″ x 36″ Tactical Black/Grey QuikClot 25 Gram Hemostatic Clotting Sponge QuikClot 4″ x 4″ Hemostat Dressing 4-Ply Nasopharyngeal Airway Size 28FR Individually Wrapped Israeli Emergency Military Pressure Bandage 4″ Lightning X First Aid Guide Booklet Lightning X Air Tight Water Tight Hard Case 14″ Custom Cut Foam Insert for Range Kit Black/Grey
North American Rescue Every Day Carry Wallet Kit from $54.95
The North American Rescue Every Day Carry (EDC) Wallet was designed to provide users with a versatile, concealable, small carrier for essential point of injury medical products. This wallet fits comfortably in a cargo or pant pocket with a slim cube space and weight. Ideal for low visibility carry of trauma care items. Large three inch elastic loops on both inside panels allow users the ultimate flexibility in packing options to meet their needs. Purchasing options include the Wallet Only as a stand-alone item (with no medical equipment) or Kit options of Wound Packing Gauze or Combat Gauze. Features include Laser Cut Laminate (LCL) 500D nylon construction for low weight and extreme durability. One size fits all. Non-reflective medical cross on front, two-inch-wide hook and loop closure to accommodate various packing configurations. SPECS: Durable Laser Cut Laminate nylon construction Concealed storage for life-saving medical gear Large internal elastic loops for customization Slim light weight design Kit Contents: 1 x HyFin® Vent Compact Chest Seal, Twin Pack 1 x NAR Wound Packing Gauze (or Combat Gauze) 1 X 4 in. Flat Elastic Wrap 1 x Pair, Responder Nitrile Gloves, Lg Dimensions: Open - L 12.75 in. x H 4.0 in. Closed - L 6.25 in. x H 4.0 in. x D 1.75 in. Weight: 3.2 oz
-8% sale
Eleven-10 Inside-the-Waistband (IWB) RIGID TQ Case® for the C-A-T® Gen 7 $38.95 $41.99
The The Inside-the-Waistband (IWB) RIGID TQ Case® for the C-A-T® Gen 7 is a hard-sided tourniquet case designed to give you the ability to carry a tourniquet. It can be worn on your everyday rigger style or dress belt. The IWB RIGID TQ Case® holds your tourniquet securely in place utilizing friction, so there’s no straps, buckles or flaps to undo to deploy the tourniquet. It offers true one-handed deployment of the tourniquet. Just grab the exposed portion of the tourniquet and with a swift pull, it releases. Utilizing the Raven Concealment Systems Overhook, you can comfortably conceal your tourniquet “clocked” in any position that suits you.The injection molded IWB RIGID TQ Case® offers both 1.5” and 1.75” belt options and ride adjustment. Specs: Keeps your C-A-T® Tourniquet close at hand for rapid deployment Holds the C-A-T® Tourniquet (Gen 7) utilizing friction Designed with built-in Shirt Shield that creates a barrier between your body, shirt, and the exposed portion of your tourniquet Injection Molded Case to stand up to rugged LE/MIL usage Drainage hole at bottom of case Offers a range of adjustment Available Mounting Options – 1.5” and 1.75” IWB Overhook (included) designed, manufactured, and assembled in the USA. Dimensions: Packaged - L 5 in. x W 3.25 in. x D 1.625 in. Weight: 3 oz.
Tactical Medical Solutions TacMed™ Ankle Medical Wrap $29.78
Ensuring concealment doesn’t compromise capabilities. Comfortable Velstretch® material with multiple storage pockets to carry essential medical equipment in a discrete location. When the contents are removed, it also functions as a pressure wrap. The AMW disappears in the pleat of slacks and most other uniform bottoms. The AMK’s security and comfort allow it to be worn for long periods of time. The material is soft and flexible, but secure enough to allow rapid movement without losing the kit or its contents. The ankle wrap that secures the components extends to become a compression wrap once the other lifesaving products have been utilized. When fully outfitted as an ankle first aid kit, the pouch becomes a major leap in capabilities for individuals serving in personal protection roles or positions requiring the wear of a non-standard uniform.
