REBEL Core Cast 41.0 – Acute Chest Syndrome
Take Home Points 100k people in US have sickle cell, the majority will at some point develop acute chest syndrome (ACS) The mortality rate per episode is 3-9%, similar to...
Marco Torres |
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Take Home Points 100k people in US have sickle cell, the majority will at some point develop acute chest syndrome (ACS) The mortality rate per episode is 3-9%, similar to...
Marco Torres |
Background: FOOSH injuries, or falls onto outstretched hands, are a common presentation to the emergency department, and can frequently result in scaphoid fractures. In fact, scaphoid fractures “account for 90% of...
Marco Torres |
Background: Convalescent plasma therapy (CPT) is not a novel treatment modality. It has been used in other illnesses such as SARS, MERS, and Ebola with variable results. The theory behind...
Marco Torres |
Background: Previous evidence has found that oseltamivir reduces median time to alleviation of influenza symptoms over placebo by about 1 day. The benefits were greater when treatment was initiated within...
Marco Torres |
A 64-year-old female presented to the emergency department (ED) in cardiac arrest. Her family members heard her fall in the bathroom and started CPR. EMS intubated the patient and 20...
Sheri-Ann Olivia Kaltiso, MD |
Background: Baloxavir (trade name Xofluza) was approved for the treatment of acute, uncomplicated influenza in patients > 12 years of age in October 2018. However, high-quality data has been underwhelming...
Marco Torres |
Take Home Points Wernicke encephalopathy is characterized by ataxia, altered mental status and ophthalmoplegia but patients are unlikely to have all these components Suspect Wernicke encephalopathy in any patient that...
Marco Torres |
Antecedentes: aunque se ha dicho numerosas veces en este blog, vale la pena repetirlo: los pilares de la atención de la sepsis siguen siendo la identificación temprana de la sepsis,...
Marco Torres |
Antecedentes: Actualmente hay tres ensayos clínicos aleatorios publicados sobre remdesivir en el tratamiento de la neumonía por COVID-19 ( RCT 1 , RCT 2 y RCT 3 ). El primer...
Marco Torres |
Definición: Deslizamiento medial o posterior de la epífisis de la capital femoral en relación con la metáfisis. Epidemiología: Grupo de pacientes clásico: adolescentes con sobrepeso Más del 80% de los...
Marco Torres |
Antecedentes: En los últimos años, los corticosteroides han ganado terreno en el tratamiento de pacientes con SDRA y shock séptico. Ensayos como APROCCHSS y ADRENAL han demostrado que el uso...
Marco Torres |
Antecedentes: el riesgo de sufrir un accidente cerebrovascular isquémico posterior en los primeros meses después de un accidente cerebrovascular isquémico agudo o un ataque isquémico transitorio es aproximadamente del 5...
Marco Torres |
Llévate puntos a casa Concéntrese en reanimar bien centrándose en lo básico Reconocer la GIB masiva (MGIB) con un examen exhaustivo del paciente y los signos vitales (el índice de...
Marco Torres |
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