-6% sale
North American Rescue EDC Ankle Trauma Holster $54.29 $57.29
The North American Rescue Ankle Trauma Holster offers users the option of keeping essential trauma medical equipment readily accessible without adding bulk on the belt. Law enforcement officers or other individuals can now carry a C-A-T®Tourniquet, as well as an additional ETD™ and gauze/hemostatic all in an ultralight ankle holster (NOTE: Medical equipment is not included). This ankle holster was designed with a lightweight water resistant ripstop nylon frame and pouches to accommodate and safely secure a C-A-T®Tourniquet, an ETD™ and an additional gauze or hemostatic dressing . Features include a soft, breathable fabric interior that helps with moisture wicking for extended user comfort. One size fits most, implementing high strength hook and loop closures for maximum adjustability and versatility. SPECS: Holster Only (medical equipment not included) Very lightweight, low profile, versatile carrier that allows for carry of essential trauma equipment with quick, single-handed, ambidextrous access to components. Designed to accommodate a C-A-T® Tourniquet, ETD™ and gauze/hemostatic dressing Advanced materials that provide user comfort and long-term wearability Protective, water resistant pouches for each carried component with strong hook and loop closures One size fits most with convenient hook and loop adjustability Dimensions: L 17.75 in. x H 4 in. x D 0.25 in. Weight: 2 oz
North American Rescue Every Day Carry Wallet $54.95
The North American Rescue Every Day Carry (EDC) Wallet was designed to provide users with a versatile, concealable, small carrier for essential point of injury medical products. This wallet fits comfortably in a cargo or pant pocket with a slim cube space and weight. Ideal for low visibility carry of trauma care items. Large three inch elastic loops on both inside panels allow users the ultimate flexibility in packing options to meet their needs. Purchasing options include the Wallet Only as a stand-alone item (with no medical equipment) or Kit options of Wound Packing Gauze or Combat Gauze. Features include Laser Cut Laminate (LCL) 500D nylon construction for low weight and extreme durability. One size fits all. Non-reflective medical cross on front, two-inch-wide hook and loop closure to accommodate various packing configurations. SPECS: Durable Laser Cut Laminate nylon construction Concealed storage for life-saving medical gear Large internal elastic loops for customization Slim light weight design Dimensions: Open - L 12.75 in. x H 4.0 in. Closed - L 6.25 in. x H 4.0 in. x D 0.035 in. Weight: 1.74 oz
PerSys Medical (Safeguard) Israeli Bandage - 4" from $8.15
The Genuine product from PerSys Medical! As the #1-selling trauma bandage and a standard of care in the world's elite militaries, the Emergency Bandage® is a multifunctional hemorrhage control solution. With a wide variety of applications and FDA approval as a non-pneumatic tourniquet, the Emergency Bandage® has been a dependable hemorrhage control solution for over two decades. PerSys Medical makes the highest quality solutions for the highest quality operators. FEATURES Non-pneumatic trauma bandage  Can apply 30-40+ lbs. of pressure to the wound Multi-functional bandage for various wounds Compact, lightweight, waterproof, and vacuum-sealed packaging Sterile, best-in-class 8-year shelf life Integrated pressure bar exerts immediate and direct pressure to the wound Built-in closure bar: no pins, no clips, no tape, no hook-and-loop, no knots Non-adherent 4″ pad eliminates pain during removal and prevents wound re-opening Cost-effective
PerSys Medical (Safeguard) Israeli Bandage - 8" Trauma/Amputation/Compression from $14.99
The Genuine product from PerSys Medical! The Trauma / Amputation / Compression Bandage is designed to treat abdominal wounds as well as large wounds, including eviscerations, burns or amputations. It has 12 x 12” sterile bandage pad that aids in the treatment of wounds. The multi-functional bandage also features a stop-n-go release, a sleeve for self-application, and is double vacuum-sealed to ensure integrity and sterility. FEATURES Multi-functional 8” large area wound bandage Large sterile pad Elasticized wrapping leader for compression and security Closure bar Compact, waterproof, vacuum-sealed, flat packaging 8-year shelf life
Bard Parker Bard-Parker Safety Scalpel #10 $3.99
The Bard-Parker Safety Scalpel from Aspen Surgical is a high-quality scalpel that offers a unique combination of top-tier performance and specialized safety features. The scalpel is designed to accommodate effective, controlled surgical cutting for use in a wide range of surgical procedures.To ensure the safety of surgeons and medical staff, the blade features a protective, pierce-resistant cover that remains on the scalpel during assembly and disposal. This cover protects against accidental contact with the blade to ensure safety throughout the process of using the scalpel. This inventively designed scalpel provides top-tier tissue separation while also featuring a specialized safety cover to protect against accidental contact. High-quality scalpel offers top-tier tissue separation. Protective cover prevents accidental contact with the blade. Ensures OSHA compliance in surgical environments. Sterile packaging for safety and OR usability Available in blade sizes of 10, 11, or 15
Masimo MightySat™ Rx Fingertip Pulse Oximeter $399.99
  The MightySat ™ Rx Fingertip Pulse Oximeter measures SpO2, PR, Pi, and PVi with its at-a-glance high resolution display. Its flexible finger pad enables secure application and minimizes external interference. The touch pad has a high resolution display with a rotating and adjustable color screen for clear display of all measurements. The MightySat ™ Rx offers a unique solution to point of care treatment and initial patient diagnostics. Features: High Resolution Display Signal I.Q.® provides measurement confidence of SpO2 Real time graphical display of patient’s Pleth Waveform Touchpad Allows for Easy Access of Settings and Features Optional Bluetooth LE Capability Flexible Finger Pad Durable and Lightweight Design Specs: Weight: 0.16 lbs. 2.9” x 1.6” x 1.2” Operates with 2 (1.5) volt AAA batteries. Battery life of approx. 1800 spot checks Operating Temperature: 41-104F Storage Temperature: -40 to 158F Operating Humidity 10 to 95%, non-condensing Featuring Masimo SET® Measure-through Motion and Low Perfusion™ Pulse Oximetry Masimo SET® – The Choice of Leading Hospitals Worldwide Masimo SET® overcomes the challenges of low perfusion and motion artifact that limit conventional pulse oximetry Masimo SET® pulse oximetry helps clinicians monitor more than 200 million patients a year1 Respiration Rate from the Pleth (RRp®) RRp may be used to measure respiration rate in the clinic, during emergency medical services, and at home. RRp provides a wide measurement range of 4 to 70 breaths per minute.   UUnique parameters and indicators: Signal IQ® (SIQ)Located under the plethysmographic waveform. The height of the vertical line provides an assessment of the confidence in the SpO2 value displayed. Plethysmographic (Pleth) WaveformReal-time graphical representation of changes in volume of arterial blood with each pulse. Perfusion Index (Pi)A measure of the dynamic changes in the perfusion index (Pi) that occur during the respiratory cycle. Pleth Variability Index (PVi)The ratio of the pulsatile blood flow to the non-pulsatile blood in peripheral tissue used to measure peripheral perfusion. Respiration Rate from the Pleth (RRp)A measure of respiration rate based on changes in the plethysmographic waveform. The unit of measure is respiration per minute (RPM).
MED-TAC International Corp. Laser Cut Plate Carrier 10"x12" $49.99
Our new Laser Cut Plate Carrier is an extremely affordable entry to the plate carrier market.  Within it's kangaroo pouch, it holds a removable triple pouch designed to carry 2 AR mags and 1 tourniquet, making it an excellent option for personal defense or rapid response. It's front and rear bags can carry most 10"x12" plates currently found on the market.   Features: Laser cut MOLLE slots for a sleek low profile look. Low profile drag handle Soft side hook and loop on both front and rear panels for patches and/or name tapes Padded shoulder straps Dimensions : 12.5”L X 10.5”W X 3”D
MED-TAC International Corp. VISM Fast Helmet $349.99
The VISM ballistic helmet is designed to protect against handgun shots, 9mm bullets and 357 Sig rounds. It is made with an ergonomic design that fits easily and has an adjustable internal harness and OCC-DIAL belt for a comfortable fit. The external rail provides for the attachment of additional equipment. The internal cushion is made of memory foam and creates an impact buffer, as well as being breathable.  The high cut of the helmet is designed to fit noise-cancelling headsets and other communication equipment easily inside the helmet. The helmet is available in three sizes: Medium heads (21.2” – 22.8”) Large heads (22” – 23.6”) Extra large heads (22.5” – 24.4”) Dimensions are 7.75”H x 11”W x 8.75”D, and it weights 54.4 oz
MED-TAC International Corp. MTI Chest Decompression Needle $9.99
The MED-TAC Intl. Decompression Needle is a rugged needle/catheter combo used for the immediate management of a tension pneumothorax.  The high-quality stainless-steel needle measures an optimal 3.25" and has a 14-gauge measurement. The unit comes securely encased in an easy-open protective tube with a textured twist top and handy clip.
-8% sale
North American Rescue Hypothermia Prevention & Management Kit INSULATED (HPMK-I) $179.99 $193.89
Building on the success of the CoTCCC recommended HPMK®, the new patent-pending HPMK-I™ (Insulated) with reinforced Heat Reflective Shell - Insulated™ is strong, flexible, lightweight & impervious to wind & rain, now fully insulated to meet new CoTCCC guidelines.   The HRS-I™, the kit’s ruggedized outer shell, is constructed of a 5-ply, composite fabric with a protected non-conductive reflective layer and NEW insulation layer that provides additional excellent thermal retention. Rapid 360° access to the casualty with minimal exposure to the elements is achieved through the use of 1.5 in. continuous hook and loop closures located along the perimeter of the covering.   The HRS-I™ also features an INSULATED top-to-bottom tapered shape to maximize isothermal capabilities. The heat-generating source of the HPMK-I™ is a self-heating, oxygen- activated 4-Cell Ready Heat blanket designed to sustain up to 10 hours of continuous dry heat (no external power supply required). This low cube kit is vacuum packaged in a rugged, pliable pouch featuring NAR’s Red Tip Technology® with tabs that allow easy access and rapid deployment.   The new top & bottom insulation layers exceed the insulation value of the Army Module Sleep System Patrol Bag. This insulation is highly compressible but also has excellent rebound after opening. The added insulation is also hydrophobic and will not retain fluids or additional liquid weight.   Kit Contents: 1 x Heat Reflective Shell-Insulated (HRS-I™) with built-in hood 1 x Ready Heat 4 Cell Blanket 1x Plastic Vacuum Bag Dimensions: Packaged - H 8 in. x W 11 in. x D 6 in. Weight: 4 lbs 14 oz Heat Reflective Shell-Insulated™ (HRS-I™) (Open): L 78 in. x W 43 in.  
North American Rescue Mini-Medic Bag $229.99
This is an empty bag only, product images are shown for reference. The Mini Medic Bag is a compact trauma aid bag designed to provide various capabilities for different mission profiles. External pouches and side/bottom MOLLE allow for external tourniquet or other attachment options. Large pouch on back panel includes a drop-down pouch with abrasive resistant padded bottom allows storage of compact breaching tools (not included). External expansion zipper allows for increased load capacity if needed. The inside of the bag has two small and one large, clear tear-away pouches for medical or other equipment supply storage. Along with two mesh inner pouches and an internal pouch on the inner lid, many storage options exist. SPECIFICATIONS: Compact, multi-purpose trauma aid bag with vital medical equipment for point of wounding treatment of multiple injuries Two external pockets with two external tourniquet holders One external pouch with an additional drop-down pouch for use with breaching tools or storage for a hydration pack Expansion zipper to increase load capacity. External MOLLE on sides and bottom of bag / Internal MOLLE rows on the inside back of the bag Three clear tear-away pouches on the inside main compartment Two internal mesh pouches and one larger internal pouch on inner lid Internal tape roll strap DIMENSIONS: H 14 in. x W 11 in. x D 5 in. (Depth expandable to 7.25 in.) Weight: 3 lb.
-22% sale
Tasmanian Tiger Tasmanian Tiger Medic Transporter System $549.95 $649.00
The Tasmanian Tiger Medic Transporter is a mobile solution consisting of a trauma pouch panel system which provides a significant equipment carry platform to complement the TT Medic backpack and bag range. The durable rubberized handles on both sides and extra-wide handles and shoulder straps help to optimize the portability of the panel. A strong No.10 zipper and the padded bottom make the panel a strong and robust help in any emergency. Additional equipment can be secured by various attachments. A MOLLE Velcro adapter helps to secure Velcro pouches (e.g. TT Rescue Pouch). The panel divides into four small panels, of which the transparent pouches are all detachable and can be interchanged. Some of the transparent pouches have two compartments and various loops. The panels have attachments to secure to tents, vehicles etc. Large long pockets on the backs of panels round out the capabilities of this high-capacity Medic Transporter system.Pouches included: 1x Dump Pouch 13x9.84x1.27in/ 33x25x4cm 3.35oz/95g, Material: 420HD Nylon 3x Transparent Pouches with zip compartments 9x4.7x5.12in/23x12x13cm 7.23oz/205g Material: CORDURA® 700 Denier / 420 HD Nylon 5x Transparent Pouches 9x4.7x4.7in/23x12x12cm 5.82oz/165g Material: CORDURA® 700 Denier / 420 HD Nylon Labels include: 2 x BREATHING 2 x BLEEDING 2 x AIRWAY 2 x IV/IO 1 x MEDICATION, 1 x HYPOTHERMIA The TT Medic Transporter does not include medical supplies. FEATURES: Four durable handles, with robust No. 10 Zipper 3 MOLLE hook & loop adapters to secure hook & loop pouches. Large panel divides into 4 small panels. The transparent pouches are all detachable and can be interchanged. Some transparent pouches with two compartments and various loops The large, long pockets on backs of panels all have attachments to secure.
-11% sale
Tasmanian Tiger Tasmanian Tiger Base Medic Pouch $53.95 $59.95
Carry your medical supplies with ease and confidence. in The Tasmanian Tiger Base Medic Pouch This medic pouch is an essential tool for first responders, providing essential first aid supplies in an organized and accessible package. This MOLLE-compatible rescue bag features an internal mesh bag with drawcord, scissor pouch, detachable hook & loop pockets, and a full MOLLE snap button system for secure attachment to vests or other packs.  WEIGHT 10.56oz/300g DIMENSIONS 8H x 5.5W x 12D / 20x14x12cm MATERIAL CORDURA® 700 denier (Multicam 500 denier)
Vanquest Vanquest FTIM 5X7 (Gen-2): Fast Totally Integrated Maximizer Pouch $38.00
The re-designed Fast Totally Integrated Maximizer™ FTIM-5X7 (Gen-2) is an evolved organizer that offers lightning-fast pull-down access and gear-taming organization. It is a hybrid of our signature PPM/EDCM Maximizer™ organizers, and the popular FATPack medical pouches. We enhanced the zipper function to be as smooth as possible, includes two Spartan Zipper Pulls, redesigned the front slip pocket to be easier to access and updated the front hook and loop field to seamlessly flow with the bag. The back MOLLE attachment now uses less nylon webbing for weight savings without losing any compatibility to MOLLE/PALS webbing. With maximizer staggered/offset elastic loops, 2 included anchor wraps, two internal large slip pockets, two 1” paracord attachment loops with keeper, and 24 vertical and horizontal elastic loops, every slot/pocket in the FTIM is designed to keep every piece of everyday carry (EDC) gear the perfect spot! The main compartment bottom shelf also helps retain small gear and prevents accidental drops. A sturdy grab handle and user selectable FASTab system lets you quickly unzip the #8 YKK lockable zippers. With one instinctive pull, the FTIM's contents are at the ready. Loop ID panel, exterior slip pocket, and MOLLE/PALS side panels allow expansion of gear carried. You can attach the pouch onto any MOLLE/PALS surface with MOLLE Sticks (#99MS5X4*); or convert it for hook-and-loop attachment using the MOHL-Air adapter panel (#017700*); or use our 1" UNIVERSAL STRAP (#012001*) to carry it around your shoulder. Features: ● One external and two internal storage pockets with 29 elastic webbing slots for organization.● Maximizer-style staggered and off-set stitching on elastic webbing to increase usable space.● Gear shelf bottom to support vertical items.● Grab handle with FASTab™ closure for easy hand carry and opening.● Internal keychain fob and paracord attachment loop.● 1.75” (H) x 3” (W) ID/Morale patch loop panel on the front.● MOLLE/PALS webbing on sides/rear for modular attachment, compatible with MOLLE Sticks, or MOHL-Air Adapter Panel. Materials: ● 500-D Military-grade Cordura nylon 66 with DWR coating (Durable Water Repellent).● 210-D Ripstop nylon with DWR coating (Durable Water Repellent). Hi-visibility, lightweight & water resistant.● Durable YKK RC-Class lockable zippers (non-reversed).● High tensile strength nylon webbing and tape.● Strong stitching with high tensile strength bonded nylon thread. Bartack and Box-and-X stitching for strength & durability.
Vanquest Vanquest FTIM 6X9 (Gen-2): Fast Totally Integrated Maximizer Pouch $38.00
The FTIM-6X9 (Fast Totally Integrated Maximizer™) is a hybrid organizer that combines the best features from your PPM/EDCM organizers and FATPack medical pouches, providing quick access and efficient organization for your everyday carry (EDC) supplies. A sturdy grab handle with FASTab closure, YKK zipper and SPARTAN zipper pulls enable fast pull-down opening. With Maximizer-style staggered/offset elastic loops, AnchorWraps, slip pockets, and paracord loops, everything is designed to secure your everyday supplies and maximize space. Front slip pocket for easier access, along with a loop field for ID/Morale patches. MOLLE compatible for modular attachment. We enhanced the zipper function to be as smooth as possible, includes two Spartan Zipper Pulls, redesigned the front slip pocket to be easier to access and updated the front hook and loop field to seamlessly flow with the bag. The back MOLLE attachment now uses less nylon webbing for weight savings without losing any compatibility to MOLLE/PALS webbing. With maximizer staggered/offset elastic loops, 2 included anchor wraps, two internal large slip pockets, two 1” paracord attachment loops with keeper, and 29 vertical and horizontal elastic loops, every slot/pocket in the FTIM is designed to keep every piece of everyday carry (EDC) gear the perfect spot! The main compartment bottom shelf also helps retain small gear and prevents accidental drops. A sturdy grab handle and user selectable FASTab system lets you quickly unzip the #8 YKK lockable zippers. With one instinctive pull, the FTIM's contents are at the ready. Loop ID panel, exterior slip pocket, and MOLLE/PALS side panels allow expansion of gear carried. You can attach the pouch onto any MOLLE/PALS surface with MOLLE Sticks (#99MS5X4*); or convert it for hook-and-loop attachment using the MOHL-Air adapter panel (#017700*); or use our 1" UNIVERSAL STRAP (#012001*) to carry it around your shoulder. Features: ● One external and two internal storage pockets with 29 elastic webbing slots for organization.● Maximizer-style staggered and off-set stitching on elastic webbing to increase usable space.● Gear shelf bottom to support vertical items.● Grab handle with FASTab™ closure for easy hand carry and opening.● Internal keychain fob and paracord attachment loop.● 1.75” (H) x 3” (W) ID/Morale patch loop panel on the front.● MOLLE/PALS webbing on sides/rear for modular attachment, compatible with MOLLE Sticks, or MOHL-Air Adapter Panel. Materials: ● 500-D Military-grade Cordura nylon 66 with DWR coating (Durable Water Repellent).● 210-D Ripstop nylon with DWR coating (Durable Water Repellent). Hi-visibility, lightweight & water resistant.● Durable YKK RC-Class lockable zippers (non-reversed).● High tensile strength nylon webbing and tape.● Strong stitching with high tensile strength bonded nylon thread. Bartack and Box-and-X stitching for strength & durability.
Elite Bags Elite Bags Emergency Waist Organizer $39.99
The Elite IBB's waist bag is perfect for emergency responders and medical professionals. Lightweight and adjustable, it provides easy access to trauma, accident and first aid materials, securely held within multiple pockets and compartments. Featuring a removable fold-over cover with high vis banding, contents are kept secure and protected, this medical bag has a protective removable flap to help restrain and compress contents, plus a detachable waist belt with adjustable buckle for added support. It also has hi-vis reflective trim for night and day visibility, multiple pockets and elasticated support straps for secure storage, and tough padding for durability. An easy-opening top and edge zip allows for full access to the compartment and adjustable hook & loop dividers for organization. Weight (approx) 0,3 kg Dimensions (approx) 20 × 16 × 4 cm Material 1000D POLYESTER Color RED Capacity (Liters) (approx) 1.28 Recommended maximum content (Kg) 1.50
Elite Bags Elite Bags Quickaid’s Drop Leg First Aid Bag $42.00
Elite Bags Quickaid’s Drop Leg First Aid Bag The Elite Bags Quickaid's Drop Leg First Aid Bag is a convenient way to carry a significant amout of frst aid supplies for emergency situations. Designed based on real-world feedback from first responders and emergency personnel, this bag is affordable, expandable, and built to last. Key Features: MOLLE System: Offers endless configuration possibilities. Utility Belt Loops: For easy attachment and transport. Interior Pocket with Drawstring: Securely store essential items. Velcro Front/Inside Flap: Convenient access to supplies. Removable Logo: Customize your gear. Glow-In-The-Dark Pull Strings/Reflective Zippers: Ensures visibility in low-light conditions. Adjustable Elastic Equipment Loops: Keep items in place. Double Zipper System: Easy and quick access. Drain Hole: Prevents water build-up. Specifications: Material: 1000D Polyamide, HD Metal YKK Zippers, High Visibility Materials. Color Options: Tactical Black and Coyote Tan. Sold As: Individual Bag. Size: 7.9"x8.7"x3.94". Warranty: Two Years. Weight: 1.21lbs.
North American Rescue Wheeled Litter Carrier $1,799.99
***Freight Shipping Required*** This item must be shipped on a pallet. If purchased with a standard shipping method, a Customer Service Representative will contact you with the updated cost of freight for approval and authorization. The North American Rescue Talon® Wheeled Litter Carrier is the lightest wheeled litter cart on the market for single person transport to & from MedEVAC vehicles, aircraft, etc. The Wheeled Litter Carrier has a locking clamp system to keep the litter firmly in place, and it allows for different litter widths. Compatible with Talon, Raven, MedEvac & T3 litters, the Wheeled Litter Carrier also performs as litter stand in the field due to it’s unique wheel locking system. A rugged, stackable storage case with wheels is included with the Wheeled Litter Carrier for easy storage and transport. The Wheeled Litter Carrier is quick and easy to deploy or disassemble for storage. High strength materials allow for a payload of 550 lbs, and rugged, high-strength wheels are suitable for most environments and terrains. The litters are sold separately, this product is the wheeled carrier portion only SPECS: NATO NSN# 6530-01-663-2308 The lightest wheeled litter cart on the market Adjustable for different litter widths Compatible with the Talon®, Raven®, T3 and Medevac litters (sold separately) Also performs as litter stand in the field Easily foldable for transport & storage Dimensions: Deployed: L 56.29 in. x W 27.5 in. x H 36.2 in. Folded: L 42.1 in. x W 27.5 in. x H 9.84 in. Weight: 42 lb (19.05 kg) Payload: 550 lb (250 kg)
North American Rescue Maritime Watertight Trauma & First Aid Kit $734.99
Be prepared for any emergency with the Trauma and First Aid Kit – Watertight (TFAK-W) from North American Rescue®. This portable, watertight kit comes equipped with essential trauma and first aid supplies in a durable and custom drybag container. It is organized with removeable treatment pouches—perfect for on-the-go care. Plus, it's compatible with belt, shoulder, and waist straps, making it easy to take with you. With this kit, you'll be ready for moderate to severe bleeding and penetrating injuries. Our Tactical First Aid Kit-Wide (TFAK-W) provides all the essential trauma-relief equipment for moderate to severe bleeding and penetrating injuries. Its convenient zipper-accessed mesh pouch, organized by injury/treatment categories, makes it easy to use. The waist or over-the-shoulder straps provide the perfect hands-free, on-the-go option. SPECS Includes bleeding control elements proven to save lives Watertight container Labeled mesh pouches organize the kit supplies Kit Contents: Bleed Bag 1 x C-A-T® Tourniquet (Orange) 2 x NAR® Wound Packing Gauze 1 x 4 in. NAR Responder ETD (Emergency Trauma Dressing) Airway Bag 1 x HyFin® Vent Compact Chest Seal, Twin Pack 1 x Microshield CPR Mask Wound Care Bag 2 x Sterile Eye Pad, Oval 2 x BurnTec® Dressing, 4 in. x 4 in. 2 x Gauze Pad, 5 in. x 9 in. 2 x 4 in. x 4 in. Gauze Pad, 2 pk 1 x Surgical Tape, 1 in. 1 x Eye Wash Solution, 1 oz. Misc. Meds Bag 1 x Survival Blanket 1 x Cold Pack, 6 in. x 9 in. 3 x Safetec Burn Gel 50 x Bandage, 1 in. x 3 in. 5 x Antibiotic Ointment 5 x Antiseptic Towelette Splinting Bag 1 x SAM® Splint II 1 x Elastic Bandage, 4 in. 2 x Triangular Bandage Lid Bag 4 pair x Blue Responder Gloves, Lg 1 x Responder Shears, Lg 5 x Hand Sanitizer 2 x Permanent Marker, Lg 1 x First Aid Pocket Guide 1 x Bleeding Control Instructions 1 x Kit Contents Inventory Card 1 x Class A/B ANSI Inspection Card Dimensions: L 11.5 in. x W 9 in. x H 6.5 in. Weight: 4.5 lbs